ReCast FF3: War of the Magitek
(05-24-2020, 12:58 PM)C-Dude Wrote: Ultros 2 is an easy fight if you've been using your espers, but the boss fight is extremely difficult if you're playing a Natural Magic run; every time he moves to a new spot he basically full-heals; tentacle hits for a lot, and he likes to cast Kupolka.
Honestly, I did nothing with the Espers. Actually, I had Sabin dual-wielding the fire elemental claws (managed to Steal one earlier), hitting him from behind, and Berserked with the RageBand (I also got a critical hit). He died in two attacks, and Sabin got both of those attacks off before Ultros actually moved. And that was before I moved to the new version where I could use the Hero Ring effectively; depending on how much you buffed Ultros' HP, I wouldn't be surprised if I OHKO'd him if I had the Hero Ring. Even without the Hero Ring, I did enough damage to OHKO vanilla Ultros.
Also, I notice that Number 024 is still vulnerable to Sleep. Was that intentional?
When I grabbed the treasure at the bottom of the grand stairway in the Cave to the Sealed Gate, I noticed that it still says that I got an Invis Edge.

(05-24-2020, 01:14 PM)Alby4t5 Wrote: That might be it. It's possible I might have told him to wear the uniform and not even noticed. My bad then. XDYeah, he's in the banquet hall after the feast ends, staring at the turkey. If you talk to him, he asks if he can take the uniform off or not. If you say no, an event flag is set that makes him wear it until the world ends (but only when you're looking). ...Or maybe that's the default and letting him take it off sets the event flag... I can't remember now.
(05-24-2020, 01:14 PM)Lockirby2 Wrote: Honestly, I did nothing with the Espers. Actually, I had Sabin dual-wielding the fire elemental claws (managed to Steal one earlier), hitting him from behind, and Berserked with the RageBand (I also got a critical hit). He died in two attacks, and Sabin got both of those attacks off before Ultros actually moved. And that was before I moved to the new version where I could use the Hero Ring effectively; depending on how much you buffed Ultros' HP, I wouldn't be surprised if I OHKO'd him if I had the Hero Ring. Even without the Hero Ring, I did enough damage to OHKO vanilla Ultros.Well, I guess it supports the funny about Ultros that he's such a pushover, and I'm terrible at my own hack (either that, or I run from fights too much in a rush to test events).
Also, I notice that Number 024 is still vulnerable to Sleep. Was that intentional?
Yeah, 024 is vulnerable to sleep because he's a human character, at least human enough considering what magic infusion does to people. He's also weak to poison before he wall-changes; if you can get off a Slash or a Suplex early in the fight you basically one-shot him. These vulnerabilities are no longer in play when he returns as L100 Magic. Considering the factory has four boss fights basically in a row, it felt prudent to nerf them. 024 self-destructs if you let him wall-change too much, 128 will explode if you chop off its arms, and the cranes have reduced HP because the pincer damage advantage was really unfair.
EDIT: Oops, that should say Refractor, shouldn't it? Dang event treasures not using dynamic item names.
05-24-2020, 08:11 PM
Relm can equip two palettes because you can replace the brush with a palette after the brush has already been equipped. I'm assuming that's not intentional.

(05-24-2020, 08:11 PM)Lockirby2 Wrote: Relm can equip two palettes because you can replace the brush with a palette after the brush has already been equipped. I'm assuming that's not intentional.
It's not, but I'm aware of the problem and I can't fix it (it has to do with how equipment checks for dual-wielding).
You can turn it into a strategy if you like, though... call it "Fingerpainting".
The palettes have abysmal attack but great defense, and they cast spells (sometimes over and over!). Using two of them will make Relm basically untouchable since it's like using two shields. She might even dodge a Chasm with a setup like that.

Guess it also makes up for her not being able to equip elemental shields or the Force shield, so maybe it's not so bad as glitches go.
You can also give her two paintbrushes instead of brush and palette, which makes her an absolute beast for physical attacks, but also makes her as fragile as glass. When I used that strategy in testing, I tried to mitigate her defense deficit with cloaks or gauntlets. Sabin faces a similar defense deficit when claw-wielding; the strategy works for him too.
EDIT: Which reminds me... I should probably set palettes to break when used as items. Right now everybody can finger-paint, and that's not fair to the expensive Fire rods.
(05-24-2020, 08:25 PM)C-Dude Wrote: You can also give her two paintbrushes instead of brush and palette, which makes her an absolute beast for physical attacks, but also makes her as fragile as glass. When I used that strategy in testing, I tried to mitigate her defense deficit with cloaks or gauntlets. Sabin faces a similar defense deficit when claw-wielding; the strategy works for him too.
Due to the way that defenses and evade work, I'm not convinced this is an effective way to deal with low defenses since the defense increases get more important as defense is higher. Using two Gauntlets to bump Relm's defense from 90 to 130 only decreases damage by 24% while eating up both Relic slots. Using two Gauntlets to bump somebody from 200 to 240 will cut out 72% of damage, by contrast. For frailer characters, I find that Safe/Shell are a better band-aid if I've got a way to use them effectively, especially since they always cut damage by 50% in this hack.
Realistically though, I'll probably stack Cloaks and Palettes with Relm since her evades can get so high.
EDIT: Which reminds me... I should probably set palettes to break when used as items. Right now everybody can finger-paint, and that's not fair to the expensive Fire rods.
Yes, I agree. I didn't even realize that you could use Palettes multiple times until you said so, but I won't do that since it's unfair and you're planning on removing that mechanic.
I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like Locke and Biggs aren't level-averaged after Thamasa when the others are.

(05-24-2020, 09:08 PM)Lockirby2 Wrote: I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like Locke and Biggs aren't level-averaged after Thamasa when the others are.Yeah, I just checked the event script and it looks like I left that vanilla; Banon and Locke don't get level averaged and neither does Biggs. I could try to inject a subroutine there to add a level averaging, but it wouldn't work retroactively; you'd have to have a save on Sacred Crescent Mountain to take advantage of it.
If you want, I can try to put that in. If not, well, maybe it's okay. Biggs is a very powerful character and it doesn't hurt for him to be behind a bit in levels, and Locke gets a level average right before Thamasa. The only level averaging Biggs ever receives in the event script is at his World of Ruin recruitment if you had him in World of Balance, since he's otherwise created right on the spot. It is a little inconsistent, though... since Mog gets a level average after Thamasa. Hmm...
I'll defer to your judgment, should I add averaging for Locke, Banon, and Biggs after Thamasa?
EDIT: Actually, I looked into it and it was really easy to fix this. I even had a save nearby to test it and it works. It'll be pushed in the next version, which I'll be updating soon. [Version 1_06, see first post.]
Congrats on the release!
This seems like an interesting hack indeed, I got around to playing a bit today. I like how you were able to put so many of the monsters into the appropriate proportions compared to the character size, they are all re-done/sized really nicely and creatively in many instances and it's exciting to see what the next miniaturized version of a new monster will be. The custom spell animations and spell changes in general are also fun. Definitely some refreshing changes.
I did notice a troubling issue from the get-go though, and it's quite obvious when it happens so I'm not sure how it wasn't reported by others, which almost leads me to think it's some patching issue with the clean ROM I use to patch or something, but it certainly seems not... Anyways the issue is that characters are still initiating their attacks after the monster is killed and gone already, when they normally shouldn't be able to.
Some (unlisted) clips of the possible bug:
I've noticed that it seems to hang for longer than it should after every battle actually, when usually it should end and do the after battle stuff. So again I wonder if this is somehow something just happening on my side?
In terms of critiques, so far the only thing I'd say is that Terra's Aether skills seem a bit OP, mainly just in terms of how a couple of them drain HP, but perhaps it falls off a bit farther into the game. Basically (so far) the game feels incredibly easy thanks to it, but that may be an intended design choice as I've yet to get very far (at South Figaro). It is quite an awesome skillset to have access to right from the start, I'll say that.
I look forward to seeing more of what the hack has to offer!

I did notice a troubling issue from the get-go though, and it's quite obvious when it happens so I'm not sure how it wasn't reported by others, which almost leads me to think it's some patching issue with the clean ROM I use to patch or something, but it certainly seems not... Anyways the issue is that characters are still initiating their attacks after the monster is killed and gone already, when they normally shouldn't be able to.
Some (unlisted) clips of the possible bug:
I've noticed that it seems to hang for longer than it should after every battle actually, when usually it should end and do the after battle stuff. So again I wonder if this is somehow something just happening on my side?
In terms of critiques, so far the only thing I'd say is that Terra's Aether skills seem a bit OP, mainly just in terms of how a couple of them drain HP, but perhaps it falls off a bit farther into the game. Basically (so far) the game feels incredibly easy thanks to it, but that may be an intended design choice as I've yet to get very far (at South Figaro). It is quite an awesome skillset to have access to right from the start, I'll say that.
I look forward to seeing more of what the hack has to offer!
We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.
(05-24-2020, 09:59 PM)Gi Nattak Wrote: Some (unlisted) clips of the possible bug:The hang is a "feature" (that is, a bug that has become one of the quirks of the hack). See, there's something happening in the background that you can't see yet; it'll become apparent after you watch the "MMMMMMMagic?!" battle cutscene or pass South Figaro into Mt. Kolts.
I've noticed that it seems to hang for longer than it should after every battle actually, when usually it should end and do the after battle stuff. So again I wonder if this is somehow something just happening on my side?
In terms of critiques, so far the only thing I'd say is that Terra's Aether skills seem a bit OP, mainly just in terms of how a couple of them drain HP, but perhaps it falls off a bit farther into the game. Basically so far the game feels incredibly easy thanks to it, but that may be an intended design choice as I've yet to get very far (at South Figaro). It is quite an awesome skillset to have access to right from the start, I'll say that.
There's an invisible enemy in almost every battle formation performing extra functions for the game. Specifically, it checks which enemies have status ailments and then uses a dummy ability on one of them to convey that information to you. You cannot target this enemy (except if Edgar is jumping during the Final Kefka fight, and even then only for one hit), and it destroys itself quietly once it detects there are no other monsters on the field. It has to wait for its turn in the queue, though, which means your final attacks will miss or you can squeeze in one more heal or fenix down before battle concludes.
It's also a slight hint of a tutorial about not overkilling enemies, because if an ally who is zombied targets an enemy who dies, they'll redirect the attack on your party.
Aether does damage based on the enemy level. Each of the four elemental teks inflict a status ailment (burn, slow, blind, mute), inflict damage, and heal Terra (a fusion of the three types of magic). Aether is powerful, but its nature as mostly single-target makes it inferior to magic down the line (especially now that Earrings work properly!), and eventually enemy HP greatly outpaces their level.
Don't worry, though, other characters have equally broken special abilities... I went with the design philosophy that it's better for everybody to be broken than for somebody to be boring. For instance, Celes basically has a free permanent toggled MUTE on the battlefield, as Runic lasts until she uses it again. Her drawback is that it means she's the only one who can cast spells in your party too.
Ahh okay, I understand. That's very interesting! Good to know it becomes explained after a certain point. I remember now when this AI script dynamic was discussed, either in this thread or elsewhere, but it had escaped my mind. I do wonder if there'd be any way to improve the speed of this hidden monster's function(s), as to not have the characters be able to do any extra attacks once the actual monsters are gone. I know there is an otherwise unused AI command that gives a monster the 'quick' status, maybe if that was implemented into the death portion of the script it could do the check instantly without character interference. Probably not, but might be worth a shot.
EDIT: this is the AI command right here, discovered by Everything:
FB 08 00: Fill's the target's ATB gauge. (will show up as 'unknown' in FF3usME)
Trying it out here on the hidden 'Fight' monster though so far I'm having no luck, but I'll let ya know if I do!
EDIT: this is the AI command right here, discovered by Everything:
FB 08 00: Fill's the target's ATB gauge. (will show up as 'unknown' in FF3usME)
Trying it out here on the hidden 'Fight' monster though so far I'm having no luck, but I'll let ya know if I do!
We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.
05-25-2020, 12:24 AM
So Gi pointed out some stuff earlier but I'm just gonna post my log that I was taking last night.
There's a weird delay on ending battles.
You can also stop battles from ending by entering menus after you kill the last enemy.
You can also attack "invisible" enemies after killing them before battles end.
No rage decription menu. Not a bug, but with a hack like this I'm not sure why this wasn't included. (I actually realize now that there is no Stand-Alone patch for the Rage Description Menu yet). I did not bother using Gau because of this.
Toggleable Runic without saying that it's now Toggleable somewhere in game made me think it was broken. It's also possible I missed it explaining it somewhere but I was frustrated with the TunnelArmor fight (I kept Toggling it off) and probably just missed it. Celes' text seemed to be Vanilla and I really didn't pay much attention, so possibly my fault.
Sometimes there is purple text on the intro. I tested this on Emulator and Console and for some reason all the Intro Text is purple, sometimes. Here's a clip from the start of my stream last night. I was also able to get it to happen again on Emulator, just not consistently.
When stealing it seems you can just farm infinite items off enemies. Not sure if this is a design choice or a bug, since
in Vanilla (and every other hack I've played) you can't steal more than once from an enemy. (I guess infinite isn't exactly correct since you can only Steal by attacking with daggers, but the main point is you can Steal from enemies more than once).
I've only played this until Vector right after the Opera, but these are the things that stood out to me. The hack has been
fun overall
There's a weird delay on ending battles.
You can also stop battles from ending by entering menus after you kill the last enemy.
You can also attack "invisible" enemies after killing them before battles end.
No rage decription menu. Not a bug, but with a hack like this I'm not sure why this wasn't included. (I actually realize now that there is no Stand-Alone patch for the Rage Description Menu yet). I did not bother using Gau because of this.
Toggleable Runic without saying that it's now Toggleable somewhere in game made me think it was broken. It's also possible I missed it explaining it somewhere but I was frustrated with the TunnelArmor fight (I kept Toggling it off) and probably just missed it. Celes' text seemed to be Vanilla and I really didn't pay much attention, so possibly my fault.
Sometimes there is purple text on the intro. I tested this on Emulator and Console and for some reason all the Intro Text is purple, sometimes. Here's a clip from the start of my stream last night. I was also able to get it to happen again on Emulator, just not consistently.
When stealing it seems you can just farm infinite items off enemies. Not sure if this is a design choice or a bug, since
in Vanilla (and every other hack I've played) you can't steal more than once from an enemy. (I guess infinite isn't exactly correct since you can only Steal by attacking with daggers, but the main point is you can Steal from enemies more than once).
I've only played this until Vector right after the Opera, but these are the things that stood out to me. The hack has been
fun overall

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