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FF6Tools - Browser-Based ROM Editor

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My guess is that FF6Tools is unable to parse the event script properly because some bytes are invalid. That could cause bugs when you save. Also, when reopening a ROM make sure you always use the json file from when you last saved.

When you load the ROM in FF6Tools, does the event script in the vicinity of CC/0C05 match a vanilla ROM? What other event script edits have you made? Just the floating island dialog, or others? Do any of the patches you applied affect the event script? If you are able, try to check for differences between the event script in your modified ROM vs. a vanilla ROM.

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(06-30-2023, 04:36 PM)Everything Wrote: My guess is that FF6Tools is unable to parse the event script properly because some bytes are invalid. That could cause bugs when you save. Also, when reopening a ROM make sure you always use the json file from when you last saved.

When you load the ROM in FF6Tools, does the event script in the vicinity of CC/0C05 match a vanilla ROM? What other event script edits have you made? Just the floating island dialog, or others? Do any of the patches you applied affect the event script? If you are able, try to check for differences between the event script in your modified ROM vs. a vanilla ROM.

With my 120+ patched modified ROM, but not using the editors yet, the code is identical in FF6Tools event script.


If I use USme to import my dialog changes back in and make those tile edits, your assumption is correct.

The code starting from CC/0C12 is off /wierd, with some elements missing entirely (Sabin doesn't say Duncan!!).

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Just looked at that general area in my own project (which has used FF3USME's dialogue import before, but not changed the width of the font) and that area is untouched. I don't think it's the dialogue import, I'm betting your new font is bigger and USME is relocating it in a weird way.

Maybe try importing the script but leaving the font alone, instead changing it in FF6Tools under System/Small Font Graphics?

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(06-30-2023, 06:26 PM)C-Dude Wrote: Just looked at that general area in my own project (which has used FF3USME's dialogue import before, but not changed the width of the font) and that area is untouched.  I don't think it's the dialogue import, I'm betting your new font is bigger and USME is relocating it in a weird way.

Maybe try importing the script but leaving the font alone, instead changing it in FF6Tools under System/Small Font Graphics?

Alright, so… This time I only imported all dialog/Big/Smallcaptions in USme. I did not touch the tiles this time.

Loaded it up into FF6Tools. The event code is off once again starting at CC/0C12. This, we'll call ROM A.

Additionally, I edited/rearranged the airship choices to go to floating continent @ CA/F582. This will be ROM B.

I get the same results. ROM A works fine despite the event code being different.

ROM B crashes when meeting Duncan due to merely touching the Event Script in FF6Tools.

ROM C; Do not go into USme, make the change to CA/F582 in FF6Tools. Works fine.

*EDIT #2*
ROM D; Make Script Edit changes first in FF6Tools; Then use USme to import my dialog and everything works fine.
As long as I follow this order of operation so to speak everything will work.

Thanks guys for helping better understand the issue.

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I was wondering if this was compatible with the "Old Ver." Steam release. I noticed on the Github that it mentions "ff6j-steam", but Everything mentioned in one of the Closed Issues tickets that support for the EXE file wouldn't be added, so I am unsure if that means just the EXE file or the entire game itself. If it does support editing the "Old Ver." Steam release, is it possible to do the following?

-Move the Fairy Ring's location on the Ghost Train so it is obtainable and change it back from the Potion it was changed into
-Make enemies vulnerable to Slow/Image so when they cast Haste/set Image (Storm Dragon II in Dragon's Den) on themselves it will work
-Add the Jump 2x damage bonus to the Gungnir and Longinus spears
-Add the Gauntlet/Blizzard Orb/Berserker Ring/Black Belt effects to the Bone Wrist*
-Change the Death Warden fight in the Veldt Cave chest to the one used in the Soul Shrine so it appears on the Veldt much sooner
-Make Siegfried and Typhon fights appear on the Veldt after encountered
-Swap Rages around so I can put the Tonberries Rage where I can use it
-Fix the Imp Immunity/Rippler bugs**
-Make it so when Umaro throws Mog, he deals 3x damage as he was intended to do**
-Buff enemies HP and alter any AI scripts that have enemies use desperation moves at a certain HP threshold, so desperation moves are used at a threshold with identically proportional HP

*If I do this, would the Berserker Ring also give the elemental resistances and +5 Strength to the Bone Wrist?
**If I can't edit this with the program, can I hex edit these changes if people have indeed figured out what the fixes are?

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