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RAM map
Well I tried to collect as much variable descriptions as I could. These infos were taken from posts on forums, dissasemblies notes, other documents and the Data Crystal RAM map. 100% of this stuff is already known. It wasn't simply organized in one document. It's a good tool to know what holds the variables when you're trying to understand a routine. Some description might be innacurate. Thanks to anyone who contributed to these findings, especially people like RuneLancer on the Mnrogar forum. So here it is:
FF3us RAM map (incomplete)
You can also do a long copy/paste:
FF3us RAM map (incomplete)
You can also do a long copy/paste:
$5B: Script Current location pointed to in the Script data.
$72: RandomIndex Index into the random number table.
$A2: Targets Cast on
$A3: Targets Cast on
$A4: Targets Hit (bit 0 to 3 = characters)
$A5: Targets Hit (bit 0 to 5 = monsters)
$B1: If bit 2 = 1, can't run, bit 7 = 1, disable preemptive attacks
$B2: If bit 1 = 1, no critical & ignore true knight
$B3: If bit 1 = 0, always critical, bit 4 = 1, no damage increment if ignore defense,
bit 5 = 1, ignore row, bit 6 = 0, gauntlet, bit 7 = 0, ignore vanish
$B5: Command
$B6: Spell / Battle Animation
$B7: Something to do with determining battle animations
$B8: Targets (2 bytes)
$BA: if bit 1 = 0, no critical, bit 3 = 1, target only dead allies, bit 6 = 1, randomize target,
bit 7 = 1, abort on allies
$BB: Targetting byte
$BC: Damage incrementer (50% extra damage damage times value of $BC)
$BE: Index into random number table
$EB: ScriptParam1 Script parameter 1 for event Scripts.
$EC: ScriptParam2 Script parameter 2 for event Scripts.
$ED: ScriptParam3 Script parameter 3 for event Scripts.
$EE: ScriptParam4 Script parameter 4 for event Scripts.
$EF: ScriptParam5 Script parameter 5 for event Scripts.
$F4: Status to clear (4 bytes) (not always used for this)
$F8: Status (4 bytes) (not always used for this)
$FC: Status to set (4 bytes) (not always used for this)
$FE: Bit 6 = Dog Block, Bit 5 = Golem, Bit 3 = Blizzard Orb
$0565: GameWindowset Window set, as used outside of battle in towns and dungeons. Direct copy of $1D4E.
$05C4: EventLoopCount Event loop counter.
$11A0 : Targeting Byte (Bit 0 = Cursor Moveable, 1 = One Side Only,
2 = Autoselect both parties, 3 = Autoselect one party
4 = Auto Confirm, 5 = Manual Party Select,
6 = Cursor Start on Enemy, 7 = Randomize selection)
$11A1 : Element (Bit 0 = Fire, 1 = Ice, 2 = Bolt, 3 = Poison, 4 = Wind, 5 = Pearl,
6 = Earth, 7 = Water)
$11A2 : Special Byte 1 ( Bit 0 = Physical Damage, 1 = Miss if Death Prot.,
2 = Target only dead allies, 3 = Cures undead,
4 = Randomize target, 5 = Ignore defense,
6 = No Split Damage, 7 = Abort on Allies)
$11A3 : Damage Type (Bit 0 = Use outside battle, 1 = Not reflectable, 2 = Learn if cast
3 = Enable Runic, 4 = ???, 5 = Retarget if target dead,
6 = Caster dies, 7 = Concerns MP)
$11A4 : Special Byte 2 (Bit 0 = Heal, 1 = Redirection, 2 = Lift status, 3 = Toggle status,
4 = Stamina can block, 5 = Can't be dodged, 6 = Hits mult. of hit rate,
7 = Damage based on HP)
$11A5 : MP cost of spell
$11A6 : Battle Power or Spell Power
$11A7 : Special Byte 3 (Bit 0 = Miss if no status set or clear, 1 = Text if hits)
$11A8 : Hit Rate
$11A9 : Special effect of attack
$11AA : Status set by attack 1 (Bit 0 = Blind, 1 = Zombie, 2 = Poison, 3 = M-Tek,
4 = Invisible, 5 = Imp, 6 = Stone, 7 = Death)
$11AB : Status set by attack 2 (Bit 0 = Count, 1 = Weak, 2 = Image, 3 = Mute,
4 = Berserk, 5 = Confuse, 6 = Seizure, 7 = Sleep)
$11AC : Status set by attack 3 (Bit 0 = Dance, 1 = Regen, 2 = Slow, 3 = Haste,
4 = Stop, 5 = Shell, 6 = Safe, 7 = Wall)
$11AD : Status set by attack 4 (Bit 0 = Rage, 1 = Freeze, 2 = Life 3, 3 = Morph,
4 = Spell, 5 = Hide, 6 = Dog Block, 7 = Float)
$11AE : Vigor * 2 or Magic Power
$11AF : Level
$11B0 : Maximum Damage
$11B4 : Spell randomly cast by weapon
$11E0: BatFormation Battle formation ID.
$11E1: BatFormation! Battle formation ID.
$11E2: BatBackground Battle background.
$1300: MusSoundSet Instrument set for the current song.
$1301: MusSongID The ID of the music to play.
$1302: MusVolume The music's volume. Pretty obvious what this does...
$1600-$1FFF : Data that is stored to Save-RAM
$1600-$184F : Character data (592 bytes, 37 bytes each character)
$1600: Outside battle character Sprite set
$1601: Outside battle character Level adjustment factor (among other things)
$1602: Outside battle character Name (6 bytes)
$1608: Outside battle character unmodified Level
$1609: Outside battle character unmodified Current HP (2 bytes)
$160B: Outside battle character unmodified Max HP (2 bytes)
$160D: Outside battle character unmodified Current MP (2 bytes)
$160F: Outside battle character unmodified Max MP (2 bytes)
$1611: Outside battle character XP (3 bytes)
$1614: Outside battle character Statuses (2 bytes)
$1616: Outside battle character Commands (4 bytes)
$161A: Outside battle character Vigor
$161B: Outside battle character Speed
$161C: Outside battle character Stamina
$161D: Outside battle character Magic Power
$161E: Outside battle character Esper equipped
$161F: Outside battle character Right hand
$1620: Outside battle character Left hand
$1621: Outside battle character Helmet
$1622: Outside battle character Armor
$1623: Outside battle character Relic 1
$1624: Outside battle character Relic 2
(note that the above structure repeats for each character)
$1850-$185F: Setup of current parties (16 bytes)
$1860-$1862: Gold (3 bytes)
$1863-$1865: Game Time (3 bytes)
$1866-$1868: Steps (3 Bytes)
$1869-$1968: Items possessed (256 bytes)
$1969-$1A68: Item quantities (256 bytes)
$1A69-$1A6C: Espers possessed (4 bytes)
$1A6D: Active party
$1A6E-$1CF5: Percentage learned of spells by characters (54 spells X 12 characters = 648 bytes) (#$FF = known)
$1CF6: Time Morph will last
$1CF7: Known sword techs??
$1CF8-$1D27: Sword tech names (48 bytes) (Seems to be a holdover from FF6j, I dunno)
$1D28: BlitzList Sabin's blitzes. Each bit is a blitz; 1 is acquired, 0 isn't.
$1D29-$1D2B: Known lores (3 bytes, 1 bit per lore)
$1D2C-$1D4B: Known rages (32 bytes, 1 bit per rage)
$1D4C: Known dances (1 bit for each dance)
$1D4D: (Bit 7 = 1: Short command set, 6-4: Battle speed, 3 = 1: Wait battle mode, 2-0: Message speed)
$1D4E: (Bit 7 = 1: Reequip empty, 6 = 1: Cursor memory, 5 = 1: Sound mono, 4 = 1: Gauge off, 3-0: Wallpaper)
$1D4F-$1D53 : Not sure...
$1D54: Config (Magic order, among other things)
$1D55-$1D56: Font color
$1D57-$1DC6: Colors for each wallpaper component (7 components X 8 wallpapers X 2 bytes each = 112 bytes)
$1DC7: Number of saves (likely to be two bytes)
$1DC9-$1DDC: List of 20 permanently-stored battle variables
$1DD0: Bit 0 = Fanatics’ Tower
$1DD1: Bit 2 = Morph Available
$1DD3-$1DD4: Doom Gaze’s HP
$1DD5: Battles fought with the cursed shield
$1DDD-$1E1C: Monster formations beaten (to fight on veldt) (64 bytes)
$1E1D-1E3F: (35 bytes which appear to be unused, at least in my save files)
$1E40-$1E6F: Treasure chests opened (Only the first 33 bytes are known to be used)
$1E70-$1E7F: Unused (at least all my save files have this filled with 55h, indicating that it is never disturbed [and I have a lot a save files])
$1E80-$1F5F: Event bits
$1F60: Map XY position (2 bytes)
$1F62: Airship’s XY position (2 bytes)
$1F6D: RndCounter Acts just like $72.
$1F80: Song? (Needs verification)
$1FC2-$1FD1: Event words
$1FF9 : Which monster is it
$1FFE: SRAM Checksum (2 bytes)
$2001: EnemySprite1 Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 1. Stats aren't affected.
$2002: EnemySprite1! Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 1. Stats aren't affected.
$2003: EnemySprite2 Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 2. Stats aren't affected.
$2004: EnemySprite2! Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 2. Stats aren't affected.
$2005: EnemySprite3 Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 3. Stats aren't affected.
$2006: EnemySprite3! Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 3. Stats aren't affected.
$2007: EnemySprite4 Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 4. Stats aren't affected.
$2008: EnemySprite4! Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 4. Stats aren't affected.
$2009: EnemySprite5 Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 5. Stats aren't affected.
$200A: EnemySprite5! Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 5. Stats aren't affected.
$200B: EnemySprite6 Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 6. Stats aren't affected.
$200C: EnemySprite6! Enemy's sprite ID. The actual monster sprite in slot 6. Stats aren't affected.
$200D: EnemyName1 Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$200E: EnemyName1! Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$200F: EnemyName2 Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$2010: EnemyName2! Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$2011: EnemyName3 Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$2012: EnemyName3! Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$2013: EnemyName4 Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$2014: EnemyName4! Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$2015: EnemyName5 Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$2016: EnemyName5! Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$2017: EnemyName6 Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$2018: EnemyName6! Enemy's name, as refered to by ID.
$201D: DrawnCharacters Drawn characters on the field. If their ID bit is set to 1, they're Shown. "00001101" would Show targets 1, 2, and 4.
$201E: DrawEnemies Drawn enemies on the field. If their ID bit is set to 1, they're Shown. "00001101" would Show targets 1, 2, and 4.
$201F: EncounterType Sets the encounter type. 0x00 Front, 0x01 Back, 0x02 Pincer, 0x03 Side.
$2020: How many SwdTechs are known
$2022 : ATB Counter (for displaying gauge)
$2100: ScreenBright x000yyyy: X On|Off. Y Brightness.
$2102: OAMAddress Sprite bank address.
$2103: OAMProperty Sprite bank x000000y: X Priority rotation. Y Address MSB.
$2116: VideoAddress Video address.
$2117: VideoAddress! Video address.
$2118: VideoData Video data. Address is auto-incremented by 2 every write.
$2119: VideoData! Video data. Address is auto-incremented by 2 every write.
$257E: Known Rages (256 bytes, $FF = not known)
$2E98: StatusSprite1 Status effect-affected sprite for character 1. Ie, which status to display. Flags!
$2E99: StatusSprite1! Status effect-affected sprite for character 1. Ie, which status to display. Flags!
$2E9A: StatusSprite2 Status effect-affected sprite for character 2. Ie, which status to display. Flags!
$2E9B: StatusSprite2! Status effect-affected sprite for character 2. Ie, which status to display. Flags!
$2E9C: StatusSprite3 Status effect-affected sprite for character 3. Ie, which status to display. Flags!
$2E9D: StatusSprite3! Status effect-affected sprite for character 3. Ie, which status to display. Flags!
$2E9E: StatusSprite4 Status effect-affected sprite for character 4. Ie, which status to display. Flags!
$2E9F: StatusSprite4! Status effect-affected sprite for character 4. Ie, which status to display. Flags!
$2EA0: EffectSprite1 Status effect-affected sprite for character 1. Mostly Palette effects. Flags!
$2EA1: EffectSprite1! Status effect-affected sprite for character 1. Mostly Palette effects. Flags!
$2EA2: EffectSprite2 Status effect-affected sprite for character 2. Mostly Palette effects. Flags!
$2EA3: EffectSprite2! Status effect-affected sprite for character 2. Mostly Palette effects. Flags!
$2EA4: EffectSprite3 Status effect-affected sprite for character 3. Mostly Palette effects. Flags!
$2EA5: EffectSprite3! Status effect-affected sprite for character 3. Mostly Palette effects. Flags!
$2EA6: EffectSprite4 Status effect-affected sprite for character 4. Mostly Palette effects. Flags!
$2EA7: EffectSprite4! Status effect-affected sprite for character 4. Mostly Palette effects. Flags!
$2EAE: BatSpriteID1 Battle sprite ID for character 1.
$2EBD: BatStatusIDA1 Copy of the status-effect from $2E98.
$2EBE: BatStatusIDA1! Copy of the status-effect from $2E99.
$2EBF: BatStatusIDB1 Copy of the status-effect from $2EA0.
$2EC0: BatStatusIDB1! Copy of the status-effect from $2EA1.
$2EC1: TmpStatusIDA1 Copy of $2EBD.
$2EC2: TmpStatusIDA1! Copy of $2EBE.
$2EC3: TmpStatusIDB1 Copy of $2EBF.
$2EC4: TmpStatusIDB1! Copy of $2EC0.
$2ECE: BatSpriteID2 Battle sprite ID for character 2.
$2EDD: BatStatusIDA2 Copy of the status-effect from $2E9A.
$2EDE: BatStatusIDA2! Copy of the status-effect from $2E9B.
$2EDF: BatStatusIDB2 Copy of the status-effect from $2EA2.
$2EE0: BatStatusIDB2! Copy of the status-effect from $2EA3.
$2EE1: TmpStatusIDA2 Copy of $2EDD.
$2EE2: TmpStatusIDA2! Copy of $2EDE.
$2EE3: TmpStatusIDB2 Copy of $2EDF.
$2EE4: TmpStatusIDB2! Copy of $2EE0.
$2EEE: BatSpriteID3 Battle sprite ID for character 3.
$2EFD: BatStatusIDA3 Copy of the status-effect from $2E9C.
$2EFE: BatStatusIDA3! Copy of the status-effect from $2E9D.
$2EFF: BatStatusIDB3 Copy of the status-effect from $2EA4.
$2F00: BatStatusIDB3! Copy of the status-effect from $2EA5.
$2F01: TmpStatusIDA3 Copy of $2EFD.
$2F02: TmpStatusIDA3! Copy of $2EFE.
$2F03: TmpStatusIDB3 Copy of $2EFF.
$2F04: TmpStatusIDB3! Copy of $2F00.
$2F0E: BatSpriteID4 Battle sprite ID for character 4.
$2F1D: BatStatusIDA4 Copy of the status-effect from $2E9E.
$2F1E: BatStatusIDA4! Copy of the status-effect from $2E9F.
$2F1F: BatStatusIDB4 Copy of the status-effect from $2EA6.
$2F20: BatStatusIDB4! Copy of the status-effect from $2EA7.
$2F21: TmpStatusIDA4 Copy of $2F1D.
$2F22: TmpStatusIDA4! Copy of $2F1E.
$2F23: TmpStatusIDB4 Copy of $2F1F.
$2F24: TmpStatusIDB4! Copy of $2F20.
$2F34: BatWindowset Window set used in battle. Direct copy of $1D4E.
$2F45 : If > 0 then characters are trying to run
$2F46: TargetList List of available targets among enemies. Every bit is an enemy that can be selected.
$2F4B : Bit 1 = formation not added to veldt list if set, Bit 2 = no preemptive attack if set
$2F50 : Monster Facing (1 bit for each monster, 1 = right, 0 = left)
$2F51 : Character Facing (as above)
$3000 : Which character is Terra (#$FF if not in party)
$3001 : Which character is Locke (#$FF if not in party)
$3002 : Which character is Cyan (#$FF if not in party)
$3003 : Which character is Shadow (#$FF if not in party)
$3004 : Which character is Edgar (#$FF if not in party)
$3005 : Which character is Sabin (#$FF if not in party)
$3006 : Which character is Celes (#$FF if not in party)
$3007 : Which character is Strago (#$FF if not in party)
$3008 : Which character is Relm (#$FF if not in party)
$3009 : Which character is Setzer (#$FF if not in party)
$300A : Which character is Mog (#$FF if not in party)
$300B : Which character is Gau (#$FF if not in party)
$300C : Which character is Gogo (#$FF if not in party)
$300D : Which character is Umaro (#$FF if not in party)
$3018 : Holds $01 for character 1, $02 for character 2, $04 for character 3,
$08 for character 4
$3019 : Holds $01 for monster 1, $02 for monster 2, etc.
$3205 : 0 = bit set, Bit 2 = Air Anchor effect
$3219 : ATB Counter
$322D : Monster's special attack
$3254 : Index to find command script for regular attacks
$3268 : Index to find command script for special (counter) attacks
$32B8 : Which target you control (-1 for none)
$32B9 : Which target controls you (-1 for none)
$32E0 : Attacker for this attack
$32E1 : Dance being used
$32F5 : Which target is targetted by targetting attack
$3308 : Common item to steal
$3309 : Rare item to steal
$331C : Blocked status byte 1 (Bit = 0 = set)
$331D : Blocked status byte 2
$3330 : Blocked status byte 3
$3331 : Blocked status byte 4
$3344 : Esper equipped
$3358 : Which target you have seized (Seize) (Bit 7 = ??)
$3359 : Which target has seized you (Seize)
$336C : Which target you take damage for (Love Token)
$336D : Which target takes damage for you (Love Token)
$3394 : Which target you charmed (Charm)
$3395 : Which target charmed you (Charm)
$33D0 : Damage taken
$33E4 : Damage Healed
$33A8 : Which Rage is being used
$33F8 : Which target has used Zinger
$33F9 : Which target has been possessed by Zinger
$33FA : Which monster is Doom Gaze (FF if Doom Gaze not in battle)
$3400 : Spell number
$3401 : Text to display
$3402 : # of extra turns from Quick
$3404 : Target who gets extra turns from Quick
$3405 : # of attacks?
$3414 : ? (if 0 then damage modification is skipped)
$3A2A : Final Damage
$3A2C : Command read from command script (4 bytes)
$3A36 : HP Golem will block (2 bytes)
$3A39 : Which characters have escaped
$3A3C : Which targets are invincible (like Guardian) (2 bytes)
$3A3E : Time counter in battle (2 bytes)
$3A44 : Time counter in battle (2 bytes) (Goes up 1 for every 16 $3A3E goes up)
$3A48 : Miss target if not 0
$3A54 : Characters hit in back by attack
$3A55 : Monsters hit in back by attack
$3A56 : Which targets have died this combat (2 bytes, if bit = 1 then died)
$3A5A : Which targets are missed by attack
$3A6D : Bit 0 = 2x preemptive attack rate if set, bit 1 = no back or pincer if set
$3A6E : Method used to end combat?
$3A73 : Which monsters are in template
$3A76 : Number of live character in party (while in combat)
$3A77 : Number of monsters left
$3A80 : How many Blitzes are known
$3A82 : Target protected by Golem
$3A83 : Target protected by Dog Block
$3A84 : Lores to be learned at end of combat (3 bytes)
$3A87 : Number of known lores)
$3A89 : Spell randomly cast by weapon
$3A8A : Which characters are engulfed
$3A8F : Bit 0 = 0 if active battle
$3A91 : Lower byte of time counter (in $3A3E)
$3A9B : Which tools are owned
$3DAC : Unique monster variables (1 for each monster)
$3EB0 : Variables (36 bytes)
$3EBE : Doom Gaze's HP (2 bytes)
$3EC8 : Which elements have been nullified by Forcefield
$3EC9 : # of targets
$3A36 : HP Golem will block (2 bytes)
$3A39 : Which characters have escaped
$3A3C : Which targets are invincible (like Guardian) (2 bytes)
$3A3E : Time counter in battle (2 bytes)
$3A44 : Time counter in battle (2 bytes) (Goes up 1 for every 16 $3A3E goes up)
$3A56 : Which targets have died this combat (2 bytes, if bit = 1 then died)
$3A6D : Bit 0 = 2x preemptive attack rate if set, bit 1 = no back or pincer if set
$3A6E : Method used to end combat?
$3A70 : # of attacks?
$3A73 : Which monsters are in template
$3A74 : Which characters are alive and present in battle (bit 0 = character 1, 1 = character 2, etc.)
$3A76 : Number of live character in party (while in combat)
$3A77 : Number of monsters left
$3A7A : Command
$3A7B : Attack
$3A80 : How many Blitzes are known
$3A84 : Lores to be learned at end of combat (3 bytes)
$3A87 : Number of known lores)
$3A8A : Which characters are engulfed
$3A8F : Bit 0 = 0 if active battle
$3A91 : Lower byte of time counter (in $3A3E)
$3A9B : Which tools are owned
$3AA1 : Special Properties (bit 1 = Defend, 2 = prot. from death, 4 = seized?
5 = Row [0 = back row], 6 = controlled?, 7 = ran away?)
$3AF1 : Time until Stop wears off
$3B05 : Countdown counter
$3B18 : Level
$3B19 : Speed
$3B2C : Vigor
$3B40 : Stamina
$3B41 : Magic Power (* 1.5 for monsters?)
$3B54 : Evade (255 - Evade * 2) + 1
$3B55 : MBlock (255 - Mblock * 2) + 1
$3B68 : Battle Power
$3B7C : Hit Rate
$3BA4 : Right hand weapon (bit 1 = Can use Swdtech, 5 = Full damage from back row,
6 = Can use 2-handed, 7 = Can use Runic)
$3BA5 : Left hand Weapon (as $3BA4)
$3BB8 : Defense
$3BB9 : Magic Defense
$3BCC : Absorbed elements
$3BCD : Nullified elements
$3BE0 : Weak elements
$3BE1 : Resisted elements
$3BF4 : HP
$3C08 : MP
$3C1C : Max HP
$3C30 : Max MP
$3C44 : Relic effects 1 (Bit 0 = Atlas Armlet, 1 = Double Earrings,
2 = Fight => Jump, 3 = Magic> X-Magic,
4 = Sketch => Control, 5 = Slot => GP Rain,
6 = Steal => Capture, 7 = Jump Continuously)
$3C45 : Relic effects 2 (Bit 0 = Sneak Ring, 1 = Earring, 2 = Increase sketch chance,
3 = Increase Control chance, 4 = Sniper Sight,
5 = Gold Hairpin, 6 = Economizer, 7 = Hyper Wrist)
$3C58 : Bit 0 = Offering, 1 = Black Belt, 2 = Beads, 3 = Gauntlet, 4 = Genji Glove
5 = Merit Award, 6 = True Knight
$3C59 : Bit 0 = Shell when low HP, 1 = Safe when low HP, 2 = Reflect when low HP,
3 = Exp. Egg, 4 = x2 Gold, 7 = Relic Ring
$3C80 : Special Byte 2 (Bit 0 = Wait atk., 1 = Atk First, 2 = Make Suplex miss,
3 = Can't run, 4 = No scan, 5 = No Sketch,
6 = Special event, 7 = Can't Control)
$3C94 : Morph Chance & Morph Package
$3C95 : Special Byte 3 (Bit 0 = Dies at 0 MP, 1 = ???, 2 = No name, 3 = ???
4 = Human, 5 = ???, 6 = Auto critical if Imp, 7 = Undead)
$3CA8 : Weapon in right hand
$3CA9 : Weapon in left hand
$3CD0 : Relic Slot 1
$3CD1 : Relic Slot 2
$3CE4 : Shield/Weapon miss animations
$3CF9 : Time until Sleep wears off
$3D34 : Spell randomly cast by weapon
$3D48 : Which command you were attacked with this attack
$3D49 : Which spell (or attack) you were attacked with this attack
$3D5C : Which item was used on you for this attack
$3D5D : Which element(s) you were attacked with this attack
$3D84 : XP
$3D98 : Gold monster gives
$3DAC : Unique monster variables (1 for each monster)
$3DC0 : Counter for how long monster has been alive (2 bytes)
$3DD4 : Status to set byte 1
$3DD5 : Status to set byte 2
$3DE8 : Status to set byte 3
$3DE9 : Status to set byte 4
$3DFC : Status to clear byte 1
$3DFD : Status to clear byte 2
$3E10 : Status to clear byte 3
$3E11 : Status to clear byte 4
$3E24 : Damage increment for poison
$3E4C : bit 0 = retort, 1 = enemy runic (speck), 2 = runic
$3E60 : Status after attack byte 1
$3E61 : Status after attack byte 2
$3E74 : Status after attack byte 3
$3E75 : Status after attack byte 4
$3EB0 : Variables (36 bytes)
$3EBE : Doom Gaze's HP (2 bytes)
$3EC8 : Which elements have been nullified by Forcefield
$3ECA : # of types of monsters active in combat
$3ED4 : Battle formation (2 bytes)
$3ED8 : Which character it is
$3EE4 : Status byte 1
$3EE5 : Status byte 2
$3EF8 : Status byte 3
$3EF9 : Status byte 4
$3F20 : Last attack (for use by Mimic)
$3F22 : Last targets (for use by Mimic)
$3F24 : Last attack (second attack w/ Gem Box) (for use by Mimic)
$3F26 : Last targets (second attack w/ Gem Box) (for use by Mimic)
$3F30 : Morph time counter (2 bytes)
$3F32 : Amount Morph time counter is reduced each frame
$3F44 : Monster formation data (15 bytes)
$3F0C : Time until Wall wears off
$3F0D : Time until Freeze wears off
$4202: MathMultA Math coprocessor's Value to multiply A.
$4203: MathMultB Math coprocessor's Value to multiply B.
$4204: MathDiviA Math coprocessor's Value to Divide A.
$4205: MathDiviB Math coprocessor's Value to Divide B.
$420B: DMAEnable Enables the specified DMA channel(s).
$420C: HDMAEnable Enables the specified HDMA channel(s).
$4214: MathQuoti Math coprocessor's Quotient for Divisions.
$4215: MathQuoti! Math coprocessor's Quotient for Divisions.
$4216: MathValue Math coprocessor's result. Remainder for Divisions.
$4217: MathValue! Math coprocessor's result. Remainder for Divisions.
$43x0: DMAxControl How DMA is acheived. IE, DMA mode.
$43x1: DMAxDest Destination of the DMA transfer + $2100.
$43x2: DMAxSrcOffset Source offset of the Xth DMA channel.
$43x3: DMAxSrcOffset! Source offset of the Xth DMA channel.
$43x4: DMAxSrcBank Source bank of the Xth DMA channel.
$43x5: DMAxByteSize Size of the transfer in bytes.
$43x6: DMAxByteSize! Size of the transfer in bytes.
$4AF5: InfoTextShiftX Offsets the X position of the info window text (the top window in battle.)
$4AF6: InfoTextShiftX! Offsets the X position of the info window text (the top window in battle.) Unused?
$4AF7: InfoTextShiftY Offsets the Y position of the info window text (the top window in battle.)
$4AF8: InfoTextShiftY! Offsets the Y position of the info window text (the top window in battle.) Unused?
$6154: Mode7X X position of the spell animation in Mode 7.
$6155: Mode7Y Y position of the spell animation in Mode 7.
$6156: Mode7Scale Scale of the spell animation in Mode 7.
$6157: Mode7Rot Rotation of the spell animation in Mode 7.
$6191: VisibleEnemies Visible enemies on the field. If their ID bit is set to 1, they're Shown. "00001101" would Show targets 1, 2, and 4.
$619C: CharYMirror Any bit set in this corresponds to a character. Gives a reflection-like Y mirror effect to marked characters.
$619D: EnemyYMirror Any bit set in this corresponds to an enemy. Gives a reflection-like Y mirror effect to marked enemies.
$61AB: ShownEnemies Shown enemies. If not shown, an enemy can't be selected or displayed. Bit array.
$61AE: CharStepAhead1 Character 1 steps forward if this is set to one. IE, "are we ready to move."
$61AF: CharStepAhead2 Character 2 steps forward if this is set to one. IE, "are we ready to move."
$61B0: CharStepAhead3 Character 3 steps forward if this is set to one. IE, "are we ready to move."
$61B1: CharStepAhead4 Character 4 steps forward if this is set to one. IE, "are we ready to move."
$61B7: * X?
$61B8: !
$61B9: * Y?
$61BA: !
$61BB: * Animation?
$61BC: CharRamPal1 Palette ID, as represented in Ram. Usually 0x08.
$61BD: CharDrawFlip1 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$61BE: CharSprFlip1 Flips X or Y. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y. As opposed to DrawFlip, $20 is never off.
$61BF: CharTmpAnim1 Character's animation ID. Not the definit one. I think? The next one takes prevailance over this address.
$61C0: CharAnimID1 Character's animation ID. Frames higher than the characters' results in someone else's sprite.
$61C1: CharSpriteID1 Character's sprite ID. Frames higher than the characters' results in someone else's sprite.
$61C2: * animation Frame?
$61C3: * flags?
$61C4: * ...somehow related to C3?
$61C5: CharXOffset1 Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the X plane.
$61C6: CharXOffset1! Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the X plane.
$61C7: CharYOffset1 Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the Y plane.
$61C8: CharYOffset1! Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the Y plane.
$61C9: CharXPos1 Character sprite X position in pixels on the battle map.
$61CA: CharXPos1! Character sprite X position in pixels on the battle map.
$61CB: *has to do with x pos (C9)
$61CD: *redraw flag...?
$61CF: CharHeadAnim1 Animation played over the character's head (ex: sunglasses, poison bubbles, or green crescent.)
$61D2: CharYPos1 Character sprite Y position in pixels on the battle map.
$61D3: CharYPos1! Character sprite Y position in pixels on the battle map.
$61D4: *has to do with x pos
$61DC: CharRamPal2 Palette ID, as represented in Ram. Usually 0x0A.
$61DD: CharDrawFlip2 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$61DE: CharSprFlip2 Flips X or Y. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y. As opposed to DrawFlip, $20 is never off.
$61DF: CharTmpAnim2 Character's animation ID. Not the definit one. I think? The next one takes prevailance over this address.
$61E0: CharAnimID2 Character's animation ID. Frames higher than the characters' results in someone else's sprite.
$61E1: CharSpriteID2 Character's sprite ID. Frames higher than the characters' results in someone else's sprite.
$61E5: CharXOffset2 Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the X plane.
$61E7: CharYOffset2 Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the Y plane.
$61E9: CharXPos2 Character sprite X position in pixels on the battle map.
$61EA: CharXPos2! Character sprite X position in pixels on the battle map.
$61EF: CharHeadAnim2 Animation played over the character's head (ex: sunglasses, poison bubbles, or green crescent.)
$61F2: CharYPos2 Character sprite Y position in pixels on the battle map.
$61F3: CharYPos2! Character sprite Y position in pixels on the battle map.
$61FC: CharRamPal3 Palette ID, as represented in Ram. Usually 0x0C.
$61FD: CharDrawFlip3 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$61FE: CharSprFlip3 Flips X or Y. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y. As opposed to DrawFlip, $20 is never off.
$61FF: CharTmpAnim3 Character's animation ID. Not the definit one. I think? The next one takes prevailance over this address.
$6200: CharAnimID3 Character's animation ID. Frames higher than the characters' results in someone else's sprite.
$6201: CharSpriteID3 Character's sprite ID. Frames higher than the characters' results in someone else's sprite.
$6205: CharXOffset3 Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the X plane.
$6207: CharYOffset3 Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the Y plane.
$6209: CharXPos3 Character sprite X position in pixels on the battle map.
$620A: CharXPos3! Character sprite X position in pixels on the battle map.
$620F: CharHeadAnim3 Animation played over the character's head (ex: sunglasses, poison bubbles, or green crescent.)
$6212: CharYPos3 Character sprite Y position in pixels on the battle map.
$6213: CharYPos3! Character sprite Y position in pixels on the battle map.
$621C: CharRamPal4 Palette ID, as represented in Ram. Usually 0x0E.
$621D: CharDrawFlip4 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$621E: CharSprFlip4 Flips X or Y. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y. As opposed to DrawFlip, $20 is never off.
$621F: CharTmpAnim4 Character's animation ID. Not the definit one. I think? The next one takes prevailance over this address.
$6220: CharAnimID4 Character's animation ID. Frames higher than the characters' results in someone else's sprite.
$6221: CharSpriteID4 Character's sprite ID. Frames higher than the characters' results in someone else's sprite.
$6225: CharXOffset4 Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the X plane.
$6227: CharYOffset4 Offsets the character sprite by this many pixels on the Y plane.
$6229: CharXPos4 Character sprite X position in pixels on the battle map.
$622A: CharXPos4! Character sprite X position in pixels on the battle map.
$622F: CharHeadAnim4 Animation played over the character's head (ex: sunglasses, poison bubbles, or green crescent.)
$6232: CharYPos4 Character sprite Y position in pixels on the battle map.
$6233: CharYPos4! Character sprite Y position in pixels on the battle map.
$6273: AnimDataID1 Animation Script ID 1.
$6274: AnimDataID1! Animation Script ID 1.
$6275: AnimDataID2 Animation Script ID 2.
$6276: AnimDataID2! Animation Script ID 2.
$6277: AnimDataID3 Animation Script ID 3.
$6278: AnimDataID3! Animation Script ID 3.
$6279: AnimDataPal1 Animation Palette ID 1.
$627A: AnimDataPal2 Animation Palette ID 2.
$627B: AnimDataPal3 Animation Palette ID 3.
$627C: AnimDataSound Animation Sound.
$6281: QueueShieldSnd If set to a non-zero value, plays the "ting" shield sound ASAP then resets to 0x00.
$6283: ScreenIsWavy Makes the screen wavy in battle à-la heatwave when set to 1.
$6285: ScreenShakes Makes the screen shake in battle à-la earthquake when set to 1. 0x80: shake left/right
$628A: InFlashback Is the game in flashback mode; ie, yellow tint?
$62AB: GamePaused Set to 0x01 if the game is paused and 0x00 if it isn't.
$62D3: EchoSpriteID Determines which sprite(s) get an echo effect.
$62D4: EchoActive Determines wether the echo effect is on or off.
$62D5: EchoSpeed Determines how fast the echos are updated. 0x00 is fastest. 0x7F is slowest.
$62D6: EchoBuffer The echo buffer. XPos, YPos; this is 0x40 bytes long.
$64B0: BGShiftX Shifts the X position of the BG. Higher Values means the BG is drawn higher. BG wraps around.
$64B1: BGShiftX! Shifts the X position of the BG. Higher Values means the BG is drawn higher. BG wraps around. Unused?
$64B2: BGShiftY Shifts the Y position of the BG. Higher Values means the BG is drawn higher.
$64B3: BGShiftY! Shifts the Y position of the BG. Higher Values means the BG is drawn higher. Unused?
$64B4: InfoWinShiftX Offsets the battle information window X (at the top of the screen). Signed.
$64B5: InfoWinShiftX! Offsets the battle information window X (at the top of the screen). Signed and unused?
$64B6: InfoWinShiftY Offsets the battle information window Y (at the top of the screen). Signed.
$64B7: InfoWinShiftY! Offsets the battle information window Y (at the top of the screen). Signed and unused?
$64DE: AnimFinalShow Toggles wether the animation is being Shown (1) or not (0).
$64DF: AnimFinalX The final X position of the animation after the offset has been added.
$64E0: AnimFinalX! The final X position of the animation after the offset has been added.
$64E1: AnimFinalY The final Y position of the animation after the offset has been added.
$64E2: AnimFinalY! The final Y position of the animation after the offset has been added.
$64E3: AnimFrameID The current Frame being displayed. Incremented.
$64E6: AnimFinalPal The final Palette, after transformation. Must be over 128 and even.
$64E9: AnimYSine The "position" along the sine wave. This is an Index into the sine table.
$64EC: GosubAddress The address an animation jumps from when it calls a subprogRam.
$6A31: AnimScriptPos Position in the Script. No messing with this. ;)
$6A32: AnimScriptPos! Position in the Script. No messing with this. ;)
$6A34: AnimSpeed The spell sprite's animation Speed.
$6A38: CasterID The caster's ID in the battle sprite listing.
$6A39: TargetID The target's ID in the battle sprite listing.
$6A3A: AnimationX X position of the spell animation.
$6A3B: AnimationX! X position of the spell animation.
$6A3C: AnimationY Y position of the spell animation.
$6A3D: AnimationY! Y position of the spell animation.
$6F82: AnimRealX Original X position of the spell animation.
$6F83: AnimRealX! Original X position of the spell animation.
$6F84: AnimRealY Original Y position of the spell animation.
$6F85: AnimRealY! Original Y position of the spell animation.
$6F87: AnimationDIR Direction of the animation. 0x01: Right.
$6F89: LoopStart Address where loop instructions are started; ie where it goes every iteration.
$6F8A: LoopStart! Address where loop instructions are started; ie where it goes every iteration.
$6F8B: LoopCount How often to iterate through a loop instruction.
$6F8C: FrameCounte A counter used to determine the Frame ID to display. This is added to the real Frame counter. Usually 0x00.
$74CE: AnimOffsetX Offsets the X position. Adds this to it, apparently.
$74D0: AnimOffsetY Offsets the Y position. Adds this to it, apparently.
$74D5: SpellPalID The spell animation's Palette, referenced by ID in Ram.
$7AF6: BaseIndex Base Index of the animation data in memory.
$7AF8: CasterIndex Caster Index, multipled by 0x20 to point into the structure right.
$7B10: FacedDir Direction faced by the character. $01: Right. Read from $C2E4EF.
$7B7E: PointedEnemies Enemies with a finger pointer in front of them. Each bit is a target. 0x00 turns it off.
$7C00: TmpPalette00 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 0 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7C20: TmpPalette10 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 1 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7C40: TmpPalette20 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 2 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7C60: TmpPalette30 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 3 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7C80: TmpPalette40 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 4 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7CA0: TmpPalette50 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 5 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7CC0: TmpPalette60 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 6 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7CE0: TmpPalette70 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 7 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7D00: TmpPalette80 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 8 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7D20: TmpPalette90 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette 9 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7D40: TmpPaletteA0 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette A (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7D60: TmpPaletteB0 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette B (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7D80: TmpPaletteC0 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette C (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7DA0: TmpPaletteD0 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette D (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7DC0: TmpPaletteE0 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette E (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7DE0: TmpPaletteF0 Temporary Palette Data! Applies to Palette F (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7E00: RamPalette00 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 0 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7E20: RamPalette10 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 1 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7E40: RamPalette20 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 2 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7E60: RamPalette30 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 3 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7E80: RamPalette40 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 4 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7EA0: RamPalette50 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 5 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7EC0: RamPalette60 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 6 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7EE0: RamPalette70 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 7 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7F00: RamPalette80 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 8 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7F20: RamPalette90 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette 9 (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7F40: RamPaletteA0 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette A (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7F60: RamPaletteB0 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette B (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7F80: RamPaletteC0 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette C (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7FA0: RamPaletteD0 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette D (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7FC0: RamPaletteE0 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette E (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$7FE0: RamPaletteF0 Palette Data, as stored in Ram! Applies to Palette F (color 0). 2 bytes per color, 16 colors.
$807B: EnemyWidth1 Enemy width in pixels.
$80C3: EnemyX1 X position of the enemy.
$80C4: EnemyX1! X position of the enemy.
$80CF: EnemyY1 Y position of the enemy.
$80D0: EnemyY1! Y position of the enemy.
$80DB: EnemyRamPal1 Palette ID, as represented in Ram. Usually 0x0?.
$80DC: EnemyDrawFlip1 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$80DE: EnemyDrawFlip2 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$80E0: EnemyDrawFlip3 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$80E2: EnemyDrawFlip4 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$80E4: EnemyDrawFlip5 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$80E6: EnemyDrawFlip6 Flips X or Y. $20: Draw. $40: Flip X. $80 Flip Y.
$812F: Enemy8Width1 One-eight of the enemy's width.
$8130: Enemy8Height1 One-eight of the enemy's height.
$8970: BGPixelate Pixelation level of the background.
$898D: ShownLayers Toggles which Layers to Show: enemies, background, etc...
$8991: ShownWindows Toggles which window Layers to Show: window, text, etc...
$9613: AnimClipWNow Current Width of the clip plane.
$9614: AnimClipXNow X position of the clip plane. Sort of...
$9615: AnimClipYNow Y position of the clip plane.
$9616: AnimClipWEnd Final Width of the clip plane.
$9617: AnimClipXEnd Final X position of the clip plane. Sort of...
$9618: AnimClipYEnd Final Y position of the clip plane.
$961B: AnimClipShape Shape of the clip plane. 0x01[Circle] 0x02[Wavy] 0x03[Pillar] 0x04[OvalY] 0x05[WavyIn] 0x06[OvalX] 0x07[Dome] 0x08[WavyOut]
$E9E7: AnimSoundA Sound played by the animation, as specified in the high-level structure.
$E9E9: AnimSoundB Sound played by the animation, as specified in the high-level structure. This is an other one.
$E9EA: AnimSoundPos Pans the animation Sound. 0x00 = left, 0x80 = center, 0xFF = right.
$E9EC: AnimSoundPlay If set to 0x01, starts playing the Sound. Must be set back to 0x00 after.
$E9ED: SoundMute If set to 0x00, the Sound doesn't play.
$E9F9: BattleBright How Bright the screen is during battle. This is a carbon copy of the $21000 screen Bright bank.
$EBFF: EnemyTmpName1 Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC0: EnemyTmpName1! Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC1: EnemyTmpName2 Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC2: EnemyTmpName2! Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC3: EnemyTmpName3 Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC4: EnemyTmpName3! Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC5: EnemyTmpName4 Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC6: EnemyTmpName4! Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC7: EnemyTmpName5 Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC8: EnemyTmpName5! Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBC9: EnemyTmpName6 Backs up enemy Names in this.
$EBCA: EnemyTmpName6! Backs up enemy Names in this.
$ECB8: CurBattleBG Current battle BG, after it's been loaded.
The following 3 users say Thank You to madsiur for this post:
• m06 (06-06-2013), Robo Jesus (03-12-2015), SSJ Rick (06-05-2013)
• m06 (06-06-2013), Robo Jesus (03-12-2015), SSJ Rick (06-05-2013)
06-05-2013, 04:10 PM
I updated the RAM map with some offsets I had forgotten to put and I updated the broken download link.
The following 2 users say Thank You to madsiur for this post:
• Robo Jesus (03-12-2015), Sczar Atmos (07-15-2013)
• Robo Jesus (03-12-2015), Sczar Atmos (07-15-2013)
07-15-2013, 11:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-16-2013, 03:40 PM by Sczar Atmos.)
Is it semi-easy to swap characters via hex editing in ff6 advance? For example say I wanted to swap Leo's sprite for Edgar, would that be an intricate process or just finding the sprite pointers and swapping the numbers? No need to answer promptly or anything I know you are a very busy person! And also thanks again for going through the trouble of making an editor for the gba version, I have tried the editor out a little but I'm still troubleshooting through a hack of mine for the snes version atm. I intend to hack the gba version too once the ability to edit sprites is available. Editing the text is also useful in case I wanted to make Terra a male character like I did in my hack. Have a good one!
(07-15-2013, 11:33 PM)Sczar Atmos Wrote: Is it semi-easy to swap characters via hex editing in ff6 advance? For example say I wanted to swap Leo's sprite for Edgar, would that be an intricate process or just finding the sprite pointers and swapping the numbers?
First of all, your question has nothing to do with the thread. Next time you have a question that is not related to any thread, you can create one. This simplify the search of others having the same question.
Regarding the sprite pointers, I have not found them if they exists. However you can view the graphics in GBA 4bpp format in YY-CHR.
(07-15-2013, 11:33 PM)Sczar Atmos Wrote: And also thanks again for going through the trouble of making an editor for the gba version, I have tried the editor out a little but I'm still troubleshooting through a hack of mine for the snes version atm.
Thank you! Support is always much welcome! I am doing it for learning purpose and also because it's fun!
07-17-2013, 04:03 AM
Sorry about the non-related post, for some reason I was thinking character sprites 760000 on your rom map post and ended up posting in this thread. I saw the yy-chr graphics already and was thinking about how one goes about inserting the sprites- I'll make a new thread. lol
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