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ReCast FF3: War of the Magitek
(06-10-2020, 08:41 AM)Lockirby2 Wrote: In my playthrough, I wasn't level 32 when I finished the Phoenix Cave, so the upgraded fight wouldn't even have triggered for me (seven of the characters I brought were level 31, and the last was level 29). I think that this needs to be lowered to somewhere between 25 and 28 if you're going to do it based on level.I was worried about the first one; I had that same problem, cake-walking through him in the Phoenix Cave, which is why I initially lowered his level trigger. Then I ran into the same problem Alby did, where he was wiping me out on the Veldt (I started having Gau leap him every time he showed up, just to avoid the fight). I think 29 is a good balance for the check; I want to leave him level-swapped because it lets me use the same encounter set-up in all three locations (Train, Phoenix Cave, and Veldt) and lets you get Siegfried as a rage early if you address him on the train and play Terra's scenario 2nd or 3rd.
I believe the game crashes after Kefka@Narshe if you don't put Mog in any of the parties. Even if that's not the cause, I did manage to trigger a crash around there (I can give you a save state if I'm wrong about the cause).
As for the crash, I've found the culprit and it isn't our moogle.
It's the samurai's fault. Or rather, it's Edgar's fault and our samurai is taking the blame. Edgar's object gets initialized twice in the event script and Cyan's never does, so if Cyan is not in any of your parties the game will freeze after Kefka is defeated. This is a big problem because many players think Cyan is bottom-tier and will avoid using the samurai in their parties. I've fixed the problem and I'll push version 1_11 to RHDN today.
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