FF6 Hacking
Child Rydia Sprite request? - Printable Version

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Child Rydia Sprite request? - CrumpledMedal - 04-23-2011

I am requesting for a member to make a Child Rydia Sprite for FF6 because I liked her Child Sprite design better than her adult form. Just throwing an idea out there because I don't know where to start on it.

RE: Child Rydia Sprite request? - FEOK - 04-25-2011

Well I would like to help but I already have a ton of stuff to do already :p
however I will supply you whith this:

[Image: imgshk.png]

If someone wants to use this to make it for you the feel free Wink
but I reccomend trying it yourself, thats what I did when I first started spriting
I started whith a request and made my Quistis :p
If you use the sprite sheet I gave you and whith Relm as a base it could turn out awesome Smile

RE: Child Rydia Sprite request? - CrumpledMedal - 04-25-2011

Bingo, that doesn't look too bad. I don't mind Relm being a base. But I may consider adding some of her FFIV sprite sheet in battle though. That's a real good start. Lot better than i could have. Know any good bases for Pokey from Earthbound?

RE: Child Rydia Sprite request? - FEOK - 04-25-2011

Not really since I've never played Earthbound :p
Good Luck Wink