FF6 Hacking
SSB (ff6 hack) - Printable Version

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SSB (ff6 hack) - Yuke311 - 11-05-2010

ok im gonna make an SSB FF6 hack but first a Q:zeemis can i use ure Ozma.zip for this hack? because im only import some new bosses and not an entire hack. can i? when yes thx. when no its ok.
im doing these inside
1) mario.
2)luigi.[img][Image: 370_05_11_10_10_17_50.png][/img])
6) Link.
OK! if someone says i imported it then i say this I KNOW IT AND IM NOT ABLE TO MAKE SSBB CHAR ON MY OWN!

RE: SSB (ff6 hack) - .Gilgamesh// - 11-05-2010

Use the Relm editor and make everything custom. At least edit the sprites that exist! At the moment for instance, I am editing Michelle's Owain into Ness from Earthbound. He will be in my hack somehow. Speaking of which, what about your other hack? You never actually released a beta of Kingdom Fantasy.

RE: SSB (ff6 hack) - Yuke311 - 11-05-2010

Er well im not able to change the dialog in battle that means ultros thinks Naruto is a girl and i only have now 2 artes because its heavy to make them... well also i didnt find all words with *girl* thats why... i could give u it with pm if u want i also have an srm where u start at the point u fight in 3 groups that means save the Esper! Also i didnt changed any bossmonsters yet.

RE: SSB (ff6 hack) - SSJ Rick - 11-05-2010

Yuke, if u want to show what sprites u want put in the game show a regular image of it and request help, do not upload images like that (this is the last time I am going to tell you)

RE: SSB (ff6 hack) - .Gilgamesh// - 11-05-2010

Can't you use mediafire or something? You did that before. We may be able to help you make the customs. Someone may have been planning to make them

RE: SSB (ff6 hack) - Micki Chiba - 11-05-2010

I used Megafire for the bin files and IPS files of my hacks.

RE: SSB (ff6 hack) - Angelo26 - 11-06-2010

hehe it's *mediafire* michelle :p

I use mediafire for the IPS patches I upload to the site, and imageshack for uploading pictures.