FF6 Hacking
Debilitator Reset - Printable Version

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Debilitator Reset - madsiur - 01-17-2022

Debilitator Reset
by madsiur
version 1.0a
released on 01/21/2022
apply to FF3us 1.0 (no header)
wiki entry


debilitator_C2_nh.ips: Patch using RAM that use free space in bank $C2
debilitator_C2.asm: bass assembly file of the above patch
debilitator_EX_nh.ips: Patch using RAM that use free space in bank $EE
debilitator_EX.asm: bass assembly file of the above patch
debilitator_NR_C2_nh.ips: Patch using no RAM that use free space in bank $C2
debilitator_NR_C2.asm: bass assembly file of the above patch
debilitator_NR_EX_nh.ips: Patch using no RAM that use free space in bank $EE
debilitator_NR_EX.asm: bass assembly file of the above patch


This hack remove the last elemental weakness set by the debilitator on a monster before setting the current elemental weakness picked in the debilitator special effect code, meaning a monster can only have one current elemental weakness set by the debilitator.

To achive this, the RAM hack use 6 bytes of free RAM to store the last elemental weakness set by the debilitator; $3E2D, $3E2F, $3E31, $3E33, $3E35 and $3E37, also known as $3E25,Y (or $3E25,X) in the code for a character/monster. The "no RAM" hack use more ROM space and reload the elemental weaknesses from the monster data before applying the new weakness set by the debilitator.

The bank $C2 RAM hack use 23 bytes of free space at $C26469 and the EX hack use the same amount at $EEAF01. The "no RAM" hack use 59 bytes of free space at the same offsets. Those free space offsets can be changed in a ASM file by changing the offset of the "seek" macro call. All hacks insert a JSL or JSR in the debilitator special effect code at $C23AA8.

To assemble the hack use bass v14 by typing a command such as "bass -o rom.smc debilitator_C2.asm".

RE: Debilitator Reset - madsiur - 01-18-2022

Seibaby pointed out that I can achieve the same result by reloading the elemental weakness(es) from the monster data instead of using RAM, so I'll release when I get the time a patch version that does this. The version using RAM will be kept in case a hack has other means of setting an elemental weakness, outside the debilitator or with the monster data.

RE: Debilitator Reset - madsiur - 01-21-2022

I've added a "no RAM" hack, it use more ROM space but no free RAM. See original post and readme for details. Here's the code, I don't know if it could be optimized. I tested on monsters that have an have not the ID MSB set and it work in both cases.

// debilitator special effect hook
jsl free_space      // jump to free space

// new code
seek($EEAF01)       // you can change this free space offset as long as it's not in bank $C2
phx                 // save X
pha                 // save current debilitator element
tya                 // transfer monster index (#$08 to #$12) to A
lsr                 // divide by 2
sbc #$04            // subtract 4 (characters are indexes #$00 to #$03)
tax                 // transfer monster index (#$00 to #$05) to X
phx                 // save it
lda $3F52           // load monster ID MSB byte, bits 0-5 being the MSB of each monster ID
cpx #$00
beq end_loop        // end loop when X == 0 (decreased monster index)
lsr                 // shift MSB byte right
dex                 // X = X - 1
bra loop            // branch to check if we've reach 0
and #$01            // isolate monster ID MSB
rep #$20            // 16-bit A
xba                 // put monster ID MSB in high byte
sep #$20            // 8-bit A
plx                 // restore monster index (#$00 to #$05)
lda $3F46,x         // load monster ID low byte (#$00 to #$FF)
rep #$30            // 16-bit A, 16-bit X
asl                 // multiply monster ID by 32
tax                 // transfer monster data index to X
sep #$20            // 8-bit A
lda $CF0019,x       // load weak to element(s) in monster data
sta $3BE0,y         // make monster weak to its original elements
pla                 // restore current debilitator element
ora $3BE0,y         // add debilitator element to those already set as weak to
sta $3BE0,y         // make monster weak to those elements
sep #$10            // 8-bit X
plx                 // restore X

RE: Debilitator Reset - Dev J - 11-25-2022

post deleted