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Command Change Relic Table Expansion - Printable Version

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Command Change Relic Table Expansion - Celestial84 - 10-28-2021

Hi all!

Thanks so much for all your hard work.

I just have a quick question regarding the command change relic table. I tried expanding the table to include the first 2 bits of the $11D6 variable (I plan on relocating those to $11D7 and working the Sketch and Control enhancements naturally into the skills) but I'm not having much luck. The game reads the (now relocated to free space) tables at C2/53AF and at C2/53BE in their new locations just fine. But I can't get the game to read more than 5 commands. I've tried to change the command at C2/53AB to check bit 0 or bit 1 instead of bit 2 but no dice. Any help would be immensely appreciated!

RE: Command Change Relic Table Expansion - madsiur - 10-28-2021

The loop is done with X (see DEX at $C253C6) so I think you just need to change LDX #$04 to LDX #$05 at $C253A8. (that would read 6 commands)

Edit: You'll need to change as well here the CPX #$0005 to CPX #$0006 and add your command to/relocate the $C36198 table (for status menu display).

C3/617C:    0A          ASL A          ; Got current?
C3/617D:    900A        BCC $6189      ; Skip if not
C3/617F:    48          PHA            ; Save upgrades
C3/6180:    BF9861C3    LDA $C36198,X  ; Cmd to switch
C3/6184:    C5E0        CMP $E0        ; Current cmd?
C3/6186:    F00A        BEQ $6192      ; Replace if so
C3/6188:    68          PLA            ; Cmd upgrades
C3/6189:    E8          INX            ; Index +1
C3/618A:    E00500      CPX #$0005     ; Done Fight?
C3/618D:    D0ED        BNE $617C      ; Loop if not

RE: Command Change Relic Table Expansion - Celestial84 - 12-04-2021

Thank you so much for the reply Madsiur. Sorry for the late response! Your part regarding $C253A8 was certainly a piece of it. While it did allow for 6 commands, it also shifted the commands. (...Bit 4 = Sketch -> X-Magic, Bit 5 = Slot -> Control...). I did fix this, however! But I'm unsure why it works....

C2/53AB: A9 04 -> A9 0A

The single-byte replacement combined with Madsiur's efforts appears to have everything perfectly in order. 6 Commands, all where they should be. I tried different values with very differing effects until arriving there. I was just hoping someone could explain what's going on behind the scenes so I'd feel more secure placing this in my mod! As of now, it will be the final patch on the off-chance I've somehow destroyed the battle engine with that single-byte replacement.

As always, big thanks to everyone here.