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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - Printable Version

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Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - SilentEnigma - 04-02-2020

Here we go...
Happy 26th Anniversary of FF6!

I am pleased to share with you all my (until now) secret project and latest monomaniacal endeavor:

Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition

Current version: v2.00 (updated 2024-04-02)

This project is an attempt at making a worthwhile contribution to the already well-trodden field of FF6 improvement hacks. (Yikes?)

From the Readme:

Quote:Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition is a thorough and nostalgic revision of the text and presentation of Final Fantasy VI for SNES.

The purpose of the hack is to refine FF6's surface-level elements according to the standard set by the PS1-era FF titles (e.g. FF Origins), while preserving the scope and difficulty of the game as Square designed it. This is a classic improvement-type hack intended for newcomers and veterans alike.

The dialog script has been revised based on multiple translation efforts, both official (SNES/Woolsey, GBA/Slattery) and unofficial (kWhazit, Clyde Mandelin, Lina Darkstar, et al.). It aims to combine the completeness and accuracy of the GBA with the energy and pacing of the SNES, sans censorship. Much of the official English text is retained in the updated script, particularly where the SNES and GBA agree closely with one another. When unofficial sources are used, the wording is adapted as necessary to maintain cohesion with the overall script.

FF6:ROSE introduces two major advancements in its localization:

  1. Numerous instances of mismatched character dialects, continuity errors, and unnecessary speaker ambiguity have been resolved for the first time using a novel method of dialog customization.
  2. The names of almost all enemies and items have been retranslated at full length. Originally, these names were limited for technical reasons to 10 and 12 letters, respectively. Using an expanded pool of monospace font graphics, the names of enemies and items now reach up to 14 and 16 letters in length, respectively, and only a handful require abbreviation.
FF6:ROSE is built on a modified version of C. V. Reynold's Bug-Fix Compilation. It also includes decensored graphics and multiple quality-of-life enhancements. Several of the new features have either been developed from scratch or updated by the author specifically for this hack.


[Image: ff6rose-opening.PNG] [Image: ff6rose-line2.PNG] [Image: ff6rose-magitek.PNG] [Image: ff6rose-equip.PNG] [Image: ff6rose-dynamic.PNG] [Image: ff6rose-coliseum.PNG]

For more screens and info, visit the project webpage.

FF6: Revised Old Style Edition builds on the work of many, many FF6 fans and hackers.
Most notably from the ff6hacking.com community:
  • C. V. Reynolds - Bugfix compilation
  • Leet Sketcher - Bugfixes, visual ehancements, and quality-of-life enhancements
  • Madsiur - Strategy for adding a new option switch to the config menu, documentation
  • Imzogelmo - Bugfixes & documentation
  • Gi Nattak - Bugfixes
  • Angelo26 - The original Restored Ability Names
  • Subtraction - Keeping Leet Sketcher honest
  • SSJ Rick - WOR Dark World hack
  • viviy93 - Uncensored graphics compilation
  • assassin - Bugfixes
  • Drakkhen - Bugfixes
  • Bydoless - Bugfixes
  • DarkMage - Secondary text source: FF6 Improvement project
  • Rodimus Primal - Secondary text source: FF6 Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition
  • Dr. Meat - Secondary text source: FF6 Relocalization Project
  • Spooniest - Early inspiration & secondary text source: FF6 Stand Guard!
  • ...And anyone else here I have missed (let me know!).
Thank you all for the great hacks, patches, tools, documentation, and helpful feedback that has made this project possible.
And thank you especially making your work freely available for projects like this one.

See the Readme file for a full list of credits.

If you or anyone believes they have been inadequately credited, or their work has been misused by this hack, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Over the coming weeks year or so I will be extracting and releasing many of the individual features of the hack as standalone patches.
If yet another FF6 "attempted definitive" hack isn't your thing, the standalone features may be worth a look once they arrive.

Any feedback you may have is especially appreciated during the initial stages of release.



RE: Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - seibaby - 04-03-2020

Very impressive, looks like a lot of work went into this. Congratulations on reaching release!

RE: Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - madsiur - 04-03-2020

Pretty cool project! It's always nice to see projects like these come to completion!

RE: Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - Gi Nattak - 04-03-2020

Incredibly awesome! The Wandering NPCs being more inclined to gtfo of the way as well as the MP healing & MP damage colored without breaking the Reflect graphic really pique my interest indeed. Besides those features, it seems to be a definitive way to play the original game and I will look forward to playing it. Gratz on the release and keeping it a secret project at that.

RE: Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - SilentEnigma - 04-04-2020

Thank you everyone for your very kind words!

(04-03-2020, 12:50 PM)Gi Nattak Wrote: The Wandering NPCs being more inclined to gtfo of the way as well as the MP healing & MP damage colored without breaking the Reflect graphic really pique my interest indeed.

Glad to hear it! I will try to get those two out first.

Something else I am excited to share is the dialog customization 'engine' I wrote for the hack, which adds support for some rudimentary branching and memory manipulation within individual captions.
It started out as a solution for adding speaker labels to generic captions, but ended up really blowing the script wide open for me. I am hoping it will be useful to others' projects as well.

On a related note, the FF6:ROSE script contains over a thousand new conditionals.
While I did my best to test thoroughly, I would be shocked if I managed to catch all of the errors for v1.00.
I will continue to test and review the script -- and to whoever plays, please let me know of any errors you encounter.

RE: Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - Rodimus Primal - 04-06-2020

Very cool to see more love coming from this game. I'd like to see how you handled certain Woolsey-isms as you had said in the Read Me that it was painstaking for you to remove any of them. That was something that I argued with folks over at RHDN who wanted me to make the script more literal and remove them for TWUE. They were also suggesting that I remove exploits like Vanish Doom, something that every improvement patch including this one patches up. That's something I fully intended never to do.

A LOT of those improvements are things I wanted to add to TWUE over the years and its great to see it now implemented. I'm curious if it would be possible to even do now that my own project was built from older patches. For instance, the longer item, spell, and monster names (along with the character classes) that you reworked from angelo's old patch would be one. I know you used some of the extra space in the font to expand things, something that I tried and it BROKE when I tried with the item names.

Also, the Button Configuration is something that the original Japanese version had, but I see you did something by allowing A and B to be switched via the menu instead. Does this also switch the Dash button too? Master Zed said it was married to the B button when he made his patches, which is why I never added the old Button Config patch in my project. Your Sliding Dash fix looks to be something I probably will include in an update since I will be removing Zed's Dash A in favor of Dash B so the Sprint Shoes still have a use.

I do have a question about your item description fix though. In TWUE, I had some help from Dr Meat in expanding the item descriptions. Will your fix work if the text is moved to a different location or is the fix only affecting the menu? I've never seen the actual issue when playing the game that it says it fixes myself.

One last thing that I don't know if you did, but I was hoping to someday do, is to add Dance Descriptions. I think its the only ability that doesn't have it in Vanilla FF6.

Sorry for the long post and congratulations on completing another FF6 project!

RE: Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - SilentEnigma - 04-08-2020

(04-06-2020, 02:22 PM)Rodimus Primal Wrote: I'd like to see how you handled certain Woolsey-isms as you had said in the Read Me that it was painstaking for you to remove any of them.
I hope someday to get around to a line-for-line commentary on the script, because I expect there to be more than a few questions over time about it.

But here's a quick example:
One of the last Woolseyisms I took out was "loaded for bear". It's a really fun figure of speech, and I hated to see it go, but.... 
1) That scene can be triggered by Terra casting a Cure spell (rather than Fire), in which case the line makes far less sense.
2) I am not aware of firearms existing in FF6's world. (There are rifles attached to vehicles, but no firearms to the best of my knowledge. You would think that if there were any, then Imperial soldiers would use them; but they don't.) Therefore the figure of speech does not conform to lore, which is something I tried to avoid.

I could definitely see a decision like that hitting a lot of people as taking things too seriously, but that is the kind of direction I took with the script -- giving first priority to logical flow.

Having said that---
In the case of submarines, while there is no evidence that they exist, there is also no evidence that they do not exist. [Image: redmage-thinking.png]

(04-06-2020, 02:22 PM)Rodimus Primal Wrote: I'm curious if it would be possible to even do now that my own project was built from older patches. For instance, the longer item, spell, and monster names (along with the character classes) that you reworked from angelo's old patch would be one. I know you used some of the extra space in the font to expand things, something that I tried and it BROKE when I tried with the item names.
I am planning to isolate the backbone of FF6:ROSE - the expanded names, menu changes, cursor positions, etc. - as a "sequel" to Restored Ability Names.
It's a pretty unwieldy beast, though. It uses:
- 7 variants of the small font graphics set (5 battle + 1 field menu + 1 shops/coliseum preview)
- 3 variants of the items list
- 2 variants of the enemies list
- 2 variants of the major abilities list
...all so that those longer names fit wherever they get displayed.

Everything is documented, so folks should have more than a fighting chance at successfully putting their own spin on it.
Changing a long name to a shorter one is easy; adding a new oversized item/enemy/ability name, or even exchanging one for another, can mean some serious rework.

In TWUE's case, this is the one feature that I do not see patching well on top of the existing hack. (Won't hurt to try, though!)
If you ever wanted to incorporate it, rebuilding TWUE from scratch on top of it may be your best bet. And if that sounds like too much of a nightmare, we can chat.

(04-06-2020, 02:22 PM)Rodimus Primal Wrote: Does this also switch the Dash button too? Master Zed said it was married to the B button when he made his patches, which is why I never added the old Button Config patch in my project.
Yes, dash is always the cancel button now. I just had to tweak MasterZED's patch to read the mapped input instead of unmapped.
The simplest way to make the change is:

C0/D677: AD 19 42    LDA $4219   ; Load 2nd byte for controller 1
C0/D677: A5 07       LDA $07     ; Load 2nd byte for main controller (mapped)
C0/D679: EA          NOP
I will probably put out a quick "Cancel Button Dash" patch coming up to which will be FF3dashB + Sliding Dash + mapped input tweak + disable during timed challenges.

(04-06-2020, 02:22 PM)Rodimus Primal Wrote: Will your fix work if the text is moved to a different location or is the fix only affecting the menu?
That recent "Description Disruption" fix, right? It should be compatible. That fix changes "when" the text is read and printed out, but not "where" the text comes from.

(04-06-2020, 02:22 PM)Rodimus Primal Wrote: One last thing that I don't know if you did, but I was hoping to someday do, is to add Dance Descriptions. I think its the only ability that doesn't have it in Vanilla FF6.
Unless you're counting Rages!

FF6:ROSE does not add any item or ability descriptions beyond what was already in FF6j, which is about the same as what you get in FF3us.

I am a bit on the fence about the GBA added content. Part of me feels that it is superfluous, but part of me gets as much of a kick out of it as anyone.
So, maybe someday--including Dance descriptions. (But knowing me, it would turn into porting over the whole Dragon's Den, too...)

(04-06-2020, 02:22 PM)Rodimus Primal Wrote: Sorry for the long post and congratulations on completing another FF6 project!
The questions are more than welcome. I appreciate your interest in the features! Thanks!

RE: Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - SilentEnigma - 05-13-2020

The hack has been updated to version 1.01.
  • Fixed bug which prevented player from skipping through the EXP & AP messages at the end of battle.
  • Fixed an error in the Green Beret item description.
  • Fixed typos in 2 field dialog captions, made minor revisions to several others.
  • Improved the optional continue feature's implementation (behavior is unchanged).

RE: Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - SSJ Rick - 05-17-2020

oh wow I'm a bit late to the party here, but I think this is an incredible improvement patch awesome work on this,

I'm honestly really surprised that my SUPER old patch made it in here, I'm glad that old thing was able to be of use to you

you really put in a lot of work here, color me impressed

looking at this makes me think of my old projects, this would actually make the perfect base

RE: Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition - Matt - 06-19-2020

Looking for any text bugs/missed grammar that need some fixing. I'll update this post as I go.

*During the opening part in the mines when fighting the Spritzer x2 formation: Instead of "Magitek", it reads "Magtorm".
*The battle message for using Poisona comes out as "Poison". It reads Poisona normally in the menus.
*Edgar upon entering Sabin's house for the first time: "What that smell...?"
*The Returner who gives Terra the Gauntlet/Genji Glove is mislabled as Banon.
*Soldier polishing his armor in Locke's scenario: "That clown, Kefka, is about invade Narshe."
*Cyan during his rampage in the Imperial Camp: "Which of you split the poison?"
*Narshe Elder during the group reunion: "Yes, but... that happened because Doma was collaborating with with the Returners."
*Ultros after being defeated in the Opera House: "Well, kids, hate to ink in run."