FF6 Hacking
Spell Targeting Bytes of AGB-BZ6E-USA - Printable Version

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Spell Targeting Bytes of AGB-BZ6E-USA - Deus - 05-15-2016

Hi, I am a new user here. First off, I'd like to state that I am aware that the current 3.1.1 iteration of FF6 Advance Editor has been discontinued in favor for a newer version. However, while I awaited the release of this newer version, I decided to play around with FF6 AE as it is. Upon messing with it, I discovered that the spell targeting bytes does not seem to be working. Even changing the bytes manually with a hex editor seems to have no effect on the spells. Is this something unique only to the American version? Or is there something I am missing?

To clarify, what I did was:

Change offset 62C35E which is, I assume, the offset for the spell targeting bytes for Fire Beam from 43 (Cursor Moveable, One Side Only, Cursor Start on Enemy) to 6E (which was Ultima's Targeting Bytes: One Side Only, Auto Select Both Parties, Auto Select One Party, Manual Party Select, Cursor Start on Enemy).

P.S. I remembered seeing a thread about the spell targeting bytes of the FF6 AE before, but I can't seem to find it again.

RE: Spell Targeting Bytes of AGB-BZ6E-USA - madsiur - 05-15-2016

Hi, I was not aware of this. Given you have the good byte (your description of 43h is right), 6Eh should be what you've described (ref.). Maybe there could be some code changing the targeting of certain spells? I'm fairly unexperienced with the targeting code. When I coded FF6AE I did not tested everything, I assumed every byte of data would account the same in the GBA version. I'm pretty sure byte $00 of the spell data still play a role...

The old editor thread is now in the graveyard. The only post about targeting I've found is this one.

RE: Spell Targeting Bytes of AGB-BZ6E-USA - Deus - 05-15-2016

Yeah, that was the only link I could find, too. Though I vaguely (VAGUELY) remember someone bringing up the issue that changing targeting bytes makes no difference, but I could just be having a severe case of deja vu. In any case, I'll just wait and see if anyone else has experienced this as well. Thanks for all your hard work, though. Really enjoyed using the FF6AE. :-)

RE: Spell Targeting Bytes of AGB-BZ6E-USA - assassin - 05-15-2016

some commands have a targeting byte defined in SNES table CF/FE01.  Magitek might be one of them.  so for testing the editor, might want to use a normal Magic spell like Fire proper.

RE: Spell Targeting Bytes of AGB-BZ6E-USA - B-Run - 05-15-2016

I can't say for certain about FF6A, but in 3us its defined in C1

Data: Targeting for Magitek attacks

C1/9104:    43 43        
C1/9106:    43 6A        
C1/9108:    03 6A    
C1/910A:    43 43

The targetting byte inside the actual spell is probably redundant or useful for colluseum or if set on an enemy. Altering the targetting bytes of other abilities should work fine.

do a search in your hex for "43 43 43 6A 03 6A 43 43", that might help you find its location.

Edit: realized i have a copy of ff6a on my computer, the table appears at (RAW) 000CF588. (I put it in raw because i dont know much about gba hacking and dont know if it would be proper to call that CC/F588... is it?)

Edit 2: changed the first byte to 03 and confirmed. Fire Beam can now only target allies.

RE: Spell Targeting Bytes of AGB-BZ6E-USA - Deus - 05-21-2016

Thanks a ton! :-)