FF6 Hacking
Map Tile Properties - Printable Version

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Map Tile Properties - sleepydude - 05-27-2015

Does anyone know anything about these beyond what's in FF3LE? I've been trying to track down the code for them (best I've been able to do is find that I think they're stored at 7E:7600 in the RAM, but my ASM chops are nowhere near good enough to make sense of them.

So I updated my project so that you can press the '1' key to see the map properties bits (it's also zoomed in and slower, but that just for dev purposes). Anyway, so I've figured out a few things, the tile properties in FF3LE are *mostly* correct, but not quite. Here's what I've got so far.

0xF7FF means the tile can't be entered at all
0x2XXX means the tile's a door
0x4XXX means the tile's stairs
0x8XXX stairs going the opposite way
0xX2XX means the tile can't be enter's by priority sprites. Note that's it's apparently not just this bit, but that whole group of 4 bits as near as I can tell.
0xX4XX means non-priority sprites can't enter. Same as above, the whole 4 bits needs to equal 4
0xXXX1 tile can't be *exited* to the east (or west, not sure)
0xXXX2 tile can't be exited to the west (maybe)
0xXXX4 tile can't be exited to the north
0xXXX8 tile can't be exited to the south

There's still 6 or 7 bits I have no idea about, and it seems that there's more going on than just looking at individual bits can show (some are definitely grouped). I'm certain there's something in there for changing a sprite's priority and pretty sure there's something in there too for masking off the sprite. Still figuring that out though.