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Characters and Palettes - Printable Version

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Characters and Palettes - Sathka - 11-23-2009

Is it possible to divorce an in-game character from their default palette?

That is, say I wanted Edgar to have Locke's palette (#1) but I wanted Sabin and Celes to keep their default palette (#0). Is there any way to accomplish this?

RE: Characters and Palettes - SSJ Rick - 11-23-2009

it is possible but that involves hex editing

RE: Characters and Palettes - Sathka - 11-23-2009

That's fine. Do you know the relevant addresses?

RE: Characters and Palettes - SSJ Rick - 11-23-2009

that I don't know sorry Sad

RE: Characters and Palettes - WilliamDRailesSR - 11-30-2009

actually, it is possible WITHOUT Hex editing. just need two roms, Edgar and Locke sprite sheets and it's as simple as this:

There's a copy option that lets you copy the entire sheet of a character to another, copy Locke to Edgar (don't import or it won't work), then Edgar's palette will be switched to #1 without affecting the other characters, only Edgar's another Locke now. Simply Import an Edgar sprite sheet onto him, then go back to Locke (you see that he has the new Edgar's palette), import the Locke's sprite onto him, the palette is restored and there, you got your Palette #1 Edgar, or should I say Gerad?
[Image: imgshk.png] [Image: w128.png]

RE: Characters and Palettes - Sathka - 11-30-2009

I've looked into it a little bit and it seems this does apply the new palette in battle. Unfortunately it looks like on the World Map each character keeps their own original palette. I think this can be fixed for NPCs using the Level Editor, but I have no idea how you would go about changing the Player Character's palette when not in battle.