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Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) (/thread-2716.html)

RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - Cecil188 - 10-03-2019

Welcome to the community, then. It may be poor form to plug it, but at our Discord server (https://discord.gg/S3G3UXy), we have significant documentation for most everything related to the randomizer, including information about all the codes(except one, I think, I still have to update the document for the nearly-most-recent release), which should suffice until a more thorough UI has been completed(it is in the works, and is theoretically nearing completion).

RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - Cynorio - 10-04-2019

Thank you for the welcome, and for the heads up. I'll definitely check that out. Smile

RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - vog - 04-22-2020

howdy. love the mod. currently on my first playthrough. couple things i noticed:

- can access the narshe training house in WoR with the guy blocking the door gone, but the doors from the main hall lead to black space you can walk through to OOB.

- one of my characters (originally sabin) had his magic command changed to steal at some point while i was grinding on the veldt in WoR. i'd taken him to see duncan and thought that might have been it but i couldn't replicate it with a savestate. curious! sorry if some of these have been addressed--haven't read this whole thread yet. anyway, i like the mod a lot and hopes it continues to be improved.

Using seed: 3.normal.bdefgimnopqrstwz capslockoff partyparty makeover johnnydmad alasdraco frenchvanilla.1587353480

answered my own question on the ability change: it was on a relic. hehe.

speaking of relics, i know i randomized a lot (needed the fun/challenge factor), but the character with steal couldn't equip a thief glove, and the character with a native jump command couldn't equip dragon horn. a flag to check for and reconcile ability change relic equipability <=> characters with the ability would be a nice feature to make highly random playthroughs less punishing. i also thought i'd selected the flag that lets all characters use all equipment, but if i did, it didn't work.

found out native x-magic gets nullified in the fanatics tower. i worked hard to get that char's abyssmal magic power up to a decent level!

i love that the re-recruits in WoR are randomized. the replacement for gogo who i'd never met was in terra's spot in mobliz, making the dialogue pretty confusing. Smile

RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - Cecil188 - 04-23-2020

The OOB stuff in the WoR is known. That space is repurposed for the sake of the final dungeon, and while there's an NPC to conveniently block it off in the WoB, no such NPC exists in the WoR.

For the Thief Glove, do you mean the Sneak Ring? The Thief Glove itself is a command changer, and there's no reason why the character with Steal should be able to equip such a thing, when it may change, for example, Tools into Sketch. A sanity check is made such that command changers can be equipped by the characters that have access to the command that is to be changed.

As for the Dragon Horn, it's somewhat rare to have a Relic become equippable by less than the entire cast. Regardless, if the character(s) who can equip it can have access to Jump through another means, or if the characters who normally have Jump have access to the Dragon Horn effect through other equipment, or if Palidor is used, the Dragon Horn effect can still be made use of. I presume the randomizer doesn't have sanity checks for things that are not necessary for the progression of a seed to potentially force the player to think outside the box. It's occurred in the past where people would have an Economizer that can only be used by a character that doesn't have the Magic command, and that just means that the crutch they may have been considering leaning on is no longer an option, and they have to think of some alternative strategy.

RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - Subtraction - 05-16-2020

Beyond Chaos 4.0.1 has been released. It now has a GUI, among other new things.

RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - C-Dude - 06-29-2020

Is there any documentation for how your team handled the Rage menu display and Dance menu display? I've been trying to determine if I can fit your code into my unexpanded project, but there are a lot of JSLs and JPLs to interspersed code in your F0 bank, and I'm having trouble making any sense out of it. I figured it might be better to ask now before going any further, rather than diving down the rabbit hole of disassembling raw hex.

I looked on your discord and I couldn't find any .asm or .txt files about it.

RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - Cecil188 - 06-30-2020

The Rage menu display, as far as I know, was coded by Myself_086. If I had to guess, I'd say he doesn't keep tabs on this thread; you may have more luck contacting him via Discord. The Dance menu display was also initially coded by Myself_086, though SubtractionSoup has made tweaks to it since then, so it's possible he understands enough/all of it to be able to help with that in particular. SubtractionSoup does keep tabs on this thread to some degree, so he may respond, or you may have interest in PMing him here, but you may still find it faster to contact him via Discord as well.

RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - madsiur - 06-30-2020

(06-29-2020, 11:57 PM)C-Dude Wrote: Is there any documentation for how your team handled the Rage menu display and Dance menu display?

I have myself086's BC hacks if that worth anything. I don't know if the rage menu is included in this though. His hacks are written for some custom assembler nobody has the source or binary of.


RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - Subtraction - 06-30-2020

Oh, neat, I only have an earlier version of his original assembly. For the final version, he only sent me an ips, and I just copied the bytes over. I don't fully understand it myself, but I have managed to fixing a bug where names of dance moves aren't cleared properly, leaving a few stray letters on the menu; and making Swdtech moves print the real names instead of blanks if you put them in a dance or rage.

RE: Official FF6: Beyond Chaos thread (randomizer) - C-Dude - 09-03-2020

Well I wasn't able to make much ground on Myself086's rage menu functions, it is quite advanced and I'm not ashamed to admit it is beyond my skills.

On an unrelated note, Fathlo23 told me about an issue with the "ScenarioNotTaken" patch causing soft-locks? I've been looking into this and while I think his text eraser patch might be the source of the issue, I did encounter two errors in the event script which prevent it from being easily dumped to text by ZoneDoctor.

    CC0B3C: {0B}
    CC9F27: {0F}
These are error bytes in the body of the event script, and should be changed to FE (return). Nothing directly points to these two spots, but automatic event parsers try to read these as action queues and then crash.

Neither of these errors are involved in the soft-lock described, but I feel they are worth mentioning.