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PS4 FF7 Remake - Printable Version

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RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - madsiur - 12-12-2015

(12-12-2015, 07:13 PM)Tenkarider Wrote: You already used that answer... Sweat

I know but it's the only thing that pops up in my head when I see your writing style. I imagine your chocobo's lawyer suing SE.

RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - Tenkarider - 12-12-2015

It's not a matter of point the finger toward them, it's a matter of risking a potential loss of a customer(me)... yeah, maybe just me or a not-so-big group of people which shares this tought and SE won't give a shit about that, but i care even less of their reaction.

The best FF games i loved are between FF1 and FF9 and they all share a thing in common: the world map... among those games few ones have something extra which make them even greater to my eyes: FF7 and FF9(i don't know FF4, but i believe FF5 belongs to the group) have also colored chocobos with extra powers that allow you to explore to even deeper levels the worldmap... that adds to them a unique metroidvania-like taste to the eploration(vehicles aside)

Now they wanna do this remake and keep saying they don't wanna cut anything from the original... well, if that's true then even world map exploration style is included among stuff they don't want to cut(if their statements are worth to be defined serious)
So they wanna split it in many parts to make fit everything inside, and we're talking about an old game with worldmap.
In other words there won't be anymore in history a better chance than this one to see a worldmap in a HD FF game, the perfect conditions are all met here and now.

If they won't do a worldmap this time, then they will never do that in future.
That means i'll have to accept that one of the feature i consider the most important in FF is dead forever and so i'll never see anything better that past from SE.
I stopped buying FF games after FFXIII, i still have to find a good reason to do that again.
Origins are really important to me.

PS. worldmap are perfectly doable even now: Ni No Kuni still does that and he does it pretty well, with PS4 it should be doable even better.

RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - madsiur - 12-19-2015

In this week’s issue of Famitsu magazine, Final Fantasy VII Remake producer Yoshinori Kitase, director Tetsuya Nomura, and scenario writer Kazushige Nojima had some details to share on the upcoming PlayStation 4 title.

The interview features various details that we previously reported, but Hachima put the following notes on some of the interesting tidbits.
  • We’ll get to explore around all the areas of Midgar.
  • Square Enix would like to delve more deeply into Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie.
  • They can’t say how many volumes the entire Final Fantasy VII Remake will be in this stage.
  • Can’t say anything about any online features for now.
  • The main scenario for the multi-series’ first part is already completed.
  • As previously reported, the game is using Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4 to create the game. They’re also getting technological assistance from the Kingdom Hearts team, and may work together for the game in the near future.
  • Cloud’s auditory hallucination scenes are being shaped up to be more meaningful.
  • The [voicing] cast is expected to be the same from those of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
  • The “ATB Gauge” that turns red is different from a Limit Break, and Square Enix plans on having a special system, one that they can’t show yet, but it will change depending on the play-style of the player.
  • They’ve yet to decide on whether there will be a guard.

"NO DETAIL ON WORLD MAP ?!? I'm sending my lawyer!" - Tenkarider

I'm joking but I fully understand your point of expecting a world map, I expect the same.


RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - Catone - 12-19-2015

Actually, you have to consider the size of all these cut scenes they are (most likely) putting in. If they are using the cast from AC, wouldn't be surprised if the cut scenes are HD fully movie grade.

The point, after you got far enough along to remove the entire first "movie" from the disk, you would then have room for a world map, in its complete form. However, I'd place my money on this world map being more like the shots of FFXV, were you cross the line from "world MAP" to "open world". Sure, as much as I like the Bethsesda games (Fallout/Elder Scrolls) that play style just isn't FF. Personally, I have to say I'd love to see just a simple "World map" original style, and do whatever highspeed chit they can while "inside" an area. Sure, HD world map, maybe even go FFXV style chocobo riding on the races, but leave it a MAP, true to the original. Think that explains my view on it.

Regardless, they really don't give a damn what us "old foggers" want. They've already give up on us stubborn folk that still have taste. They want the kids, short attention spans (forget a three disk game, give them one at a time so that the next disk is "new" not just "disk 2" regrab that attention again each time.) Individually sold and packaged so it makes them think they are getting MORE content, new game play, instead of what they are actually getting (the rest of the game they already paid for).

Eh, that's buisness though.

RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - Lockirby2 - 12-19-2015

My metric is just that if they give us a game's worth of content for a game's worth of pay, then I won't call them out on it, really. And I don't think I can judge on that until something actually comes out.

RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - madsiur - 12-19-2015

(12-19-2015, 11:05 AM)Lockirby2 Wrote: My metric is just that if they give us a game's worth of content for a game's worth of pay, then I won't call them out on it, really. And I don't think I can judge on that until something actually comes out.

I agree with that. If they release what seems to be a quality remake with more content and a more action oriented battle system, I'll give them a chance although it wouldn't maybe be my "perfect" remake. Unless they say something like "The remake is a FPS" I'm open to many changes from the original, even a huge open world instead of a world map.

RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - Tenkarider - 12-19-2015

Quote:Regardless, they really don't give a damn what us "old foggers" want
no doubt, if all oldfoggers were clever enough(and that piece of sentence defeats the whole purpose of my sentence) we would stop buy his shit after they cross the line and they would live only with their mass... whatever, one day they will experience what Konami is living now(even if they literally suicided themself doing that to Hideo Kojima, i doubt other companies are stupid at that point)
Even zombies can walk, but they are still dead, if you know what i mean.

Quote:My metric is just that if they give us a game's worth of content for a game's worth of pay, then I won't call them out on it
Nowadays there's some SH who's proud to make a game which is long 10 hours... Hell, in FF7 that time was more or less the one scored to achieve world record speed run! that's the real problem.

There's no doubt they are able to implement open world, but that's trivial and new gen... i still remember my experience with Dragon's Dogma... the first RPG Open World i played in PS3... at a certain point my body(not even my mind) rejected(i almost felt it as a cancer) that game to the point i just turned off the game and gave it back to my friend without a second thought(never happened in my life, i dunno if it was just a lame open world or what...)
Wide "wonderful" open worlds full of loots, spawn, herbs and shit are not able to hide how much empty they actually are.

Open world is a solution that everybody is able to do, but if they claimed to want to be different, then open world is not the answer.
World map would be much more stunning in general and at this point they could even make a toonish world map or whatever they want, rather than an open world...

PS. they will surely do a world... map is good, open is lame
Neither the two, as third option, would be pathetic(i'm assuming they won't do this error)

RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - madsiur - 12-19-2015

(12-19-2015, 12:48 PM)Tenkarider Wrote: There's no doubt they are able to implement open world, but that's trivial and new gen...

hhmmm, aren't they actually developing a new gen game?

(12-19-2015, 12:48 PM)Tenkarider Wrote: i still remember my experience with Dragon's Dogma... the first RPG Open World i played in PS3...

I usually prefer old school RPGs and dislike MMOs but I had a really good time with the open world of FFXIV. The only thing that stopped me is after level 30 you had to do multiplayers quests. One open world experience != all open worlds are bad, at least for me.

(12-19-2015, 12:48 PM)Tenkarider Wrote: Wide "wonderful" open worlds full of loots, spawn, herbs and shit are not able to hide how much empty they actually are.

Please explain this... Does an open world with nothing in it is actually better?

(12-19-2015, 12:48 PM)Tenkarider Wrote: Open world is a solution that everybody is able to do, but if they claimed to want to be different, then open world is not the answer.

So is a map, every developer can do one. SE never claimed until now that they wanted to do a complete new kind of game, they only said the remake would be different from the original. Also, I think every AAA game wants to be different. I'm understanding you're saying that open worlds is a big trend and some are shitty, but be aware that they could come up with a crappy map as well.

I can feel in your post you're disliking the idea of open world in any circumstances and in any context, but that can't be backed up with "arguments", it's just a solid personal taste.

RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - Lockirby2 - 12-19-2015

I don't usually play open world games, but I'm not opposed to trying one. Although it distinctly has to not be a "sandbox" game (which this obviously isn't, because it's based on FF7), because I don't really enjoy playing those.

RE: PS4 FF7 Remake - Catone - 12-19-2015

I can dig open world, hell when I first played Everquest if you wanted a map you'd better get to drawing didn't have in game maps back then. Even then SWG, FF... the first online one... yeah was fun to a point, and again Fallout, new and original. On that note, Dragons Dogma still sucked, think the disk is buried somewhere in the closet, not even good enough for the shelf.

Eitherway, yes an open world can be worth playing, hard to play casually I'll admit, easy to get lost or forget where/what your doing even with notes and quest logs. Still isn't FF7. I'll stand by the desire to have a world map to navigate.

Back to how stupid game companies can be... look up the old messages on Starwars Galaxies' "Combat Update" (CU). Before they pushed it out, SOE expected a 50-60% loss of player base. Still did it.

Even after they lost more like 75% (mostly because a large portion of those 60% had 3-4 accounts but still lost money, not really the players you want to cut loose), they still backed it. Eventually they gained maybe 20% or so, short term players (not good income for a paid subscription game). When all those left, they half fixed some of the complaints with the first CU with a "New Game Enhancements" (NGE), which brought back a few old formerly loyal customers, right up until it died completely.

Point being, any company is willing to shoot itself in the foot if they think it'll make them a quick buck, and few of them anymore care about loyal customers at all. (Like those or us that used to buy every single FF game that came out even if we knew nothing about it.) I was that way, till they started "improving" the game play.

But hey, some producers think they are to big to fail, (take a loss sure but fail no) and maybe a few are, don't mean they'll get my money.