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Command Edit Upgrade patch [WIP] Alpha Patch Available - Printable Version

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RE: Command Edit Upgrade patch [WIP] Alpha Patch Available - Vanya - 10-27-2015

Thanks, HatZen. I'll have a look at those when I get a chance.

Right now I'm working on a new routine that blocks certain commands from loading for certain characters.
I ran into a little trouble after I got Mimic to only appear on Gogo's menu.
Getting Morph to only appear for Terra and then only after it gets unlocked normally was a nightmare for a while there.
Eventually, I got it to work by checking $1DD1, bit 3. The RAM Map document I'm using says this is specifically the Morph availability flag.
Then I ran into more trouble when I added Magic into the mix. I think my code got overly complex and something was wrong with my logic because Terra and Gogo worked fine, but every other character made the status screen go all black. I think I was causing an infinite loop.

I rewrote the code and am in the middle of figuring out the proper values for the branches.
Check it out and let me know if there any mistakes or possible optimizations I could add.

Set Up Registers & Data:
C3/FF99: 5A           PHY         (save # of valid commands)            Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FF9A: 48           PHA         (save command ID)                    Stack => 3, 2, 1.
C3/FF9B: 20 A6 22     JSR $22A6   (go to GSub1)                        Stack => 3, 2, 1.
C3/FF9E: B9 00 00     LDA $0000,Y (get character ID)                    Stack => 3, 2, 1.
C3/FFA1: AA           TAX         (copy character ID to X)                Stack => 3, 2, 1.
C3/FFA2: 68           PLA         (retrieve command ID)                Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFA3: A8           TAY         (copy command ID to Y)                Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFA4: AD D1 1D     LDA $1DD1   (load ??? RAM byte, bit 2 = morph flag)    Stack =>    2, 1.

C3/FFA7: E0 0C        CPX #$0C    (is character Gogo?)                Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFA9: D0 xx        BNE $FFxx   (if not, go to CheckMimic)            Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFAB: 80 xx        BRA $FFxx   (go to CheckMorph)                    Stack =>    2, 1.

C3/FFAD: C0 12        CPY #$12    (is command Mimic?)                    Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFAF: F0 xx        BEQ $FFxx   (if so, go to SkipCommand)            Stack =>    2, 1.

C3/FFB1: E0 00        CPX #$00    (is character Terra?)                Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFB3: D0 xx        BNE $FFxx   (if not, go to CheckMorph)            Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFB5: C0 02        CPY #$02    (is command Magic?)                    Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFB7: F0 xx        BEQ $FFxx   (if so, go to AddCommand)                Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFB9: C0 03        CPY #$03    (is command Morph?)                    Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFBB: F0 xx        BEQ $FFxx   (if so, go to MorphFlag)                Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFBD: 80 xx        BRA $FFxx   (go to AddCommand)                    Stack =>    2, 1.

C3/FFBF: C0 03        CPY #$03    (is command Morph?)                    Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFC1: F0 xx        BEQ $FFxx   (if so, go to SkipCommand)            Stack =>    2, 1.

C3/FFC3: E0 06        CPX #$06    (is character Celes?)                Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFC5: D0 xx        BNE $FFxx   (if not, go to CheckMagic)            Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFC7: 80 xx        BRA $FFxx   (go to AddCommand)                    Stack =>    2, 1.

C3/FFC9: C0 02        CPY #$02    (is command Magic?)                    Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFCB: D0 xx        BNE $FFxx   (if not, go to AddCommand)            Stack =>    2, 1.

C3/FFCD: 89 04        BIT #$04    (check morph flag)                    Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFCF: F0 xx        BEQ $FFxx   (if clear, go to SkipCommand)            Stack =>    2, 1.

C3/FFD1: 20 DD FF     JSR $FFDD   (go to Exit Prep)                    Stack =>       1.
C3/FFD4: 4C 4E 5E     JMP $5E4E   (go to BR5)

C3/FFD7: 20 DD FF     JSR $FFDD   (go to Exit Prep)                    Stack =>       1.
C3/FFDA: 4C 60 5E     JMP $5E60   (go to BR4)

Exit Prep:
C3/FFDD: 98           TYA         (copy command ID to A)                Stack =>    2, 1.
C3/FFDE: 7A           PLY         (retrieve # of valid commands)            Stack =>       1.
C3/FFDF: 60           RTS

I don't think I double checked the hex values for these opcodes, so some of them might be wrong.
PS: the stuff on the far right is me keeping track of what is in the stack so that I don't throw anything out of wack when going back to the command edit loop I cam here from.

RE: Command Edit Upgrade patch [WIP] Alpha Patch Available - HatZen08 - 10-28-2015

The morph command has more than one enable-type variable or related variables. You can choose any one of them. Ram $1DD1, bit #$04 is related with the second Tritoch event and used to check the morph availability at C3/6145 in the menu:
C3/6145:    ADD11D      LDA $1DD1
C3/6148:    8904        BIT #$04       (has the second Tritoch event happened yet?)
C3/614A:    D003        BNE $614F      (branch if so)

About your code, i think something is missing. As example, JSR $22A6 doesn't have a valid opcode in the original or modified code. Perhaps, did you forget to include the changes in the code you send? Also, i don't know where C3/FF99 is called and i am unable to figure out the context of this routine, like the initial values for the registers A,X,Y and their settings. Also, X and Y are set as 8-bit in your code but in the original code for Gogo's screen, X and Y are set as 16-bit. Can you check if the setting for the X,Y registers are correct? The game freezes/bugs if their settings are incorrect.

If only one of the JMP/BEQ/BNE/JSR opcodes arguments is wrong, the game will freeze or bug. Can i recommend asar or similar compiler? It surely can make your life easier with the abstraction of their opcodes settings and labels.

RE: Command Edit Upgrade patch [WIP] Alpha Patch Available - Vanya - 10-28-2015

This is a new block of code I placed at C3/FF99 near the end of the big block of free space right before the new pointer table I made for the new command loading procedure.
I changed the old check for Mimic that prevented it from being loaded into a jump to the new code.
Also, $22A6 is a new subroutine in the optimized version of the code block labeled "One portion of Gogo's custom command setting in status menu
" at $2248.
When I optimized that section I noticed a significant portion of the original code was duplicated for no good reason that I could tell. So I moved to the end and made it into it's own sub-routine that has all the prep for getting the character ID.

You're right, though, the way it is crashes the game.
I stripped it down to just a jump to $FF99 and a jump back to where I left off and even that gives me a black screen.
I did think about the registers being in the wrong mode, but I didn't know much about it. Looking into it now.

I'm trying not to use a compiler at all in order to force myself to learn the opcodes, but I appreciate the suggestion.
I'm familiar with asar in the context of SMW hacking, but I ever used it for was to add certain patches or whatnot.
If I get tired of fumbling around I'll take your suggestion under advisement.

By chance do you know of any of the other bytes in $1DD1 are used and if so what for?
Also, do you think I can use $1DD1 to exclude the Magic command for most characters?
I can't remember if unlocking Morph coincides with Magic being available for all characters.

Here's all the code I've changed so far:
DP $26 is #$0B - initiate the status screen
        C3/1C46:    202F35      JSR $352F        (from C3/01F1, turns off DMA and HDMA transfers, turns the screen off)
        C3/1C49:    200B62      JSR $620B        (do a DMA transfer)
        C3/1C4C:    20055D      JSR $5D05        (put status screen in VRAM?)
        C3/1C4F:    205D1C      JSR $1C5D        [go to InitStat1]
        C3/1C52:    A901        LDA #$01
        C3/1C54:    8526        STA $26        (transition process)
        C3/1C56:    A90C        LDA #$0C
        C3/1C58:    8527        STA $27        (queue up to execute at C3/21F5)
        C3/1C5A:    4C4135      JMP $3541

InitStat1:    C3/1C5D:    7B          TDC
        C3/1C5E:    A528        LDA $28
        C3/1C60:    0A          ASL A
        C3/1C61:    AA          TAX
        C3/1C62:    B46D        LDY $6D,X
        C3/1C64:    B90000      LDA $0000,Y        (load character ID)
        C3/1C67:    C90C        CMP #$0C        (Is this Gogo?)
                //change this to determin which characters can display command edit finger pointer.
                //C90D CMP #$0D This checks for Umaro and above.
                //If Functional Umaro patch is used change the comparison to 0E which is Bannon.
        C3/1C69:    D00D        BNE $1C78         (branch if not)
                //change this to determin which characters can display command edit finger pointer.
                //B00D BCS $1C78 This should branch if the character is higher than Gogo.
        C3/1C6B:    20FF36      JSR $36FF        (get hotspot data)
        C3/1C6E:    200837      JSR $3708        (set finger positioning)
        C3/1C71:    A906        LDA #$06
        C3/1C73:    0446        TSB $46
        C3/1C75:    4CB007      JMP $07B0        (finger OAM initiating)

        C3/1C78:    A906        LDA #$06
        C3/1C7A:    1446        TRB $46
        C3/1C7C:    60          RTS

DP $26 is #$0C - sustain the status screen
        C3/21F5:    20390F      JSR    addr        $0F39        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Unknown1]                (from C3/01F3)
        C3/21F8:    A508        LDA    dp        $08        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/21FA:    8910        BIT    #const    #$10        [Test Bits: Immediate]                                (are you pressing L?)
        C3/21FC:    F014        BEQ    nearlabel    $2212        [Branch if Equal: Program Counter Relative, go to Branch1]        
        C3/21FE:    A528        LDA    dp        $28        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/2200:    8579        STA    dp        $79        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]
Loop1:    C3/2202:    7B          TDC    --                [Transfer Direct Page Register to 16-bit Accumulator]
        C3/2203:    A528        LDA    dp        $28        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/2205:    1A          INC    A                [Increment Accumulator]
        C3/2206:    2903        AND    #const    #$03        [AND Accumulator with Memory]
        C3/2208:    8528        STA    dp        $28        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/220A:    AA          TAX    --                [Transfer Accumulator to Index Register X]
        C3/220B:    B569        LDA    dp,X        $69,X        [Load Accumulator from Memory: DP Indexed,X]
        C3/220D:    30F3        BMI    nearlabel    $2202        [Branch if Minus: Program Counter Relative, go to Loop1]
        C3/220F:    4C2922    JMP    addr        $2229        [Jump: Absolute, go to Skip1]

Branch1:    C3/2212:    A508        LDA    dp        $08        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]                (A already holds the contents of $08)
        C3/2214:    8920        BIT    #const    #$20        [Test Bits: Immediate]                                (are you pressing R?)
        C3/2216:    F020        BEQ    nearlabel    $2238        [Branch if Equal: Program Counter Relative, go to Skip2]        
        C3/2218:    A528        LDA    dp        $28        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/221A:    8579        STA    dp        $79        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]

Loop2:    C3/221C:    7B          TDC    --                [Transfer Direct Page Register to 16-bit Accumulator]
        C3/221D:    A528        LDA    dp        $28        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/221F:    3A          DEC    A                [Decrement Accumulator]
        C3/2220:    2903        AND    #const    #$03        [AND Accumulator with Memory: Immediate]
        C3/2222:    8528        STA    dp        $28        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/2224:    AA          TAX    --                [Transfer Accumulator to Index Register X]
        C3/2225:    B569        LDA    dp,X        $69,X        [Load Accumulator from Memory: DP Indexed,X]
        C3/2227:    30F3        BMI    nearlabel    $221C        [Branch if Minus: Program Counter Relative, go to Loop2]

Skip1:    C3/2229:    A528        LDA    dp        $28        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/222B:    C579        CMP    dp        $79        [Compare Accumulator with Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/222D:    F003        BEQ    nearlabel    $2232        [Branch if Equal: Program Counter Relative, go to Skip3]
        C3/222F:    20A30E      JSR    addr        $0EA3        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Unknown2]                //has to do with playing a sound.

Skip3:    C3/2232:    205D1C      JSR    addr        $1C5D        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to InitStat1]
        C3/2235:    4C835D      JMP    addr        $5D83        [Jump: Absolute, go to $5D83]
Skip2:    C3/2238:    A509        LDA    dp        $09        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]                (from C3/2222)
        C3/223A:    8980        BIT    #const    #$80        [Test Bits: Immediate]                                (did you press B?)
        C3/223C:    F00A        BEQ    nearlabel    $2248        [Branch if Equal: Program Counter Relative, go to Gogo]        
        C3/223E:    20A90E      JSR    addr        $0EA9        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Unknown3]                //has to do with playing a sound. (should it be 0EA3 instead?)
        C3/2241:    A904        LDA    #const    #$04        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Immediate]
        C3/2243:    8527        STA    dp        $27        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]                (init the main menu, queue up to execute at C3/1A8A)
        C3/2245:    6426        STZ    dp        $26        [Store Zero to Memory: Direct Page]                        (fade out)
        C3/2247:    60          RTS

One portion of Gogo's custom command setting in status menu
Gogo:        C3/2248:    20A622    JSR    addr        $22A6        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to GSub1]                (from C3/223C)
        C3/224B:    B90000      LDA    addr,Y    $0000,Y    [Load Accumulator from Memory: Absolute Indexed,Y]            (get character ID)
        C3/224E:    C90D        CMP    #const    #$0D        [Compare Accumulator with Memory: Immediate]                (is character Guest?)
        C3/2250:    B053        BCS    nearlabel    $22A5        [Branch if Carry Set: Program Counter Relative, go to GEnd]    (branch if greater than or equal)
        C3/2252:    200537      JSR    addr        $3705        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Unknown4]                (set finger positioning data for the four commands in status menu)
        C3/2255:    A508        LDA    dp        $08        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/2257:    8980        BIT    #const    #$80        [Test Bits: Immediate]                                (did you press A?)
        C3/2259:    F04A        BEQ    nearlabel    $22A5        [Branch if Equal: Program Counter Relative, go to GEnd]
        C3/225B:    A54B        LDA    dp        $4B        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/225D:    85E7        STA    dp        $E7        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/225F:    64E8        STZ    dp        $E8        [Store Zero to Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/2261:    20A622    JSR    addr        $22A6        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to GSub1]
        C3/2264:    C220        REP    #const    #$20        [Reset Processor Status Bits: Immediate]                    (16 bit memory/accum.)
        C3/2266:    98          TYA                    [Transfer Index Register Y to Accumulator: Implied]
        C3/2267:    18          CLC                    [Clear Carry: Implied]
        C3/2268:    65E7        ADC    dp        $E7        [Add with Carry: Direct Page]
        C3/226A:    A8          TAY                    [Transfer Accumulator to Index Register Y: Implied]
        C3/226B:    E220        SEP            #$20        [Set Processor Status Bits: Immediate]                    (8 bit memory/accum.)
        C3/226D:    B91600      LDA    addr,Y    $0016,Y    [Load Accumulator from Memory: Absolute Indexed,Y]            (unmodified commands)
        C3/2270:    C912        CMP    #const    #$12        [Compare Accumulator with Memory: Immediate]                (is command Mimic?)
        C3/2272:    F02B        BEQ    nearlabel    $229F        [Branch if Equal: Program Counter Relative, go to GBuzz]        (branch to buzzer sound + RTS)
        C3/2274:    20062F      JSR    addr        $2F06        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Unknown5]
        C3/2277:    A54E        LDA    dp        $4E        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/2279:    855E        STA    dp        $5E        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/227B:    A54B        LDA    dp        $4B        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/227D:    8564        STA    dp        $64        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/227F:    A906        LDA    #const    #$06        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Immediate]
        C3/2281:    8520        STA    dp        $20        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/2283:    A00C00      LDY    dp,X        #$000C    [Load Index Register Y from Memory: DP Indexed, X]
        C3/2286:    849C        STY    dp        $9C        [Store Index Register Y to Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/2288:    A96A        LDA    #const    #$6A        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Immediate]
        C3/228A:    8527        STA    dp        $27        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]                (queue up to execute at C3/63A7)
        C3/228C:    A965        LDA    #const    #$65        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Immediate]
        C3/228E:    8526        STA    dp        $26        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]                (execute at C3/36E7)
        C3/2290:    200364      JSR    addr        $6403        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Unknown6]
        C3/2293:    AF899D7E    LDA    long        $7E9D89    [Load Accumulator from Memory: Absolute Long]
        C3/2297:    8554        STA    dp        $54        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/2299:    20B20E      JSR    addr        $0EB2        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Click]                (makes the click sound)
        C3/229C:    4C0C64      JMP    addr        $640C        [Jump: Absolute,  go to Unknown7]                        (set finger positioning data for Gogo's customizable commands)

GBuzz:    C3/229F:    20C00E      JSR    addr        $0EC0        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Buzzer]                (makes the buzzer sound)
        C3/22A2:    205D30      JSR     addr        $305D        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Mosaic]                (triggers the mosaic effect)
GEnd:        C3/22A5:    60        RTS

GSub1:    C3/22A6:    7B          TDC    --                [Transfer Direct Page Register to 16-bit Accumulator]            (prep data to get current character ID)
        C3/22A7:    A528        LDA    dp        $28        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/22A9:    0A          ASL    A                [Arithmetic Shift Left: Accumulator]
        C3/22AA:    AA          TAX    --                [Transfer Accumulator to Index Register X]
        C3/22AB:    B46D        LDY    dp,X        $6D,X        [Load Index Register Y from Memory: DP Indexed, X]
        C3/22AD:    60          RTS

        C3/22AE:    A509        LDA    dp        $09        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Direct Page]
        C3/22B0:    8980        BIT    #const    #$80        [Test Bits: Immediate]                                (did you press B?)
        C3/22B2:    D009        BNE    nearlabel    $22BD        [Branch if Not Equal: Program Counter Relative, go to GEnd2]
        C3/22B4:    20A90E      JSR    addr        $0EA9        [Jump to Subroutine: Absolute, go to Unknown3]
        C3/22B7:    A904        LDA    #const    #$04        [Load Accumulator from Memory: Immediate]
        C3/22B9:    8527        STA    dp        $27        [Store Accumulator to Memory: Direct Page]                (init the main menu, queue up to execute at C3/1A8A)
        C3/22BB:    6426        STZ    dp        $26        [Store Zero to Memory: Direct Page]                        (fade out)
GEnd2:    C3/22BD:    60          RTS

        C3/22BE:    EAEAEAEA       Free Space
        C3/22C2:    EAEAEA        7 Bytes
(Generate large command list for righthand side of Gogo's Status screen)

C3/5DC1: A2 09 9E     LDX #$9E09     (from C3/5D08)
C3/5DC4: 8E 81 21     STX $2181      (all writes to $2180 start at 7E/9E09)
C3/5DC7: 7B           TDC            (A = #$0000)
C3/5DC8: AA           TAX            (X = #$0000)
//This loop builds the command list
C3/5DC9: DA           PHX            (save X)
C3/5DCA: C2 20        REP #$20       (16 bit memory/accum.)
C3/5DCC: 8A           TXA
C3/5DCD: 0A           ASL            (* 2)
C3/5DCE: AA           TAX
C3/5DCF: AD DC 1E     LDA $1EDC
C3/5DD2: 3F 67 9C C3  AND $C39C67,X  (do you have this character?)
C3/5DD6: F0 27        BEQ $5DFF      (branch if not, BR1)
C3/5DD8: C2 20        REP #$20       (16 bit memory/accum.)
C3/5DDA: BF E0 FF C3  LDA $C3FFE0,X  (Xth character's working ROM offset)
C3/5DDE: AA           TAX
C3/5DDF: E2 20        SEP #$20       (8 bit memory/accum.)
C3/5DE1: BF A2 7C ED  LDA $ED7CA2,X  (default command 1)
C3/5DE5: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5DE9: BF A3 7C ED  LDA $ED7CA3,X  (default command 2)
C3/5DED: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5DF0: BF A4 7C ED  LDA $ED7CA4,X  (default command 3)
C3/5DF4: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5DF7: BF A5 7C ED  LDA $ED7CA5,X  (default command 4)
C3/5DFB: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5DFD: 80 10        BRA $5E0F      (isolates null command entry for missing PCs, BR2)
C3/5DFF: E2 20        SEP #$20       (8 bit memory/accum.)
C3/5E01: A9 FF        LDA #$FF
C3/5E03: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5E06: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5E09: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5E0C: 8D 80 21     STA $2180      (four null commands)
C3/5E0F: FA           PLX            (retrieve X)
C3/5E10: E8           INX
C3/5E11: E0 10 00     CPX #$0010     (iterate for all 16 character slots)
                                     (so we're generating a 64-command list with every recruited character's raw command)
C3/5E14: D0 B3        BNE $5DC9      (loop back for next PC, LP1)

C3/5E16: 7B           TDC            (A = #$0000)
C3/5E17: AA           TAX            (X = #$0000)
//This loop replaces duplicates from the command list with null commands
C3/5E18: DA           PHX            (save X)
C3/5E19: BF 09 9E 7E  LDA $7E9E09,X  (load command from one slot)
C3/5E1D: DF 0A 9E 7E  CMP $7E9E0A,X  (compare to command from a later slot)
C3/5E21: D0 08        BNE $5E2B      (branch if they didn't match, BR3)
C3/5E23: 48           PHA            (save A)
C3/5E24: A9 FF        LDA #$FF       (load value for null command)
C3/5E26: 9F 0A 9E 7E  STA $7E9E0A,X  (if they did, replace second instance with a null command)
C3/5E2A: 68           PLA            (retrieve A)
C3/5E2B: E8           INX
C3/5E2C: E0 3F 00     CPX #$003F
C3/5E2F: D0 EC        BNE $5E1D      (this loop compares the command at position N to those at positions N+1 through 64 [zero-based], LP2)
C3/5E31: FA           PLX            (retrieve X)
C3/5E32: E8           INX
C3/5E33: E0 3F 00     CPX #$003F
C3/5E36: D0 E0        BNE $5E18      (this loop increments position N, LP3)

C3/5E38: A2 8A 9D     LDX #$9D8A
C3/5E3B: 8E 81 21     STX $2181      (all writes to $2180 start at 7E/9D8A)
C3/5E3E: A9 FF        LDA #$FF
C3/5E40: 7B           TDC            (A = #$0000)
C3/5E41: AA           TAX            (X = #$0000)
C3/5E42: A8           TAY            (Y = #$0000)
//This loop removes duplicate commands and excludes certain others from the command list
C3/5E43: 7B           TDC            (A = #$0000)
C3/5E44: DA           PHX            (save X)
C3/5E45: BF 09 9E 7E  LDA $7E9E09,X  (load command)
C3/5E49: 30 15        BMI $5E60      (branch if no command, BR4)
C3/5E4B: 4C 99 FF     JMP $FF99      (go to new code at $FF99)
        //Remove this branch in order to allow the Mimic command to be added to the command list.
        //Replace with jump to new code: Check for Morph & Mimic, but skip Morph check if character is Terra & skip Mimic check if character is Gogo.
C3/5E4E: 85 E0        STA $E0        (save A to RAM)
C3/5E50: 0A           ASL            (* 2)
C3/5E51: AA           TAX
C3/5E52: BF 00 FE CF  LDA $CFFE00,X  (load command info)
C3/5E56: 29 01        AND #$01       (can Gogo use this command?)
C3/5E58: F0 06        BEQ $5E60      (branch if not, BR4)
        //Kill this branch to allow all commands to be added to the list.
        //The above code is used to add commands to the command list by checking against a table of usable commands.
        //Replace with jump to new code: 2 routines that will do the original check for Gogo, and a separate one for all other characters.
C3/5E5A: A5 E0        LDA $E0        (load A from RAM)
C3/5E5C: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5E5F: C8           INY            (increment valid command quantity)
C3/5E60: FA           PLX            (retrieve X)
C3/5E61: E8           INX
C3/5E62: E0 40 00     CPX #$0040     (have we checked 64 commands yet?)
C3/5E65: D0 DC        BNE $5E43      (loop if not, LP4)

C3/5E67: EA           INY            (add 1 to valid command quantity, for the initial blank slot)
C3/5E68: 98           TYA
C3/5E69: 8F 89 9D 7E  STA $7E9D89    (save valid command quantity + 1)
C3/5E6D: A2 8D AA     LDX #$AA8D
C3/5E70: 8E 81 21     STX $2181      (all writes to $2180 start at 7E/AA8D)
C3/5E73: 7B           TDC            (A = #$0000)
C3/5E74: AA           TAX            (X = #$0000)
C3/5E75: BF 85 5F C3  LDA $C35F85,X  (window data for the command list)
C3/5E79: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5E7C: E8           INX
C3/5E7D: E0 08 00     CPX #$0008
C3/5E80: D0 F3        BNE $5E75      (iterate 8 times)
C3/5E82: A9 18        LDA #$18       (set command quantity to fixed amount)
C3/5E83: EA           STA $E2                                            
C3/5E85: EA           CLC
C3/5E86: EA EA        ADC $E2
C3/5E88: EA EA        ADC $E2        (A = A * 3)
C3/5E8A: EA EA        AND #$FE
C3/5E8C: EA EA        BEQ $5E90
C3/5E8E: EA           INC
C3/5E8F: EA           INC
C3/5E90: EA           LSR
C3/5E91: 8F 90 AA 7E  STA $7EAA90
C3/5E95: 8F 94 AA 7E  STA $7EAA94
C3/5E99: A0 8D AA     LDY #$AA8D
C3/5E9C: A9 7E        LDA #$7E
C3/5E9E: EA EA        STA $E9        (JSR $0343 would save 2 bytes)
C3/5EA0: 20 43 03     JSR $0343      (draw a window, data at 7E/AA8D)
C3/5EA3: A0 91 AA     LDY #$AA91
C3/5EA6: A9 7E        LDA #$7E
C3/5EA8: EA EA        STA $E9        (JSR $0343 would save 2 bytes)
C3/5EAA: 20 43 03     JSR $0343      (draw a window, data at 7E/AA91)
C3/5EAD: AF 89 9D 7E  LDA $7E9D89
C3/5EB1: 85 E5        STA $E5        (copy command quantity)
C3/5EB3: 64 E6        STZ $E6
C3/5EB5: 7B           TDC            (A = #$0000)
C3/5EB6: AA           TAX            (X = #$0000)
C3/5EB7: A0 C9 80     LDY #$80C9     (set position in tilemap)
C3/5EBA: DA           PHX            (save X)
C3/5EBB: 5A           PHY            (save Y)
        //Add code here to load current character's equipment data
C3/5EBC: BF 8A 9D 7E  LDA $7E9D8A,X  (get command ID)
C3/5EC0: 20 D7 5E     JSR $5ED7      (output command name, blank if no command.
                                      also check whether it's grayable.)
                                     (the problem is, it's being grayed/whitened based
                                      on the equipment data of whomever's Status screen
                                      you last entered from the main menu, not
                                      necessarily Gogo's.)
C3/5EC3: 7A           PLY            (retrieve Y)
C3/5EC4: C2 20        REP #$20       (16 bit memory/accum.)
C3/5EC6: 98           TYA
C3/5EC7: 18           CLC
C3/5EC8: 69 80 00     ADC #$0080     (2 lines down for next position in tilemap)
C3/5ECB: A8           TAY
C3/5ECC: E2 20        SEP #$20       (8 bit memory/accum.)
C3/5ECE: FA           PLX            (retrieve X)
C3/5ECF: E8           INX
C3/5ED0: E4 E5        CPX $E5
C3/5ED2: D0 E6        BNE $5EBA      (iterate for command quantity # of entries)
C3/5ED4: 4C 50 5F     JMP $5F50      (blank out Gogo's portrait for the command list.
                                      no BRA?)


(Outputs a command name or, if the command's unavailable, a string of blanks.
For SwdTech and Runic, it also decides whether the command will be lit up
or grayed based on weapons held.)

(4-command list on Status screen and when arranging "Short" layout on
Config screen: enter at C3/5EE1.
Long list on right of [Gogo's] Status screen: enter at C3/5ED7.)

C3/5ED7: 48           PHA
C3/5ED8: 20 19 35     JSR $3519
C3/5EDB: 68           PLA             (restore command ID)
C3/5EDC: 30 2E        BMI $5F0C       (if it's null, go blank it)
C3/5EDE: 4C E6 5E     JMP $5EE6       (skip blanking of command check, as caller already
                                       determined it should be listed.  no BRA?)

C3/5EE1: 20 2C 61     JSR $612C       (Check for blanked commands)
C3/5EE4: 30 26        BMI $5F0C
C3/5EE6: 20 25 5F     JSR $5F25       (Check for grayed out commands)
C3/5EE9: 85 E2        STA $E2         (save command #)
C3/5EEB: 48           PHA             (ditto)
C3/5EEC: 0A           ASL
C3/5EED: 0A           ASL
C3/5EEE: 85 E0        STA $E0         (= command_num * 4)
C3/5EF0: 68           PLA
C3/5EF1: 0A           ASL             (= command_num * 2)
C3/5EF2: 18           CLC
C3/5EF3: 65 E0        ADC $E0         (= command_num * 6)
C3/5EF5: 65 E2        ADC $E2         (= command_num * 7)
C3/5EF7: AA           TAX
C3/5EF8: A0 07 00     LDY #$0007      (Commands are 7 letters long)
C3/5EFB: BF A0 CE D8  LDA $D8CEA0,X   (Load Xth letter of Battle Cmd. name)
C3/5EFF: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5F02: E8           INX
C3/5F03: 88           DEY
C3/5F04: D0 F5        BNE $5EFB
C3/5F06: 9C 80 21     STZ $2180       (zero-terminate the string)
C3/5F09: 4C D9 7F     JMP $7FD9

c3/5F0C: A9 FF        LDA #$FF
C3/5F0E: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5F11: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5F14: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5F17: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5F1A: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5F1D: 8D 80 21     STA $2180
C3/5F20: 8D 80 21     STA $2180       (output 7 null characters)
C3/5F23: 80 E1        BRA $5F06

(Precheck for Grayed out commands)

C3/5F25: 48           PHA
C3/5F26: C9 0B        CMP #$0B     (is it Runic?)
C3/5F28: F0 10        BEQ $5F3A
C3/5F2A: C9 07        CMP #$07     (is it SwdTech?)
C3/5F2C: F0 16        BEQ $5F44
C3/5F2E: A9 20        LDA #$20
C3/5F30: 85 29        STA $29      (set text color to white)
C3/5F32: 68           PLA
C3/5F33: 60           RTS

C3/5F34: A9 24        LDA #$24
C3/5F36: 85 29        STA $29      (set text color to gray)

C3/5F38: 68           PLA
C3/5F39: 60           RTS

(Gray out Runic command if no weapons have Runic ability)

C3/5F3A: AD DA 11     LDA $11DA
C3/5F3D: 0D DB 11     ORA $11DB    (weapon properties, both hands)
C3/5F40: 10 F2        BPL $5F34    (branch if neither have bit 7 set)
C3/5F42: 80 EA        BRA $5F2E

(Gray out SwdTech command if no weapons have SwdTech ability)

C3/5F44: AD DA 11     LDA $11DA
C3/5F47: 0D DB 11     ORA $11DB    (weapon properties, both hands)
C3/5F4A: 89 02        BIT #$02     (branch if neither have bit 1 set)
C3/5F4C: F0 E6        BEQ $5F34
C3/5F4E: 80 DE        BRA $5F2E

RE: Command Edit Upgrade patch [WIP] Alpha Patch Available - HatZen08 - 10-29-2015

Quote:By chance do you know of any of the other bytes in $1DD1 are used and if so what for?
1DD1:0 The party was annihilated
1DD1:1 Enables the "M-M-M-MAGIC!?" scene to be triggered
1DD1:2 Enables the Morph command
1DD1:3 Enables the display of ability points acquired
1DD1:4 The party escaped the battle
1DD1:5 A timer caused a battle or menu to abort
1DD1:6 Enables the display of the battle and menu timers
1DD1:7 The party was engulfed

Quote:Also, do you think I can use $1DD1 to exclude the Magic command for most characters?
No. The routine at C3/612C calls C3/0D2B to discovery if a character has learned spells. The magic command is enabled if it is true, otherwise it is disabled. However, if you want to follow a different approach from the original game, any variable/flag can be used to determinate the magic command availability.
C3/612C:    B91600      LDA $0016,Y
C3/612F:    C902        CMP #$02       (is it magic?)
C3/6131:    D00B        BNE $613E
C3/6133:    5A          PHY
C3/6134:    202B0D      JSR $0D2B      (check to see if character knows magic)
C3/6137:    B004        BCS $613D      (branch if magic is known)
C3/6139:    7A          PLY
C3/613A:    A9FF        LDA #$FF       (no command)
C3/613C:    60          RTS

Quote:I can't remember if unlocking Morph coincides with Magic being available for all characters.
It is unrelated.

Quote:I did think about the registers being in the wrong mode, but I didn't know much about it. Looking into it now.
They are in the wrong mode. The XY registers must be in 16-bit for your code to work but they are in 8-bit. You must adjust it.

RE: Command Edit Upgrade patch [WIP] Alpha Patch Available - Vanya - 10-29-2015

SO, before I start messing with the contents of X & Y I need to ... REP #$20 then before I put everything back I ... SEP #$20?
Is that right?

RE: Command Edit Upgrade patch [WIP] Alpha Patch Available - HatZen08 - 10-29-2015

Quote:SO, before I start messing with the contents of X & Y I need to ... REP #$20 then before I put everything back I ... SEP #$20?
Is that right?
No. REP #$20 and SEP #$20 will set the A register. REP #$20 will set A as 16-bit and SEP #$20 will set A as 8-bit. The setting of the XY register will be unaltered. You must use SEP #$10 (8-bit) and REP #$10 (16-bit), with or without other flags, to set the XY register mode to 8-bit or 16-bit.

A debugger can help you to discovery if your instructions are correct and how they are interpreted.

RE: Command Edit Upgrade patch [WIP] Alpha Patch Available - Vanya - 10-29-2015

Any particular debugger that you recommend?

RE: Command Edit Upgrade patch [WIP] Alpha Patch Available - HatZen08 - 10-30-2015

Quote:Any particular debugger that you recommend?

Because my system is linux/ubuntu, my option of debuggers is limited. I use no$sns under wine. It is a relatively simple debugger but it does its job. I can track/inspect how the instructions are interpreted and the execution flow. Its main page is here.