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FFVI: Divergent Paths

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Yeah, I guess that makes sense, although my point still stands that some of these class names don't make a typical gamer think "oh Final Fantasy." Like, Adventurer can mean literally anything really, just call Locke's class Thief, maybe one can see it as a jab towards Locke. XD

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Fair points, all of them. I may be changing around the names before the end, since I haven't even implemented these into the rom yet (save for a patch of battle text where Strago recognizes Leo as a Templar, but that could easily be changed).

However, I will not be using the traditional Final Fantasy "Mage Colors", since that does not fit with the world of FFVI. The magic is not referred to as White/Black/Green/Blue, but as Healing/Attack/Status/Lore. Because of that, Strago's description as a "Blue Mage" in the Advance version always struck me as out of place. Other suggestions are welcome though.

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character

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That's fair, so Strago could potentially stay Arcanist. The class names I have in mind are:
1. Locke: Thief, as a bit of a jab towards him, and how he hates being called a thief, and, of course, because Adventurer can literally mean anything.
2. Celes: Possibly Dragoon, as that fits her better than Valkyrie in my opinion. Unless you count Bravely Default, then yeah, Valkyrie fits.
3. Leo: Paladin, as he has quite a few similarities with Cecil from Final Fantasy 4.

If you ever feel useless, just remember that Umaro has an MP stat.

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After looking at some of the changes more, I really think you should change the name of the Capture Command to Mug, like it is in pretty much all the other Final Fantasy games. Also, since you seem to be exploring more characters' story arcs, I'm surprised you never brought up Mog in any storyline changes. He has quite a bit to work with in terms of a character arc, since, you know, all the Moogles are gone in the World of Ruin.

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I'm not actually adding many scenes. Just a line or two of dialog here and there. There's actually not a whole lot of room for doing more unless the rom is expanded, and I'm trying to make my changes without expanding the rom. Good call on Capture/Mug though.

What scene would you envision with Mog? If it's a compelling enough scene, I will add it to the list of things to put in if space allows it. Right now, I already have an event coded for placing Optimum Equipment on all party members/all characters, which takes up 358 bytes. That gets first priority if space is available.

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character

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I'm picturing a scene with Locke and Mog in the place where all the Moogles were in the World of Balance, where they have a bit of a conversation where they both lament the loss of all the Moogles, and Mog starts sniffling, and Locke cheers him up, and that's how you get the Moogle Charm. Reason I chose Locke for this scene is because of the scene in the beginning of the game, where the Moogles saved Locke and Terra. Locke and Mog might even vow to avenge the Moogles together.

It doesn't even have to be a very movement-heavy scene, just have Mog and Locke in the party and examine the specific spot where the Moogle Charm is, and Locke just shows up out of Mog's body like most characters do, and the conversation happens there.

EDIT: I also think Coin Toss should either be buffed or scrapped completely, due to its uselessness.

If you ever feel useless, just remember that Umaro has an MP stat.

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I may move Coin Toss over to Shadow. It fits thematically, and it's a 1-byte change in C2. If I CAN, I'm going to eliminate Possess and turn it into "Morph", an ability that changes an enemy into an item. This would go to the new character Kappa.

For the Moogle scene, I've always felt that the lack of Moogles was more an oversight than an intentional story decision. Would you settle for a letter left behind by Molulu that explained how she took the Moogles into hiding, but left a charm for Mog? Less depressing that way.

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character

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I think it would make more sense if the Moogles were gone, rather than in hiding, as everyone else in the Narshe area is also gone. And the scene was meant to be depressing because the entire World of Ruin is depressing.

As for Coin Toss, I think it should still be buffed, as it's rather weak. It makes sense for Shadow, so good on that choice. And I think Morph is a very good idea for an ability for Kappa.

Also, bit of a suggestion: Maybe you could have Banon also have a Sword equipped, since his official artwork depicts him with a Sword.

If you ever feel useless, just remember that Umaro has an MP stat.

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Progress update. I have finished all event hacking through the World of Balance, and have tested it successfully. In the Floating Continent, there is a scene where Celes confronts Kekfa. I have given that scene to Leo, since Celes gets so much screen time in the World of Ruin.

Today, I sat down and mapped out the code for Cyan's dream sequence, which is going to be his new recruitment scenario. My goal has been to add in a 4th party member, allowing the player to challenge this scenario earlier in the game. Anyway, the event where the dream stooges abduct and split your party is, to date, the most convoluted event I have seen in this game. I had assumed that this code possibly moved your party members to a backup party 2, then added them back in 1 by 1. No, instead, it loops through your entire party to set exactly 2 of 26 event bits that activate and show 2 of 26 NPCs on map $13D. Each of these NPCs has a separate copy of the 49-byte event where the stooge disappears. That creates 3 distinct problems:
1. The guest characters Umaro ($0E) and Kappa ($0F) are not evaluated by this code, and have neither event bits nor NPCs.
2. I am short by 19 event bits in the block that is evaluated for displaying NPCs.
3. Even if I had the event bits, map $13D cannot accept more NPCs.
I mapped out a logical path that would allow me to drop to 15 total event bits and 15 NPCs, but it is extremely long, and I'm pretty sure the logic would break once you started adding players back into your party.

So, after thinking about it all day, I think I am going to re-write that entire sequence so that your party is not split up to begin with. Instead, your party will encounter aspects of Cyan's soul that are being held captive by the stooges. This frees up space in the rom for 23 more NPCs, gives me 23 event bits that I can use to manipulate NPC behavior in other areas of the game, and frees up 1500 bytes of event code, which is a LOT of real estate to work with. I already have a 400-byte routine programmed that will allow you to optimize equipment from the airship, and the extra kilobyte of space will be enough for me to potentially add in a nice flashback sequence for Leo that plays in the Ancient Castle.

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character

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All great ideas, I'm excited for when it finally come to fruition. This hack is pretty much like a dream come true for people who remembers playing FF6 when we was youngsters.

If you ever feel useless, just remember that Umaro has an MP stat.

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