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Mini-Contest Idea

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(07-21-2014, 08:20 AM)Tenkarider Wrote: More than my PMs? Laugh

Probably not.

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Hm. You said you got 8 battles almost every time, Edrin? Figures that I got 10 battles and considered it average--such is my luck. Granted, had I taken as many attempts as you, I might have not believed that. Kudos for winning!

The only thing harder than finding a needle in a haystack is finding a haystack in a needle. Laugh

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(07-21-2014, 07:23 AM)Edrin Wrote: Great job everybody, can't wait to do more.

Thanks, it means a lot.

For the PM thing, Tenka sent me more PM's, but you sent me more videos. Tongue

In some ways I was trying to keep the first challenge simple, which is why there were no options in terms of party members here. I'm going to try and make it viable to usually stop and change party members by only giving you one party member in the save most of the time. Unless you can do it quickly with just one person, you will probably be switching party members when I can make it reasonable to do so.

However, Mute was a little too simple, and I definitely should have banned status effects for this. This not only gives me a heads up to pay attention to these things more, but also to test things more before posting the challenge.

(07-21-2014, 09:29 AM)Cecil188 Wrote: Hm. You said you got 8 battles almost every time, Edrin? Figures that I got 10 battles and considered it average--such is my luck. Granted, had I taken as many attempts as you, I might have not believed that. Kudos for winning!

We both know that Scott would have had at least 15. Sweat

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"However, Mute was a little too simple, and I definitely should have banned status effects for this"

I'll say it again: berserk + vanish esper is even more effective

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Good Morning Sabin!
Alright, the second challenge!

NOTE1: You may notice a whole lot of Chrono Trigger References in the description. Don't worry, it's all thematic, and having played Chrono Trigger will not help at all, nor are there spoilers.

NOTE2: You may also notice in the save that the character are very similar to the characters for a Low Level Natural Magic Game. Don't worry if you don't have LLG experience, as it should be far from necessary.

Now with that out of the way...

Sabin has been feeling a bit disillusioned lately. As you may know, Chrono Trigger and FF6 were two of the biggest games on the SNES, and people often have disagreements about which is better. Unfortunately, Sabin Hold on is a Chrono Trigger fan, and he is upset that he didn't get to be in his favorite game of all time. So Cyan Sweat, his best buddy, decided to throw Sabin a personal Millennial Fair to cheer him up.

1: If you've played Chrono Trigger yourself, you'll remember some of the classic things to do at the fair. You may remember that bell that you had to hit to earn Silver Points. It was a competition of strength, and what better way is there to show strength than to Suplex the crud out of things? One part of this task will involve defeating an enemy encounter (yes, any encounter), dealing damage only with the Suplex skill. That's pretty straightforward, right? Well, you don't know Suplex yet, so that needs to happen first at least.

2: Oh, and you may remember the drinking contest (it was soda, not alcohol, don't jump to conclusions!) that happened at the fair. The maximum number of sodas that you could drink was eight. Therefore, one part of this task will involve using eight Items from the following list of Items that I consider drinkable:

Antidote, Ether, Elixir, Hi-Ether, Eye Drops (eww...), Potion, Tonic, Revivify, Megalixir (it counts as four, to make venturing through hours of gameplay to get one worthwhile), Remedy, X-Potion, X-Ether.

This must be done in battle. Quaffing stuff in the menu doesn't help you.

3: Chrono Trigger veterans may also recall being able to bet on the races. There were four participants:

[Image: Cat1.gif] [Image: Royal_Guard.png] [Image: Soldier2.gif][Image: Reptite_%28Green%29.png]

(No, the soldier isn't a giant, that's just how it came out).

There's a cat, a soldier, a lizard, and a guard here. Find an enemy that looks like any one of them. I understand that this is a tad subjective, so PM me if you're not sure if it counts. And what's a good analogy to betting? Throwing money away! So defeat an encounter containing this enemy by dealing damage only with Gil Toss. You may notice that you don't have the Coin Toss Relic, so you may want to amend that at some point... For those of you who don't remember where it is, it's the bottom left chest in the bridge/lava maze in the Cave to the Sealed Gate.

4: And of course, who can forget Gato, Luca's training robot that you can defeat for 15 silver points and some epic lyrics that would make Nattak jealous! I think it should be clear what you have to do here. Defeat an encounter containing any robotic opponent, and you have completed this part of the objective. I understand that the only robotic opponents for this part of the game are on the Veldt (well, excluding Guardian, but Joker Doom is still banned), so I'll make the assumption that any enemy from the Magitek Facility is part Cyborg, so they count too. You still can't find them anywhere except the Veldt, but you'll find something in every Veldt cycle at least.

The parts of the task can be done in any order you want, so feel free to mix and match.

Other than the usual bans, running from encounters is also banned. Otherwise there wouldn't be much to do here. Smile

This may seem like a lot of stuff that you have to do, but this challenge should be hardly longer than the last one.

Give it your all and show Sabin Hold on why FF6 is cool!

Confused Moogles FTW

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Very creative and fun sounding challenge!

It's funny I was actually just singing the Gato song lyrics the other day, seeing if it timed up well with his song. Laugh

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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Thanks Nattak! I suspect that you're too busy with ROTDS to join in though. Smile

Some clarifications of the instructions that came up:

The drinks don't have to be used by Sabin. Part 2 is distinct from part 1.

For the Gil Tossing, you only need to find and defeat a battle with one of these participants. You don't need to defeat all four of them.

Pipsqueak does not count as a Soldier or a Guard. Just FYI, if you ask me about a valid enemy in a PM, I won't broadcast anything here, because I don't want to violate privacy and let people copy your working ideas. However, if you ask me about an invalid enemy in a PM, I will broadcast it here to make sure that nobody else makes the same mistake and wastes time submitting an illegal run.

I also just want to re-iterate that the entire encounter, and not just the enemy in question must be killed with Gil Toss.

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(07-26-2014, 03:10 PM)Lockirby2 Wrote: Antidote, Ether, Elixir, Hi-Ether, Eye Drops (eww...), Potion, Tonic, Revivify, Megalixir (it counts as four, to make venturing through hours of gameplay to get one worthwhile), Remedy, X-Potion, X-Ether.

Eye drops are essentially saline water and extremely mild and safe to drink. While elixir, traditionally (and likely in this time-period), was a drink made from gold powder that was more likely to kill you than grant an extended life (the belief of the day)...

Just sayin... (or more like being "that guy" who points out dumb stuff to sound smart)

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Anyway it's pure trolling to consider Megalixir worth of 4 points instead of 1... You find them all in WoR, the only exception is going to fight the Intangir, find him(low chances), and metamorphing him:
You can do it only using the 2 magicite that you'll ever able to find inside the same room of the Atma sword, which requires a deeper exploration than just taking the coin toss relic.
Now that you have some magicite, you have to use it on him and hoping that comes out right the Ragnarok esper.
If that ever happens, then you have only the 12.5% of chance that the morph will happen with success(otherwise it will be just a miss),
If you are so lucky to have also a success with it, then it will become a megalixir only at 25%, in the other cases your efforts will be worth of a mere tonic.......... yes.
Extimated chances(after a LLG sneak inside that dungeon, and lots of random encounters to make show the Intangir) to receive a megalixir:
Less than 1/500 !!! Laugh
At this point you could declare the winner of the task any player that manage to drink megalixir in less than 1 hour...

PS if magicite calls an esper who targets him, he will use meteor and annihilate you...

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Or, if you want to be really masochistic, to save time, you would have to not grab the magicite because it is too much of a detour, and use Setzer's slots instead.

The only thing harder than finding a needle in a haystack is finding a haystack in a needle. Laugh

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