FF6 Hacking

Full Version: Whats Your Favorite Final Fantasy spinoff?
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Well we all know and love Final Fantasy, but some of the other titles, although great (for the most part @ least) not quite the classic FF u know what I mean :p

now of course we have Tactics, Crystal Chronicles, Legends (game boy), and of course dissidia just to name a few

we also have to consider X-2, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus

but lets hear what u guys think
Definatly Dissidia, its just so awsome :p
Having characters from all of the Final Fantasy's (the main series anyway lol) beat the shit out of each other is pure epicness Laugh
hahaha I have 2 agree with u on that :p
Tactics and Dissidia.
tactics I thinks was the most interesting, not that its my favorite (up there though)