FF6 Hacking

Full Version: Meeple Fantasy VI Patch
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Djinn, will you consider submitting lenneth's sprite sheet to the site?
I will submit eventually, but I've actually updated it to look even better since Meeple released this version of the hack.

I'm thinking of doing a few more touchups to it, so please wait for the final version.

This is also the reason I haven't submitted any of my other MF6 sprites like Yuri, Ike, and Laharl yet. They still need touchups in my opinion.
looking forward to them
the characters must have more shadowing (or how its called)
hey djinn, do you think you can reupload the most recent version of meeple fantasy 6, rapidshare deleted the file due to inactivity rule when i went to download the hack, it is one of the best crossover hacks ever, i only have an older version off megaupload. thanksSmile
Hey, good to see that people are still interested in this.

The finished version of Meeple Fantasy 6 is here:
EDIT: Changed Link, go HERE:

The link on the information site has also been updated, so no more broken rapidshare links.
Changed the original topic's link to the one you gave me, Djinn.

Also Renamed the thread to Meeple Fantasy VI / Cameo Fantasy VI
Well, this topic should just be for Meeple Fantasy VI.

I'll make my own topic for Cameo Fantasy when I actually have a working beta.
Sorry about that, it's been changed, lol
Thanks djinn, you are awesome, i downloaded the patch and are going to play it now. Smile
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