FF6 Hacking

Full Version: Alternative Rage
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author: SilentEnigma

This patch is an alternative to Terii Senshi's venerable Rage patch for Chupon & Siegfried, as specified by @CVReynolds in this post.

It immediately grants the rage for Chupon and Siegfried once the appropriate enemy is fought by Gau in the coliseum.
It does not enable Chupon or Siegfried to be encountered on the Veldt, nor does it affect Allo Ver.
(For a compatible Allo Ver patch, see Master ZED's Allo Ver fix by @Assassin.)

I originally intended to drop this around the same time as my other upcoming rage patch, but that other one is officially taking way too long.

Now, is this patch my preferred definitive solution for Chupon/Siegfried? Probably not. But that's just me.
I'm probably just jealous I wasn't the one who came up with the idea.

