FF6 Hacking

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As I've been working on adding more song-imports for my randomizer, I've stopped here and there to code little scripts to make the process a bit smoother. Most of them are pretty specialized, automating some minor task of FF6 music hacking. I've been sharing these on Discord just in case someone wanted the help, but they're pretty trivial.

But my most recent addition to this package is absolutely not trivial, at least in how useful it can be. Here's the gist:
-- MML to FF6 converter that, unlike Rs3ExTool2, supports all known FF6 music commands.
-- FF6 to MML converter, so that we can edit existing songs (the native ones, our own, someone else's?) without a hex editor and without any of that hassle around jump pointers.

The MML interpreter:
-- generates both data and instrument files
-- supports basic syntax replacement -- e.g., using the more standard octave up/down markers
-- supports generating multiple variants ("patch" and "nopatch", or any other variation you like)

There's still some work to be done on the importing-data-into-the-ROM front, and I'll need to turn these scripts into binaries at some point, but this is getting very close to the point where music editing will no longer be a hex-editor-required activity.

Try out my stuff! (Python 2.7 required for now) https://github.com/emberling/mfvitools
Let me know on discord when it breaks!

here's the most current versions of the mfvitools MML tools, as windows binaries. there's an exciting new addition this time: "sqspcmml"


no, "sqspcmml", as in square SPC MML, a tool for importing binary data from **any square snes game** into mfvitools MML format, which can go straight into FF6 via mml2mfvi

fine print: "any" excludes games that square merely published (BoF1, THG) and "square" excludes square of america (SoE).

i've also fully (?) documented the mml format here.
New release! This time with actual binaries!

added 'insertmfvi' - the answer to all the questions you never asked about inserting music and samples into ROMs!
also, sqspcmml can now export samples.

together, this means that you can do this

also, randomly, there is a converter from neverland SFC/S2C format (lufia, lufia 2, energy breaker) into mfvitools-mml. it doesn't work very well, but it works better as a reference than spc2it, i think, if for whatever reason you need a transcription of a song from one of those games.