FF6 Hacking

Full Version: Tutorials guidelines and call for tutorial creation!
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We are seeking people to create tutorials on any FF6 hacking subject of any FF6 version. If you got talent in any FF6 hacking task, specific problem or aspect your knowledge could be of a great help! The more decent tutorials we have the easier for newcomers it is to get into the mix and the more processes are well documented which can never hurt.

There are 3 way to share a tutorial:

1) You post it directly in the appropriate tutorial section. Tutorial is not reviewed and original poster must fix the potential errors noticed by forum users.
2) You create an entry in the ff6hacking wiki (section 6). Peers can there modify your entry if errors are found.
3) You send to an admin by PM your tutorial in a text file or word file with files and images if applicable and someone will review your tutorial and add it to the wiki, forum or both.

Third way is encouraged only if you struggle with post or wiki formatting, the English language, etc. If you have any question regarding the wiki functioning, you can send me or an other admin a message. If you want your tutorial reviewed for language errors, typos and technical errors before posting we can arrange this.

There are only a few things you should keep in mind when making a tutorial:

1) Information must be accurate
2) Information is easy to understand for a person of the hacking level required by the tutorial.
3) You use to the maximum correct terminology, conventions, etc.
4) Information must be convivially presented. Tables, text formatting (like bold and italic) and images can help in this regard.

Happy hacking! Victory