FF6 Hacking

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Life got in the way of my ff6 in the browser project, but I've got a little more time to work on it now so I'm back at it. Still can't seem to crack the damn map tile properties data though (frustratingly it's only 8 bits I don't understand, but they're critical). I had a incredibly complicated set of if / else ifs that I was using to approximate the functionality, but I don't think that's going to fly in the long run.

I'm trying to track down where the game processes moving from one tile to the next but have been striking out. Can anyone point me in the right direction to track this down? My ASM / Geiger's debugger skill exists but is pretty low level.

I've tried weeding through traces of what happens when you press a key to move, but can't really make heads or tails of the MBs of data that gets spits out almost instantly.
Here are my notes on tile properties (some bits with corresponding ZoneDoctor names):

$7E7600-$7E76FF tile properties byte 1
                special values: $F7 = always impassable, $07 = counter tile, can be talked over
                l: Tile uses up/left movement (stairs)
                r: Tile uses up/right movement (stairs)
                d: Door Tile
                b: Bottom sprite shown above priority 1 bg (not active for bridge tiles, ZoneDoctor: "0.4")
                t: Top sprite shown above priority 1 bg (not active for bridge tiles, ZoneDoctor: "0.3")
                s: Bridge tile (ZoneDoctor: "solid tile, cannot be walked on")
                l: Passable on lower z-level (ZoneDoctor: "Solid to tier 2")
                u: Passable on upper z-level (ZoneDoctor: "Solid to tier 1")
                note: if l & u are both set, this tile can be a transition between upper and lower z-level

$7E7700-$7E77FF tile properties byte 2
                n: NPC can randomly move here (ZoneDoctor: "Passable quadrants")
                u: Always Face Up (ladder)
                -: (ZoneDoctor: "1.5")
                -: (ZoneDoctor: "1.4")
                b: Passable through bottom
                t: Passable through top
                r: Passable through right
                l: Passable through left

Here are a bunch of subroutines that deal with user-controlled movement:

C0/46F4: Check adjacent NPC's
C0/485F: Do user-controlled movement
C0/4A3F: Update HP each step
C0/4B60: Increment steps
C0/4B83: Check treasures
C0/4D51: Open door (returns 0 if no door)
C0/4E16: User takes a step (A = movement direction, returns 0 if movement is not allowed)
C0/4F14: Update party sprite priority (current tile)
C0/4F2D: Update party sprite priority (destination tile)
C0/4F9F: Update party layer priority (current tile)
C0/4FE6: Update party layer priority (destination tile)
C0/5044: Update adjacent tile properties

I think most of what you're looking for is in C0/4E16. Here's my commented disassembly:

; [ Party Takes a Step ]

; A = facing direction (in)
; A = 1 if movement allowed, 0 if not (out)

C0/4E16: 85 B3        STA $B3         ; set movement direction
C0/4E18: AA           TAX
C0/4E19: BF 8D 4F C0  LDA $C04F8D,X   ; get pointer to tile number
C0/4E1D: AA           TAX
C0/4E1E: B5 A3        LDA $A3,X       ; bg1 tile
C0/4E20: AA           TAX
C0/4E21: AD B8 1E     LDA $1EB8       ; branch if sprint shoes effect is disabled
C0/4E24: 29 02        AND #$02
C0/4E26: D0 0B        BNE $4E33
C0/4E28: AD DF 11     LDA $11DF       ; branch if not wearing sprint shoes
C0/4E2B: 29 20        AND #$20
C0/4E2D: F0 04        BEQ $4E33
C0/4E2F: A9 03        LDA #$03        ; object speed = 3 (sprint shoes)
C0/4E31: 80 02        BRA $4E35
C0/4E33: A9 02        LDA #$02        ; object speed = 2 (normal)
C0/4E35: 99 75 08     STA $0875,Y
C0/4E38: A9 7E        LDA #$7E
C0/4E3A: 48           PHA
C0/4E3B: AB           PLB
C0/4E3C: DA           PHX
C0/4E3D: A5 B3        LDA $B3         ; movement direction
C0/4E3F: 3A           DEC
C0/4E40: AA           TAX
C0/4E41: BF 10 4F C0  LDA $C04F10,X   ; get direction bit mask
C0/4E45: 85 1A        STA $1A
C0/4E47: FA           PLX
C0/4E48: A5 B9        LDA $B9         ; directional passability of current tile
C0/4E4A: 29 0F        AND #$0F
C0/4E4C: 25 1A        AND $1A
C0/4E4E: F0 48        BEQ $4E98       ; return if direction not allowed
C0/4E50: BD 00 76     LDA $7600,X     ; destination tile properties
C0/4E53: 29 07        AND #$07
C0/4E55: C9 07        CMP #$07
C0/4E57: F0 3F        BEQ $4E98       ; return if destination is a counter tile
C0/4E59: A5 B8        LDA $B8         ; branch if current tile is not a bridge tile
C0/4E5B: 29 04        AND #$04
C0/4E5D: F0 18        BEQ $4E77

; bridge tile
C0/4E5F: A5 B2        LDA $B2
C0/4E61: 29 01        AND #$01
C0/4E63: F0 09        BEQ $4E6E       ; branch if party is on lower z-level

; bridge tile, party on upper z-level
C0/4E65: BD 00 76     LDA $7600,X     ; movement allowed unless destination tile is lower z-level
C0/4E68: 29 02        AND #$02
C0/4E6A: D0 2C        BNE $4E98
C0/4E6C: 80 2F        BRA $4E9D

; bridge tile, party on lower z-level
C0/4E6E: BD 00 76     LDA $7600,X     ; movement allowed unless destination tile is upper z-level
C0/4E71: 29 01        AND #$01
C0/4E73: D0 23        BNE $4E98
C0/4E75: 80 26        BRA $4E9D

; current tile is not a bridge tile
C0/4E77: BD 00 76     LDA $7600,X     ; destination tile z-level
C0/4E7A: 29 03        AND #$03
C0/4E7C: C9 03        CMP #$03
C0/4E7E: F0 1D        BEQ $4E9D       ; movement always allowed if destination tile is upper & lower z-level
C0/4E80: A5 B8        LDA $B8
C0/4E82: 29 03        AND #$03
C0/4E84: C9 03        CMP #$03
C0/4E86: F0 09        BEQ $4E91       ; branch if party is on upper & lower z-level
C0/4E88: 49 03        EOR #$03
C0/4E8A: 3D 00 76     AND $7600,X     ; movement allowed if party and destination z-level match
C0/4E8D: D0 09        BNE $4E98
C0/4E8F: 80 0C        BRA $4E9D
C0/4E91: BD 00 76     LDA $7600,X     ; party on upper & lower, movement allowed unless destination is a bridge tile
C0/4E94: 29 04        AND #$04
C0/4E96: F0 05        BEQ $4E9D
C0/4E98: 7B           TDC
C0/4E99: 48           PHA
C0/4E9A: AB           PLB
C0/4E9B: 7B           TDC             ; A = 0 (no movement)
C0/4E9C: 60           RTS

; movement allowed
C0/4E9D: DA           PHX
C0/4E9E: A5 B3        LDA $B3
C0/4EA0: 20 03 7D     JSR $7D03       ; get pointer to object map data in facing direction
C0/4EA3: FA           PLX
C0/4EA4: A4 1E        LDY $1E
C0/4EA6: B9 00 20     LDA $2000,Y     ; object map data at destination
C0/4EA9: 30 19        BMI $4EC4       ; branch if there's no object there
C0/4EAB: BD 00 76     LDA $7600,X
C0/4EAE: 29 04        AND #$04
C0/4EB0: F0 E6        BEQ $4E98       ; movement not allowed unless destination tile is a bridge tile
C0/4EB2: A5 B8        LDA $B8
C0/4EB4: 29 07        AND #$07
C0/4EB6: C9 01        CMP #$01
C0/4EB8: F0 DE        BEQ $4E98       ; movement not allowed if current tile is upper z-level
C0/4EBA: C9 02        CMP #$02
C0/4EBC: F0 06        BEQ $4EC4       ; movement allowed if current tile is lower z-level
C0/4EBE: A5 B2        LDA $B2
C0/4EC0: C9 02        CMP #$02
C0/4EC2: D0 D4        BNE $4E98       ; movement not allowed if party is not on lower z-level
C0/4EC4: BD 00 76     LDA $7600,X     ; branch if destination tile is not a bridge tile
C0/4EC7: 29 04        AND #$04
C0/4EC9: F0 06        BEQ $4ED1
C0/4ECB: A5 B2        LDA $B2         ; branch if party is on lower z-level (object map data doesn't get set if party is on bottom of a bridge tile)
C0/4ECD: C9 02        CMP #$02
C0/4ECF: F0 1E        BEQ $4EEF
C0/4ED1: 7B           TDC
C0/4ED2: 48           PHA
C0/4ED3: AB           PLB
C0/4ED4: AE 03 08     LDX $0803       ; get party object number
C0/4ED7: 8E 04 42     STX $4204
C0/4EDA: A9 29        LDA #$29
C0/4EDC: 8D 06 42     STA $4206
C0/4EDF: EA           NOP
C0/4EE0: EA           NOP
C0/4EE1: EA           NOP
C0/4EE2: EA           NOP
C0/4EE3: A9 7E        LDA #$7E
C0/4EE5: 48           PHA
C0/4EE6: AB           PLB
C0/4EE7: AF 14 42 00  LDA $004214
C0/4EEB: 0A           ASL
C0/4EEC: 99 00 20     STA $2000,Y     ; set object map data
C0/4EEF: A5 B8        LDA $B8         ; current tile z-level
C0/4EF1: 29 07        AND #$07
C0/4EF3: C9 03        CMP #$03
C0/4EF5: B0 06        BCS $4EFD       ; branch if a bridge tile (party retains previous z-level)
C0/4EF7: A5 B8        LDA $B8
C0/4EF9: 29 03        AND #$03        ; set new party z-level
C0/4EFB: 85 B2        STA $B2
C0/4EFD: 20 2D 4F     JSR $4F2D       ; update party sprite priority (based on destination tile)
C0/4F00: 20 E6 4F     JSR $4FE6       ; update party layer priority (based on destination tile)
C0/4F03: 7B           TDC
C0/4F04: 48           PHA
C0/4F05: AB           PLB
C0/4F06: A4 DA        LDY $DA         ; pointer to object data
C0/4F08: A5 B3        LDA $B3         ; set movement direction
C0/4F0A: 99 7E 08     STA $087E,Y
C0/4F0D: A9 01        LDA #$01        ; A = 1 (movement allowed)
C0/4F0F: 60           RTS

C0/4F10:              .DB $08, $01, $04, $02

Hopefully this will help. The z-level/bridge stuff is really confusing but it essentially allows each tile to have different passability depending on whether you are upstairs or downstairs. Let me know if I can clarify anything.
Those notes gave me an idea or two for my hack... thanks! Wink
Brilliant, thank you. That's twice you've had exactly the information I needed. I've been staring at 1's and 0's for so long I knew there had to be a simple pattern to it, but I couldn't crack it. Hopefully over the next couple weeks I can put this stuff together into something working.

There is one oddity I've noticed that isn't accounted for that you might find interesting. On the bridges in Narshe , the scaffolding above the bridges masks the sprites regardless of their z-index. There's nothing odd about their tile properties (which would be 0
00001001 10001111, so pretty common), but both the top and bottom sprite are masked by the layer 1 graphics. Oddly, if you pop open an emulator and remove layers 1 and 2 and walk across those tiles the sprite is still masked by the layer 1 graphics. You can also see this effect on the stairs in the fanatics tower I believe.
Ah, yes I know exactly what you're talking about! That is a completely separate feature that uses extra sprites (with the highest layer priority) to mask off portions of the character when the background layering stuff doesn't do the trick. I call them "sprite overlays". Here are my relevant notes if you're interested:

$0531 Sprite Overlay Index (part of map properties)

$0633-$0742 Sprite Overlay Stuff (from C0/F500)
$0633-$0642 Sprite Overlay Graphics Indexes (16 tiles)
$0643-$0742 yxo-ooo- Sprite Overlay Tile Formation (for each bg1 tile, $FF means no overlay tile)
            y: flip overlay graphics vertical
            x: flip overlay graphics horizontal
            o: overlay tile index

$0763-$077A Active Overlay Data (6 items, 4 bytes each, last two are unused)
      $0763 Overlay Tile X Position
      $0764 Overlay Tile Y Position
      $0765 Overlay Tile Graphic Index ($00 = no tile)
      $0766 vh-----f
            v: vertical flip
            h: horizontal flip
            f: 1 = upper z-level, 0 = lower z-level

C0E2A0-C0EE9F   Sprite Overlay Graphics (1bpp)
C0EEA0-C0F49F   Sprite Overlay Tile Formation (192 items, 8 bytes each)
C0F4A0-C0F4FF   Pointers to Sprite Overlay Data (+$C0F500)
C0F500-C0FCFF   Sprite Overlay Data (45 items, compressed, 16 + 256 bytes each)
Heh, you dared to believe for a second that Everything didn't know everything! Laugh
What was I thinking?
Quote:There is one oddity I've noticed that isn't accounted for that you might find interesting
(12-18-2015, 05:45 PM)Tenkarider Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:There is one oddity I've noticed that isn't accounted for that you might find interesting

lol he meant it as in "oh yeah! Whatever was I thinking?" Like sarcastic jokingly.
lol, you're right... it was one of the 2 possibilities i thought it was the wrong one Finger