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What Final Fantasy female character do you like best?
Agrias from FFT if she can count, just for the fact she is an absolute beast and I'm a sucker for medieval stuff, so I really enjoy her role and character as a tough female bodyguard/knight for such a setting. Lulu from X also, because she does not whine or complain and is not annoying at all to me like many FF characters do. And I dig the whole sexy goth tied with a black mage concept. Her story was bland to me, but her personality, or lack of one at times, gets my tied vote for my most liked female from the series I'd say.

Least favorite even though not asked, would be Selphie from 8...or Rikku from X. Really not a fan of the hyper teenager character-types lol.
I'm pretty sure my answer is Terra.
She's a unique kind of character(both in terms of background and personality)
in ff games, if not even in videogames history.
I also like the developement of her character through the game, a perfect main character indeed.
I always liked Celes even back when I wasn't playing FF6 and my stepfather was. She was probably the MVP of the game when I completed it for the first time. Rydia because I liked her as a child and her development into a young girl and she always had her best moments when things got tough in that game, plus she could summon monsters.
Terra by lightyears. looking at it now her character is extremely developed especially for a 16 bit game, and back then for the same reasons I mentioned Locke int he other topic. She was the portagonist in one of the games that molded my love for RPGS and gaming in general.
Freya from FFIX is pretty awesome.
I cannot play FFXII if I don't have Ashe in my Team. She's a strong character and reminds me a bit of Celes. Quickening porn for you all!
Hmm, the problem with fave FF GIRL is that, like most medias (vg or otherwise) female characters are usually more of a plot object than an actual, well thought out, living, being. I guess, given the pool to choose from... will give it to Tifa since they actually, sort of, gave her an actual character, and give a runner up to Rydia and, surprisingly, Vanille from a game I don't like at all, for similar reasons.

Combat wise, Rinoa rapes though.
My favorite FF Girls are:
  • Claire Farron a.k.a Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII series (1st and most favorite FF Girl)
  • Serah Farron from Final Fantasy XIII-2
  • Yuna from Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2
  • Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI
  • Oerba Dia Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII
  • Ashe from Final Fantasy XII
  • Rydia(Adult form) from Final Fantasy IV