FF6 Hacking

Full Version: Catalina GTA III Monster Sprite
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[Image: 226_05_07_14_5_12_51.png]
This is Catalina's Monster sprite I made to replace Kefka in-game. It features her in her clothing that she wears in the XBOX version of GTA III which features updated character models. This is my first time spriting a woman and I think it turned out pretty good. Now I need to make her into Goddess form for the Final Battle Scene.
I think the shaping looks pretty good, but I think it needs some more Shading
Monsters are definitely hard to sprite from scratch. Have you ever tried using another sprite just to get a better image of body shape or pose? Definitely speeds up the process. Let me know if ur interested, i might have some female sprites laying around that could be easily tweaked.
Yes I would certainly like some for other females and for the final boss which entails her becoming an Esper or Goddess.