FF6 Hacking

Full Version: skills-characters??
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My name is Peter and I know this site a while ago
about a year, do not speak English so
I'm using a traductor
(I know are bad but better than my English that is not very well
the point is that I am doing a rom hack of this game to complete
create a story based on the contingency polical of my country (with
Global Knowledge characters too) took roughly 50% of the dialogues and a little over 50% of the enemies and good point is that I wanted
whether there was any guide to change the command for example by rage another and so with others, and I saw many of you already do that such things as I saw the Cloud hack which changed the
cyan skills by the command "limit"
do not know if this post is here because I do not understand English as I am from Chile and
I speak Spanish, please provide answers as simple as possible (something I understand
but little) thanks

How to change the skills of each character?
if someone speaks Spanish would be easier to understand
Para cambiar los comandos y hacer tus propios, tienes que hacer dos cosas: (1) cambiarle los nombres a los comandos que quieras usando FF6usME (multi editor), y (2) cambiar el tipo de ataque. Para esto, necesitas el FF6MDE (miscellaneous data editor), pero estoy seguro que la ultima version del FF6usME tiene el MDE integrado. En el foro que dice "tools" puedes ir y bajar las utilidades que necesitas.

I'm not translating that back into english, lol..Also, changing the thread to hacking discussion.
thank you Angelo

y yo hablo Espanol tambien si quieres tu puede hablar conmigo tambien
Yo no soy un experto en el area, Poco Loco te puede ayudar mejor que yo :p