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ASM (Super NES Programming/65c816 reference) [1]

Internal Registers

Register Description
A The accumulator. This is the math register. It stores one of two operands or the result of most arithmetic and logical operations.
X, Y The index registers. These can be used to reference memory, to pass data to memory, or as counters for loops.
S The stack pointer, points to the next available(unused) location on the stack.
DBR Data bank register, holds the default bank for memory transfers.
D Direct page register, used for direct page addressing modes.
PBR Program Bank, holds the bank address of all instruction fetches.
P Processor Status, holds various important flags, see below.

Flags stored in P register

Mnemonic Name Value Binary Value
N [N]egative #$80 10000000
V O[v]erflow #$40 01000000
- - #$20 00100000
B [B]reak #$10 00010000
D [D]ecimal #$08 00001000
I [I]nterrupt #$04 00000100
Z [Z]ero #$02 00000010
C [C]arry #$01 00000001
Mnemonic Value Binary Value Description
M #$20 00100000 Accumulator register size (native mode only) (0 = 16-bit, 1 = 8-bit)
X #$10 00010000 Index register size (native mode only) (0 = 16-bit, 1 = 8-bit)
E not in P 6502 emulation mode

Branch Instructions

Instruction Description Flags Notes
BRA Branch Always - unconditional
BRL Branch Always Long - unconditional
BPL Branch if plus < 80h N N=0
BMI Branch if minus >= 80h N N=1
BVC Branch if overflow flag is clear V V=0
BVS Branch if overflow flag is set V V=1
BNE Branch if Not Equal to zero Z Z=0
BEQ Branch if Equal to zero Z Z=1
BCC Branch if Carry Flag is Clear C C=0
BCS Branch if Carry Flag is Set C C=1

Arithmetic and Logical Instructions

Instruction Description Flags set Arguments
ADC Add A with something and carry bit. Result is put in A. n,v,z,c Immediate value or address
SBC Subtract something and the carry bit. n,v,z,c
AND Logical AND A with memory, storing result in A. n, z Immediate value or address
EOR Exclusive OR n, z
ORA Logical OR A with memory, storing result in A. n, z Immediate value or address
TSB Test and set bits z
TRB Test and reset bits z
ASL Arithmetic shift left n, z,c A or address
LSR Logical shift right n, z,c A or address
ROL Rotate left n, z,c A or address
ROR Rotate right n, z,c A or address
BIT test bits, setting n,v,z (only z if in immediate mode) immediate value or address
CMP Compare accumulator with memory n, z,c
CPX Compare register X with memory n, z,c
CPY Compare register Y with memory n, z,c
DEA Decrement Accumulator n, z
DEC Decrement, see INC n, z
DEX Decrement X register n, z
DEY Decrement Y register n, z
INA Increment Accumulator n, z
INC Increment, see DEC n, z
INX Increment X register n, z
INY Increment Y register n, z
XBA Exchange bytes of accumulator n, z
NOP No operation none

Load/Store Instructions

Instruction Description
LDA Load accumulator from memory
LDX Load register X from memory
LDY Load register Y from memory
STA Store accumulator in memory
STX Store register X in memory
STY Store register Y in memory
STZ Store zero in memory

Transfer Instructions

Instruction Description Flags
TAX Transfer Accumulator to index register X n,z
TAY Transfer Accumulator to index register Y n,z
TCD Transfer 16-bit Accumulator to Direct Page register n,z
TCS Transfer 16-bit Accumulator to Stack Pointer none
TDC Transfer Direct Page register to 16-bit Accumulator n,z
TSC Transfer Stack Pointer to 16-bit Accumulator n,z
TSX Transfer Stack Pointer to index register X n,z
TXA Transfer index register X to Accumulator n,z
TYA Transfer index register Y to Accumulator n,z
TXS Transfer index register X to Stack Pointer none
TYX Transfer index register Y to index register X n,z
TXY Transfer index register X to index register Y n,z

Jump and call instructions

Instruction Description
JMP Jump
JML Jump long
JSR Jump and save return address
JSL Jump long and save return address
RTS Return from short subroutine
RTL Return from long subroutine

Interrupt instructions

Instruction Description
BRK Break point instruction (generates software interrupt)
COP Generate coprocessor interrupt
RTI Return from interrupt
STP Stop processor until RESET
WAI Wait for hardware interrupt

P Flag instructions

Instruction Description Notes
CLC Clear carry flag
CLD Clear the decimal flag Selects binary arithmetic
CLI Clear the interrupt flag Enables interrupt requests
CLV Clear overflow flag
REP Reset status bits (for example REP 0x00100000 clears the M flag)
SEC Set carry flag
SED Select decimal arithmetic
SEP Set status bits (for example SEP 0x00010000 sets the X flag)
SEI set interrupt flag Disables interrupt requests
XCE Exchange carry flag with emulation flag

Stack Instructions

Instruction Description
PHA Push Accumulator
PHX Push index register X
PHY Push index register Y
PHD Push direct page register
PHB Push data bank register
PHK Push Program Bank Register
PHP Push processor status
PEA Push effective address
PEI Push effective indirect address
PER Push effective relative address
PLA Pop Accumulator
PLX Pop index register X
PLY Pop index register Y
PLP Pop processor status
PLD Pop direct page register
PLB Pop data bank register


Acronym Meaning Description
DMA Direct Memory Access Basically a piece of hardware that allows I/O devices to copy to and from main memory independently of CPU control.
HDMA Horizontal Direct Memory Access DMA executed only during H-blank (that is the time it takes for the beam laser to reset to the original position after drawing a line)
NMI [2] non-maskable interrupt Is a hardware interrupt that standard interrupt-masking techniques in the system cannot ignore. It typically occurs to signal attention for non-recoverable hardware errors.
IRQ Interrupt Request Is a hardware signal sent to the processor that temporarily stops a running program and allows a special program, an interrupt handler, to run instead.
PPU Picture Processing Unit Component which generates a video signal.
BPP Bits Per Pixel The amount of colors a palette can have depends on how many BPP it has. The formula is simply 2^bpp, so for 3bpp you can have up to 8 colors and 4 bpp 16 colors.
ROM Read-only Memory Is a type of non-volatile memory used with computers and other electronic devices to store information; in the case of videogames, it stores the game's data.
RAM Random-access Memory Is a type of volatile memory used that stores the game's data and machine code.
SRAM Static RAM Is a RAM that retains data bits in its memory as long as power is being supplied.
DRAM Dynamic RAM Is a RAM that accesses the memory directly, holds memory for a short period and loses its data when the power is shut off (it needs to keep refreshing every few milliseconds to keep its data stored).
LUT Look-up Table Is an array that replaces runtime computation with a simpler array indexing operation.

Term Comment Description
Bit Binary digit Smallest unit of measurement used to quantify computer data. It contains a single binary value of 0 or 1.
Byte Unit of measurement. One byte contains eight binary bits, or a series of eight zeros and ones. Therefore, each byte can be used to represent 2^8 or 256 different values.
Nybble Set of four bits; 2 Nybbles = 1 Byte
Denary Decimal or base 10 Standard number system used around the world. It uses ten digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) to represent all numbers.
Binary base 2 Numeric system that only uses two digits — 0 and 1.
Hexadecimal base 16 Numeric system that only uses sixteen digits — 0 to 9, then A, B, C, D, E, F.