Table of Contents

Palette Animation Data

aka. Animation BG (ZoneDoctor)


Each location will have a Palette Animation index in it's Location Properties.

Description Value
Base offset (SNES) $C09825
Block size $0C
Number of blocks $0A
Total size $78

Each block will consist of 2 sets of 6 byte palette animations. So 2 animations are loaded each time.


A routine at $C0/8D1D reads the palette animation data for the current location into RAM, see Field RAM.


Byte RAM Description
$00 $10EA $0F Counter 2 reset value
$F0 Palette Animation Type
$00 Type: None
$10 Type: Cycle
$20 Type: ROM
$30 Type: Subtract pulse
$01 $10E8 Counter 1 reset value
$02 $10EB First color pointer (color index * 2)
$03 $10EC (number of affected colors - 1) * 2 (-1 only for type 2 and 3)
$04 $10ED Color index in ROM (only used by type 2)
$05 $10EE <unused>


Idx Description Palette
$00 None
$01 Lete River, Whitewater river with birds (ending) $07
$02 Lava (Phoenix Cave, Cave to the Sealed Gate) $20/05/1B
$03 Imperial Camp $08
$04 Solitary Island, beach $1E
$05 ? <unused>
$06 Doma Castle (during Imperial siege), dark (ending without Cyan) $02
$07 Baren Falls, Waterfall cliff bridge with birds (ending) $17
$08 Narshe (WoB) $0C
$09 Kefka's Tower, caves $22
$0A Darill's Tomb $28