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Need some help.. - Printable Version

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Need some help.. - HA - 11-09-2010

I have some questions in making ff6 hack.
please help..

1) Can I make lore learned by item or magicite
but only leaned by if casted?
I searched offsets and tried this but still I don't know how make it possible..Finger
Even ff3usme doesn't help in this case..

2) I can't change the character have natural magic.
I found how make it in this forum and tutorials but
As following..
Changing learing lore, swdtech characters work correctly
but chaging natural magic characters not...

I want to make locke(ID 01) known natural magic instead terra(ID 00)
and I changed the ID in two sections(C0/A182, C2/61B9).
At game start, terra didn't have natural magics (even has magic command)
So I thought it work correctly..
but locked didn't have NM also..
And After battle in narshe cave, natural magics revive in terra's magic menu..

There's somebody make it success changed or add NM characters?
Please help..

3) Short question..
Do you know where is weapon sprites?
I hope you could understand what i'm saying..
because I'm not native english speaker.

Thank for reading..
Have a nice hack!!

RE: Need some help.. - Zeemis - 11-09-2010

3. I believe the weapons animations are encrypted so you can't change the sprite themselves that I know of, unless you know of a way to decrypt them. You could change their animations a little if you used FF6MDE or the newer FF3usME. You could essentially add 'new weapons' that way, sort of. Watch my Tifa's Gloves video and my Crossbow video. I've messed around with decrypting (uncompressing) SNES graphics awhile back, but to no avail. You need to run a tracer Snes9X Gieger or BSNES or something can do this I believe. The tracer tells you where the offsets are or what not, it's really hazy to me. Hopefully this link will come to some use for you:

Tifa's Gloves

Crossbows in FFVI

RE: Need some help.. - Angelo26 - 11-09-2010

Hi Parang!

2) There is a tutorial on that part exactly here:

I'm guessing that if it's not working, then it means you forgot to edit an offset somewhere in the code.

RE: Need some help.. - HA - 11-09-2010

Thank for reply..


Yes, I aleady use the tools (ff6mde or ff3usme) that only i can edit weapon animations.

Weapon sprites..Is it encypted?
So I couldn't find it with graphic editor (yychr)..
Ok, I will try to do it like you said..

In addition, I want to make big wide sword instead claw..


Yes, that tutorial is that i have found..
As following.. I made a success to change lore or swdtech characters..
but I couldn't change natural magic characters..
Is it correct to change that code (C0/A182(A382) C2/61B9 (263B9))?

OK, Like you say.. I will try to find that I've missed..

Thanks Again..

RE: Need some help.. - Angelo26 - 11-09-2010

I think what Parang means is that he wants to edit the weapon icons. For example, changing the sword icon for a baseball bat icon? or the card icon for a bow icon?

This is the exact tutorial Parang is looking for:


RE: Need some help.. - SSJ Rick - 11-09-2010

the thing about weapons, I tried to find them also using YY chr but the problem is those graphics are hidden, I can't find it either =/

RE: Need some help.. - HA - 11-09-2010


I mean that weapon sprites used in battle..
But, the tutorial you notice is also useful to me..

RE: Need some help.. - Zeemis - 11-09-2010

Poco, that's why I said they are encrypted/compressed. Tongue

RE: Need some help.. - DjinnAndTonic - 11-09-2010

(11-09-2010, 11:32 AM)Parang Wrote: Yes, that tutorial is that i have found..
As following.. I made a success to change lore or swdtech characters..
but I couldn't change natural magic characters..
Is it correct to change that code (C0/A182(A382) C2/61B9 (263B9))?

Technically, it would be

One byte off from what you listed. If that's not the problem, I don't know what to tell you.

Which Actors are you giving Natural Magic, SwdTech, and Blitz to?
If you gave Natural Magic and SwdTech to the same person, then it messes up the learning routine.

RE: Need some help.. - HA - 11-09-2010

// DjinnAndTonic

Yes, the adress you mentioned is correct.. It was my mistake..
But like you said that's not the problem.. I know what is character's code..


I want to change lore to terra, swdtech to edgar and natural magic to locke..
(Blitz still belong to sabin..)
If It is possible.. I want to add natural magic for stragos and relm.

lore learning (if casted) and swdtech learning at level up are work correctly..
except natural magic.

Don't worry..^^
I don't want to make a character have many skills..
So I did't try to give one more natural skills per one character..