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Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of times unuseds.( For Clavat Boy!) - Printable Version

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Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of times unuseds.( For Clavat Boy!) - Fantasy87 - 10-26-2010

Hi its me agein and hire are the unuseds: ( Clavat )

Unused 2 = Bow as a sword
Unused 3 = Staff as a sword
Unused 17 = A sword and it frezz you.

Plain Hairpin = FFCC ring of fates Head Accessories

Unused 17 = Yuri Head
Unused 22 = Soldier
Unused 23 = Priest
Unused 24 = Sherlotte
Unused 25 = Larkeicus
Unused 26 = Yuke from the TEMPEL
Unused 27 = Kid Sherlotte
Unused 29 = Lian
Unused 31 = Old Man
Unused 34 = Old man with red hari
Unused 36 = Selkie boy in Vilage
Unused 39 = Yuke in the town
Unused 37 = Yuke Teacher in the vilage
Unused 43 = Ring of fates blacksmith
Unused 44 = Guild Selkie Girl
Unused 51 = Selkie Boy in the town
Unused 54 = Ring of fates shop Selkie girl
Unused 57 = Alhanalem from ring of fates
Unused 21 = Yuris Mum

Unused 30 = Yuke from TEMPEL
Unused 27 = Priest
Unused 26 = Soldier
Unused 28 = Sherlotte
Unused 29 = Larkeicus
Unused 31 = Kid Sherlotte
Unused 32 = Eryll
Unused 40 =Selkie vilage
Unused 47 = Ring of fates Blacksmith
Unused 50 = Lilty from vilage
Unused 58 = Town Selkie girl
Unused 59 = townSElkie Boy

Unused 1= A normal Ring

Sory if i cant make screnshots i play on a dsi.

Ife some people know more then post!Smile

RE: Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of times unuseds.( For Clavat Boy!) - Yuke311 - 10-26-2010

ok... i make the Yuke V but... i dont have this unuseds... could u come to me then give me ure unuseds i mean *cloning* this would be nice

RE: Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of times unuseds.( For Clavat Boy!) - Fantasy87 - 10-26-2010

ok and ife some peoples need fc from me hire is it :4942-0347-0370

RE: Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of times unuseds.( For Clavat Boy!) - Yuke311 - 10-26-2010

Er why not make a thread named who plays all Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of time?
and then also Q who has internet and then we can have funWinkLaughLaugh

RE: Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of times unuseds.( For Clavat Boy!) - DjinnAndTonic - 10-26-2010

I'm assuming this is some kind of equipment-trading online feature of FFCC Echoes of Time.

I'm thinking the 'unuseds' are items/equips that Fantasy wants to trade?

This topic confused me, and as I spent 10 minutes trying to make sense of it, I felt the need to post my conclusions. Sorry to interrupt your conversation, Fantasy and Yuke.

RE: Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of times unuseds.( For Clavat Boy!) - Yuke311 - 10-27-2010

Er not realy but... this *unuseds* are not used weapons armor head gear usw. we only wanted to show this if someone play FFcc Eot.

RE: Final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of times unuseds.( For Clavat Boy!) - Tidus33 - 06-04-2011

The Not Used´s are some Items of the Alpha version.