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FF6A (J) / FF6j text table files - Printable Version

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FF6A (J) / FF6j text table files - madsiur - 09-22-2018

I'm looking for text table files for FF6 Advance (J) and / or FF6j (those could lead the way maybe to decipher the GBA ones). If anyone ever seen them or know how to generate them for a non-japanese speaker, please reply here!

RE: FF6A (J) / FF6j text table files - Everything - 09-22-2018

Here's the table file for the Japanese SFC ROM: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6jhdelafp11pdsl/ff6j.tbl

I started putting together a table for the FF6 Advance (J) ROM. It's completely different than the SFC version unfortunately. I think I've gotten most of the katakana and hiragana correct but it would be super helpful if someone who is more familiar with Japanese could double check. There are also over 1000 kanji characters that are going to take a long time to add to the table file.

On a side note, apparently there are two different language options available in the Japanese version of FF6 Advance (similar to the five languages available in the European version). You can switch between them using the bottom option in the first page of the config menu. The default option includes Kanji, and the other option does not. The main string table begins at 0x18A438 with a pointer table at 0x17E528 (+0x17E518). Text strings for the Kanji and non-Kanji strings are interlaced, with the non-Kanji version first and then the Kanji version second.

Here's my work-in-progress table file for the Japanese GBA ROM: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8aecs046yfxf27y/ff6j-gba.tbl/file

I found something useful. It's the entire string table from FF6j Advance as a text file: http://x11.s11.xrea.com/ff6kanji.txt

Here's a screenshot of my progress so far on FF6Tools: https://i.imgur.com/1oyErCv.png. It's the first line from the introduction. I've got about 300 kanji figured out. I think there's about 1000 to go  Surprised

RE: FF6A (J) / FF6j text table files - madsiur - 09-27-2018

I just saw your edit! I uploaded all this inlcuding your completed Japanese table on the wiki. I figured we had enough resources now to make separated pages for Text Resources in both games:

SNES: https://www.ff6hacking.com/wiki/doku.php?id=ff3:ff3us:doc:text

GBA: https://www.ff6hacking.com/wiki/doku.php?id=ff6a:doc:text