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Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - Printable Version

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RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - m06 - 04-21-2016

(04-21-2016, 12:40 AM)Everything Wrote: EDIT: Oops m06 already suggested that. I'm not sure what the problem is.

We want to load palette 6 instead of palette 0 I think.

A solution could be like LDA #$06 where TDC (C1/3E1C) is, but this requires an extra byte. So all I can come up with is an extra subroutine from C1/3E1C to unused space where we LDA with palette 6 and return to C1/3E24. But this requires careful work and use of unused space, so maybe not the easiest or best solution.

RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - DrakeyC - 04-21-2016

I'd be open to trying it, but I'm not sure the Hex for it (I don't know the lingo, LDA, TDC, etc.)

Looking at the code breakdown again, is the 7B at C1/3E1C just a palette listing for the game to change to, or a command for it to call up the palette from somewhere else?

RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - DrakeyC - 04-22-2016

So does anyone have any further ideas on how to fix this?

RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - madsiur - 04-22-2016

Try this asm file (headerless ROM). It's m06 solution:


org $C13E04
JSL freeMe
BRA branch3E26

org $C13E26

org $EEAF01
BNE branch3E1F
CMP #$01
BNE branch3E1F
AND #$08
BEQ branch3E1F
LDA #$06
BRA branch3E24
REP #$20

RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - DrakeyC - 04-22-2016

Asar gave a warning that my Rom has a garbage name. Went through with it anyway, battles are glitched and eventually crash. I made sure there was no header and did it all twice to be sure I hadn't messed up.

RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - madsiur - 04-22-2016

Yeah there was an error. I just edited code in same post. I tested this and no crash.

RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - DrakeyC - 04-22-2016

Yup, battles are okay now, but he's still the wrong palette in battle.

RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - m06 - 04-23-2016

(04-22-2016, 11:56 PM)DrakeyC Wrote: Yup, battles are okay now, but he's still the wrong palette in battle.

A different wrong palette or the same wrong palette?

You can try playing around with the value (06) of LDA #$06; Maybe LDA #$05 is what you're looking for.

RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - DrakeyC - 04-23-2016

Same wrong palette.

I'll give that a shot I guess.

EDIT - Well, a partial success. Now he's using the normal Trooper palette instead of the recruit palette. I'll keep playing around.

EDIT x2 - Nope, best I can get is that. In fact, I can't even get the glitchy palette back; reapplying the asm over, I still have the normal trooper.

On the bright side, I can work with this, since it just means the troopers Locke is meant to steal the uniforms from will look the same as others. Though I'd prefer to get this working still.

RE: Battle Event: Locke and the Merchant/Officer - DrakeyC - 04-24-2016

Okay, found a solution that works. Making the D0 at C1/3E0B a 80 makes it use the default battle palette, which is currently set to the brown (normal trooper). So I'm just gonna make the green trooper palette the battle palette, and make Biggs and Wedge in the intro green troopers as well (in-story my Biggs and Wedge are new recruits, and I'd wanted to make them use the green palette anyway).

So, it's all good now. Thanks for your help guys. Laugh