FF6 Hacking
New Summons+Keeping Originals Intact - Printable Version

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New Summons+Keeping Originals Intact - Zeemis - 08-27-2009

This is an idea I've been thinking of but don't know if it'll work. In theory, it should.

Move all the default summons to "Magic". Overwrite the old summons with new graphics in the FFVI sprite editor. Once you save the editor, move those bytes over to Magic as well so that you have old and new summons.
In essence, you're keeping the old summons, and getting new ones.

RE: New Summons+Keeping Originals Intact - SSJ Rick - 08-27-2009

it should work fine but you obviously have 2 remove some spells

RE: New Summons+Keeping Originals Intact - Imzogelmo - 11-25-2009

You'd have to either remove some of the original spells (which there are 3 unused spells...), or do some serious ASM hacking to expand the magic area (think FF6A) to have more spells. The latter would be a major undertaking, which is why I've never attempted it.