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Moogles restrictions - Printable Version

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Moogles restrictions - ppml - 04-23-2012

you can change the restriction of equiped and esper of the moogles?

RE: Moogles restrictions - madsiur - 04-23-2012

(04-23-2012, 06:27 PM)ppml Wrote: you can change the restriction of equiped and esper of the moogles?

You can change the initial equipment of the moogles with FF3usME but as for equipping or de-equipping the in game or equip espers, you need to do it through ASM hacking. Any actors above $0B can't equip espers and any actor above $0C can't be de-equipped/re-equipped in game except Banon who can only be de-equipped once if I'm right.

Moogles except Mog (actor $0A) are actors $12 to $1A so those restriction apply to them as well. But yes, you could change that although I don't have the exact code to change. I believe the concerned routines could be in bank C3 or maybe C2.

Edit: I found this about the equipment:

C3/1E6E:    C90D        CMP #$0D      (Umaro or higher?) (NOTE: NOP these two out to let anyone be equippable)

2nd Edit: I found something about magic which is tied to espers because esper let you learn magic. I don't know if changing that LDA #$0C to something higher would automatically make the subsequents characters be able to access the skill and esper menu. You could also NOP it and NOP the Gogo and Umaro branching to see the result...

Determine if a character actually knows magic
C3/0D2B:    AD691A      LDA $1A69      (from C3/0CB7)
C3/0D2E:    0D6A1A      ORA $1A6A
C3/0D31:    0D6B1A      ORA $1A6B
C3/0D34:    0D6C1A      ORA $1A6C
C3/0D37:    D02A        BNE $0D63      (branch if you have at least one esper)
C3/0D39:    A667        LDX $67
C3/0D3B:    7B          TDC
C3/0D3C:    BD0000      LDA $0000,X    (character ID)
C3/0D3F:    C90C        CMP #$0C
C3/0D41:    F020        BEQ $0D63      (Branch if it's Gogo)
C3/0D43:    B01C        BCS $0D61      (Branch if it's Umaro or higher)
C3/0D45:    8D0242      STA $4202      (we're here if character is below Gogo, and you have no espers)
C3/0D48:    A936        LDA #$36
C3/0D4A:    8D0342      STA $4203      (#$36 as multiplier)
C3/0D4D:    EA          NOP
C3/0D4E:    EA          NOP
C3/0D4F:    EA          NOP
C3/0D50:    A03600      LDY #$0036     (TAY?)
C3/0D53:    AE1642      LDX $4216      (load character * spell total)
C3/0D56:    BD6E1A      LDA $1A6E,X    (load spell at X)
C3/0D59:    C9FF        CMP #$FF       (learned it?)
C3/0D5B:    F006        BEQ $0D63      (branch if so)
C3/0D5D:    E8          INX
C3/0D5E:    88          DEY
C3/0D5F:    D0F5        BNE $0D56      (branch if we haven't checked every spell)
C3/0D61:    18          CLC            (used by C3/0C6C, says that this character doesn't know magic)
C3/0D62:    60          RTS

C3/0D63:    38          SEC            (flag MP as ok to display)
C3/0D64:    60          RTS