FF6 Hacking
Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - Printable Version

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RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - DjinnAndTonic - 11-09-2010

I'd say he deserves attention and praise for being nice enough to share his prize from Metroid. Big M is the prime creator of music hacks and I'm sure he's not exactly bored and looking for things to fill his time with.

Since Gi Nattak won the coded song, it's technically 'his' and he didn't have any obligation to release a patch for others to use and is basically being a really nice guy by allowing other novice hackers the chance to simply load it in their games.

Seriously, Guest. Just don't be a dick.

Thanks for patch, Gi Nattak. I personally won't be needing it, but it's nice to have it available.

RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - Guest #2 - 11-09-2010

"Clearly the person has no idea or knowledge about hacking and finding the data to create patches like these."

Isn't that a requirement to join this community? As far as I can tell, this is the place to go if you know next to nothing about hacking but want to pretend the opposite is true.

You don't know much about hacking but want to make a patch? That's fine, just follow these steps:
1. Download a disassembly.
2. Search for a key word until you find what you want.
3. Replace all of the relevant code with NOP's.
4. Release the patch while making sure not to mention the fact you wouldn't have succeeded without a disassembly.
5. Let everybody know how difficult this was for you.
6. ???
7. Profit!


You want to create a tutorial? Easy! Just pay a visit to the Slickproductions or Mnrogar forums, beg for help or just search the forums, then come back here and pretend you did the research yourself (hello DjinnAndTonic). Otherwise you can just follow the steps above.

Everything else is handled through editors, but of "coarse", you won't find anybody crediting the authors for anything achieved through these, as that would otherwise undermine their credibility as a "hacker."

RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - DjinnAndTonic - 11-09-2010

Dude, way to be a dick.

I've never claimed to be a 'hacker'. Yes, all of my knowledge comes from disassemblies and from asking other people for help.

Of course it does. I don't know what you're expecting or what gives you the expertise to snipe at me for quoting a disassembly for a relevent question?

Even getting to the point where something like a disassembly is any help to you takes some practice, and these forums have a lot of people who actually have the time to work on their hacks and release something, so it seems like it's a good cause to actually try to explain this information in terms that newbies (and people that can barely understand English) can understand.

Also, all three of the patches you linked to are pretty straightforward, easy hex-editing changes, yes. But I also don't see anyone talking about the labor they went through to make it... They are just quick, functional patches for people that don't want to deal with hex-editing.

You seriously just sound like a dick for the sake of being a dick. You're making accusations of people claiming credit for other people's work when no one has done that.

RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - SSJ Rick - 11-09-2010

hold on a sec, man I remember this as*h**e, he goes by Aerdan or some shit like that, we had it out in slick productions a while back, I swear man this dude got no f**k**g life, gets no f**k**g pussy, and is the embodiment of an internet elitist,

I swear hop off people's nut sacks man, your not better then anybody else so get over it, you try to prove your worth by talking down to people on the internet, you are f**k**g sad and pathetic, and NEED TO GET LAID, bro seriously, you are a f**k**g loser, get over it

RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - Aerdan - 11-09-2010

If I were going to troll you idiots, I would do so openly, without hiding behind a guest username.

RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - Fire Storm - 11-09-2010

(11-09-2010, 03:23 AM)Aerdan Wrote: If I were going to troll you idiots, I would do so openly, without hiding behind a guest username.

Quoting the guy who was just under a guest username.

Just sayin'.

RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - Aerdan - 11-09-2010

(11-09-2010, 03:28 AM)Satoascorpion Wrote:
(11-09-2010, 03:23 AM)Aerdan Wrote: If I were going to troll you idiots, I would do so openly, without hiding behind a guest username.

Quoting the guy who was just under a guest username.

Just sayin'.

...Again, if I were going to troll some random forum whose existence I wasn't even aware of before I registered, particularly that idiot Poco Loco, I would do so openly and not as a guest. I honestly don't care what tools someone uses to create their hacks, so long as the end result is enjoyable, has at least a little creativity, and wasn't made by a moron like Poco Loco or a jerk like myself.

Contrast this opinion to that of the guest poster.

RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - Fire Storm - 11-09-2010

Eh, I don't even know who you are, nor do I care. I would have warned you about insulting Poco Loco for no reason, however I won't because he actually did it first.

But what I WILL do, however, is step back and let Poco Loco have at it, since it seems you two have a past.

I wish you luck, and make this amusing for me. Wink

RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - SSJ Rick - 11-09-2010

lol u got balls signing up here, and the fact that you took my comment to heart and then went as far as to register here right after my comment, yeah pretty much proves the point that u are petty

and the reason why u got such a pathetic grudge against me is because 4 no apparent reason u decided to act like a dick and got shut down, point blank

I am also familiar with how you type, I've seen it when we argued, so u aren't fooling anybody

RE: Chrono Trigger's "Singing Mountain" Music Patch - DjinnAndTonic - 11-09-2010

This is some epicly bad trolling.

(11-09-2010, 02:29 AM)Guest #2 Wrote: You don't know much about hacking but want to make a patch? That's fine, just follow these steps:
1. Download a disassembly.
2. Search for a key word until you find what you want.
3. Replace all of the relevant code with NOP's.
4. Release the patch while making sure not to mention the fact you wouldn't have succeeded without a disassembly.
5. Let everybody know how difficult this was for you.
6. ???
7. Profit!

And from the Forum Slickness, we have one of Aerdan's recent posts...

Quote:1. No, you don't need it, you want it.
2. Graphics hacking isn't that difficult compared to event-hacking.
3. Have you not tried Tile Molester?
4. ???
5. Profit!

Dude, Aerdan. I'd like to think we can have a more welcome environment for newbies here, so it'd be nice if you could stop being such a dick about everything.