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All Sprites You've Worked On - Printable Version

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RE: All Sprites You've Worked On - CrumpledMedal - 08-16-2012

(07-01-2010, 08:47 PM)Arbiter Wrote: Here's a little sampler of some of the sprites I'm working on: converting some characters from Chrono Trigger, Lufia 2, and FF8 into the style of FF6. They're all works in progress, and none of them are done yet, hence the magnification and crappy jpg compression 8]:

[Image: imgshk.png]

... I'm a lot better at starting projects than finishing them, sadly. Laugh

Where's Ayla? Too skimpy for you?(Just kidding) Yet, Celes would make a great base...I am considering starting one for her...yet I don't know where to start...

RE: All Sprites You've Worked On - Zeemis - 08-17-2012

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by not sugar coating stuff, but what I'm about to say may seem harsh. It'd rather be harsh and critical than sugarcoat something. How is one to get better without understanding if he or she is doing something correctly or not?

I'm not a sprite God. I use to sprite a long time ago, but I focus more on 3d now; however, Micki Chibi's work can't be considered sprite art. I don't want to single her out, but her work is what really stands out the most. Most of us have a general understanding of spriting, even Nattak's parents. lol, jk.
There is a distinct difference between spriting, or "pixel art" and painting or drawing a picture. I can't explain it, or find a tutorial for you that compares the two statisticall; however, compare your work to the rest of the people on here. Or compare yours to a spriting community like TSR.

I highly suggest you read through this thoroughly Micki Chibi, and I mean this in the kindest tone possible. I'm not being mean, or sarcastic.

Guys, there will be people who make great artwork, and people who just need to practice a bit more. Please give them constructive criticism. If they get hurt by it, it's because they're treating their art as their baby. Be open to C&C, I am with my work and you all should be too.
Don't be afraid to step up and point out these things.

RE: All Sprites You've Worked On - madsiur - 08-17-2012

Did I missed something ? Did a post got erased ?

Micki Chibi clearly state in her 2010 post that what she is showing is NOT spriting...

Micki Chibi Wrote:I have a few that I did that isn't you call spriting...

RE: All Sprites You've Worked On - Dr.Blank - 08-20-2012

Oh wow, I skim though this and feel like shit is about to happen.
I'll just leave this here and just say Zeemis has a good point, even if it was misdirected.

RE: All Sprites You've Worked On - SSJ Rick - 08-20-2012

good stuff man